Proposals & Strikes-Does Bigfoot Really Exist?

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"Thank you for coming to our first meeting of the year!" Draco announced grandly. They were meeting at the Three Broomsticks so Fleur and the twins could join them.
"Our first order of business." He nodded to Herm.
"This is what we've all been waiting for! Draco and Harry are getting married after graduation!" She squealed and Ron covered his ears.
"Merlin, Herm. I think I just lost my hearing." He shouted and she hit him in the back of his head.
"Well sorry for being excited! This is half of my dreams coming true!" Ginny gulped down her butterbeer before asking "What's the other half?" Fred spoke up from beside her.
"Herm wants to take over Madame Pince's job. If she hasn't croaked by the end of the year, we'll have to feed her to Bubbles." George kissed the back of her hand.
"Anything for our sweet girl." Draco rolled his eyes at their display.
"Herm, make a note. We'll get you that job." He said. Hermione had been a wonderful friend and Vice President so the least he could do was kill the old librarian for her.
"I will be proposing to Harry this afternoon. I hired Colin to take pictures so we can show our grandchildren." Neville snorted beside him.
"Colin would do it for free. He's like in love with Harry." Ginny muttered and Draco squashed his jealousy. It didn't matter if Colin was in love with Harry, he didn't stand a chance.
"Merlin, Gin! Are you trying to get poor Creevey murdered? You know how Draco is." Ron hissed at her.
"I'm not going to murder Colin. I actually like him." He told the two Weasley's before they could start a brawl in the pub.
"How are you going to propose to Harry, Draco?" Fleur asked curiously as she fed Ron dessert.
"I'm going to go back to where it all started." They all looked confused and he refused to elaborate. They spent the rest of the meeting discussing wedding venues before Draco informed them Harry had already chosen one. It was a little unusual but he would do anything for his darling. He glanced at the time before standing up.
"Alright, wish me luck!" His friends cheered for him and he took a deep breath. He could do this.


Harry skipped down the path as he went to meet Draco. He had wanted to buy a new cloak so they were meeting at Madam Malkin's. Draco usually went to a high end tailor but he had been adamant they go to her. Maybe he was trying to support Ron since he worked there? Harry was happy to give his friend business so he didn't mind. He pushed open the door and saw Draco standing on one of the stools. He gave a giggle and hopped up beside him.
"Doesn't this remind you of how we met? I was so shy back then!" Draco gave him a soft smile before getting down. Harry went to follow him but froze when Draco knelt on one knee.
"I know I asked you back then but I will ask again. You are the star that always guides me home. I have loved you since the moment I saw you. Will you marry me, Harry Potter?" Harry stared at him before lunging forward into his arms.
"Of course I will!" He cried out and they shared a tender kiss. A flash blinded them and Harry saw Colin wiping his tears as he took some more pictures.
"That was beautiful." He sobbed and Draco handed him a handkerchief.
"Thanks again, Colin" The younger boy left, still crying as Draco slipped his engagement ring on his finger. It was a gold band with a black diamond in the shape of a triangle. It was odd but Harry loved it.
"I bought it at an estate sale. As soon as I saw it, I thought of you. I hope you like it."
"I love it!" He reassured his sweet fiance and watched as the stone caught the light.
"You know what we should do?" He said sweetly and watched as Draco laughed before kissing his cheek.
"You can have three scoops! Kreature will kill me if you have any more!" They walked towards Fortescues's. The old man gushed over his ring before giving them their ice cream.
"It's on the house for my favorite customers! May your bonding be long and full of love!" Harry ate his four scoops while staring lovingly at his beloved.


