Prefect's Bathroom & Quidditch-Cho Will Read Your Fortune For Five Galleons!

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Harry put his hair in a high ponytail. It was the last game of the season and he was going to cheer Draco on. Hermione came into his room and squealed loudly.
"Harry! You look so cute." He had Ron sew him a cheer outfit. The top was long sleeved in green with silver stripes. His pleated skirt had built in shorts so he wouldn't flash half of Hogwarts his underwear. He couldn't wait to see Draco's face. He had a bet with Tonks that his fiancé would fall off his broom.
"Do you want one? I bet Dobby could duplicate it!" She gave an embarrassed smile.
"I've always wanted to be a cheerleader." Twenty minutes later, Ginny and Tonks had decided they wanted to join too. They managed to get to the game right before it started. It was Slytherin vs Ravenclaw.
"Who has the most team spirit?" Tonks shouted and Slytherin yelled back "we do!"
"Who has to fast walk through the dungeons because it's scary at night?" She continued.
"We do!" Harry and his fellow Hufflepuffs shouted with them.
"And who has the coolest mascot?" Ron held up Snappy from the bleachers.
"We do!" All of the House shouted. Harry blew a kiss to his son and turned to look at the field as Lee Jordan announced the players. He held his pompoms up and the girls followed his example.
"Go Draco! You can do it!" Draco found him and his face went blank. He watched as both of his nostrils started bleeding and his broom tipped downwards. His beloved still hadn't taken his eyes off of him. Right before he crashed, he yanked his broom up and got back in formation.
"That doesn't count, Harry!" Tonks whispered and he glared at her. Next season he'd show up to the field in his underwear. He hated losing.
"Malfoy! Stop ogling at Harry and catch the snitch!" Flint roared from beside one of the chasers. Draco called a time out before flying down beside him.
"Harry darling, please don't wear such things. I can't focus. I look for the snitch and all I can see is you." Draco sighed and kissed his hand.
"If you win, I'll give you a kiss." Harry bargained and Draco blinked before sprinting back to his broom.
"What are you all waiting around for? We have a game to win!" He hissed to his teammates.
"Alright students! After a pep talk from our very own Boy-Who-Lived-to-Cheer, the Slytherin Seeker is back in the game! Will they win or will Ravenclaw pull through?" Harry kept cheering even as Cho Chang rammed into Draco from the side, obviously trying to knock him off his broom. She looked Draco in the eyes before turning to wave at Harry. Harry waved back at the nice girl. Luna told him she was a scam artist. Apparently she pretended she was a fortune teller and told phoney prophecies to support her gambling habit. Harry fully believed in women's rights and wrongs so he couldn't wait to have her read his fortune. He loved supporting a small business.


Draco righted himself before Chang tried to knock him off again.
"Chang, piss off!" He snarled at her. He was trying to win so he could kiss from Harry! Maybe he would still give him a kiss if they lost?
"Hey Malfoy, if we win, does that mean I get to kiss Harry?" She taunted and he saw red. Before he went absolutely insane, he caught her smirk. The little cheat was trying to upset him! Well he wouldn't fall for it.
"Sorry Chang, Harry only kisses pretty people." He flew off before she could respond. One of the beaters slammed the quaffle towards him and he had to barrel roll to avoid getting hit. If he broke his arm, Harry could be his nurse. He weighed the pros and cons before catching sight of the snitch. It was floating by the teacher's stand and he did a casual loop before diving for it. It was fluttering right before Lord Black's face when he snatched it out of the air.
"Ugh little Malfoy, I can smell your stink."
He gave him a rude hand gesture before flying down to the pitch. He ignored everyone's cheers and ran to Harry. He grabbed him around his waist before dipping him. He could dimly hear Lee Jordan commenting "Wow, look at the technique! We haven't seen such a steamy snog since Oliver Wood kissed his broom. Is Malfoy's hand reaching under the Wizarding Worlds Sweetheart's skirt? Merlin, someone call the aurors because this has to be illegal! Oh and here comes Lord Black running across the field. You better run, Malfoy. He does not look happy." He smoothed down Harry's outfit before darting away, Lord Black hot on his heels.
"You bugger, get back here! That is the last straw! