Peacocks and Dress Robes-Malfoy's Know How to Party

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Harry fell out of the floo and would've fallen to the ground if Draco hadn't caught him.
"Thank you!" Harry said.
"Don't worry, Harry. I'll always be around to catch you!" Draco said proudly. He heard someone gagging before he turned and saw they had an audience. Mr. Malfoy plucked Harry out of Draco's arms and hugged him. "Harry, my lovely boy! I've missed you so much! Has anyone given you any more trouble? How were your exams? Don't worry one bit! Father will take care of it if you don't do well!" Harry didn't know how anyone could say the Malfoy Lord was cruel when he acted like this.
"I think I did well. Hermione insisted on having a study group so that helped a lot." Hermione had been a nightmare during exams. After turning in her last one, she had fallen to the ground in a dead faint. The Weasley twins had carried her back to the common room.
"That's wonderful, dear! I'm so glad you have such lovely friends!" Mrs. Malfoy hugged him tightly. She patted his back before saying "Cousin Sirius is staying with us until we can get his old house in order." Harry peeked around Mrs. Malfoy and saw Draco having a staring match with a thin man. His hair hung to his shoulders and he saw tattoos peak out from underneath his collar. When Sirius saw Harry looking at him, he broke eye contact with Draco. Ignoring his triumphant grin, he leaned down and said "hi pup, I hope you don't mind this old dog staying with you."
"I don't mind." He said, feeling bashful. They moved out of the floo room and Harry couldn't stop looking around. The manor was huge! There were moving pictures on the walls and the floor was marble. The whole place screamed wealth.
"Come on, Harry! I'll show you my room! I had the house elves bring in an extra bed so we can share!" He raced after Draco, his chest warm with happiness.
As they lay in bed that night, he turned and whispered "Draco, are you awake?"
"Yes." Draco whispered back.
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm so happy" Harry admitted, his voice echoing in the silent room. Draco didn't reply and Harry felt his bed dip before Draco climbed in.
"I love you too, Harry." He said. The boys fell asleep holding hands and dreaming of their future together.


Lucius stared at Sirius as he wiggled around in his chair.
"When is Harry going to get up?" He whined, sounding like the dog he was.
"When he gets up. You're the one who's been up since 5:30. A growing boy needs his rest" Lucius responded back. He poured himself some tea as Draco joined them. His son was practically skipping.
"Good morning, Father. Lord Black. Isn't it beautiful out today?" He said cheerfully.
"Tiny Malfoy, you're rather chipper this morning." Sirius said. Lucius can't believe he gave Draco an opening! Lucius loved his son more than anything but he had been hearing him sing Harry's praises since he was eight! A man could only take so much. Resigning himself to his fate, he pushed his tea away and poured himself a cup of coffee.
"How could I not be in a good mood? Harry and I slept together last night!" He announced. Lucius spat his coffee out and watched as it sprayed all over Sirius. Sirius was frozen as coffee dripped down his face. They had WHAT? Before Sirius Black murdered his son, he quickly asked Draco what he meant.
"What I said Father. Harry and I shared a bed. It was kind of like a sleepover!" Heaving a sigh of relief, he called an elf to bring Sirius a rag. He swore his hair was going to fall out one day! Sirius changed into a new shirt as a thud hit the door. It opened to reveal a bleary eyed Harry, rubbing the red spot on his forehead. Lucius realized he must have run into the door and tried not to laugh. His second son stumbled blindly towards the table and he saw that Harry wasn't wearing his glasses. Draco stood up and pulled out Harry's chair. Once seated Harry squinted at Draco and said "have you seen my glasses? I can't seem to find them." He broke into a yawn. Draco gave a laugh before he replied "they're on top of your head, Harry!" Sirius joined in on the laughter as the elves brought in breakfast. He would have to save this memory and show Narcissa. She had left early to get everything prepared for the Ball. It would take place on the 20th and then they would celebrate Yule on the 21st. He couldn't wait to dance with his darling wife. She looked beautiful everyday but nothing beat the sight of her underneath the fairy lights.
"You know Harry, when James and I were in our second year, I bought him a chain for his glasses? He wore it everyday! Lily used to say he looked like an old woman but I thought he looked rather attractive! I think I still have it, if you want it" Sirius said as he spread jam on his toast.
Harry looked at him before saying "that sounds nice. I'm always losing my glasses. Hermione says I should change my name to Velma!" He giggled. The three purebloods looked at him in confusion before joining in.

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