Ginny snuck out of the Slytherin common room and stopped when she saw Professor Snape on the other side. He was wearing one of Sirius's old t shirts and it was obvious what they had both been doing.
"Weasley, get back to your dorm. I won't be taking points this time." He muttered as he tried to hide to hickey's on his neck.
"Thanks, sir!" She sprinted away before he could change his mind. She crawled through the entrance and saw Herm already up reading a book.
"Ginny! Where have you been? Ron was throwing a fit about you being kidnapped and no one caring but him." Both girls rolled their eyes at his over protective nature.
"I was fooling around with Daph. You won't believe who I just saw!" She giggled and Herm set her heartthrobbing romance down.
"Professor Snape and it was obvious that he had just gotten done shagging Sirius!" Ginny cackled and Hermione gave her a curious look.
"I always figured Sirius was the one who did the shagging." She commented and both girls thought about it. Harry came down at that moment and they waved him over.
"Hey Harry, does Sirius or Professor Snape do the shagging?" Herm asked bluntly and GInny watched as his face twisted up in disgust.
"Gross! I don't know and I don't want to know." Ginny nudged Herm before turning back to him.
"How about you, Har? Have you and Draco-" She wiggled her eyebrows at him. He gave a delicate gasp before clutching his chest.
"Before marriage, Ginerva? You dirty dog!" He fell across Hermione's lap as he pretended to faint. He peeked out behind his hand and gave her a sly grin.
"Wouldn't you like to know!" She burst into laughter.
"Fine! Keep your secrets." She changed quickly before coming back down so they could walk to breakfast together.
"Where is your boytoy, Harry?"
"Probably driving his roommates mad." They entered the Great Hall and the whole Slytherin table broke out into applause.
"Good luck, Harry!" Greg said as he raised his goblet.
"You're going to need it with this one!" Vince gestured to Draco. The blonde boy ignored them as he came up to greet them.
"Hello, my love. You look lovely this morning. Kreature made your favorite breakfast." He said happily. The doors were suddenly slammed open as Sirius arrived.
"Malfoy!" He roared out before looking around wildly for him.
"You told him you were proposing, right?" Herm asked worriedly.
"Of course I did!" Draco said before pausing "I just didn't tell him when." Sirius had finally found them and was striding forward.
"You better start running, boy!" He barked out before taking his wand out. Draco looked at him before kissing Harry hard and throwing himself out the window. Thank Merlin they were on the first floor. She could see him sprinting towards the Forbidden Forest with Sirius right behind him.
"Should you do something?" She asked an amused Harry.
"Nah, they'll figure it out."


Lucius gave a sniff as he watched his boys eat dinner. He was getting soft. When Draco had told him he was proposing, Lucius had cried in the shower for an hour. His sweet sons were just so grown up!
"Hey Lucy, did you see the crater Sirius left in the Forest? I'm not cleaning it up!" Andy said next to him.
"Of course I did! Draco held his own against him though." He said, beaming with pride. His son was an excellent dueler, Cissy had made sure of it. She was currently at an underground dueling ring in Japan. He couldn't wait to add her new medals to the china cabinet.
"I bet you ten galleons, Sirius will have a meltdown at the wedding." Andy whispered, looking around to make sure Severus hadn't heard her.
"Deal! He wouldn't dare ruin the day for Harry." They shook hands as Severus joined them. He gave them a suspicious look.
"What are you two talking about?" He asked and they both answered at the same time.
"The existence of Bigfoot." Lucius discreetly high-fived her under the table. That was their answer every time someone tried to get into their business. Maybe they had a gambling problem? He ignored the voice in his head that sounded like Cissy and looked Severus over.
"Is that a hickey on your neck?" He asked gleefully. Severus had been such a wet blanket when they were in school. Lucius had always been covered in the love bites and his best friend had refused to walk with him down the halls. It might've had something to do with the rumor that they were a triad, he laughed under his breath. Minerva caught their attention and motioned them to the back room. They followed her curiously.
"If this has anything to do with the House Elf strike, I had nothing to do with it." He said quickly and she sighed at him.
"It's barely a strike. No, something terrible has happened. Albus has broken out of Nurmengard." She said and he felt his stomach drop.
"Do they have any leads?" Severus snarled out as he paced back and forth.
"They said he broke out after he saw the newspaper article." She held up the front page of the prophet that declared "The Wizarding World's Favorite Couple is Engaged!" It had a picture of Harry and Draco in a sweet embrace.
"You think he's after Harry?" Andy asked and Minerva gave her a grim look.
"Albus is known to hold a grudge. I think it's safe to say he is coming to find him so we must be prepared for anything."

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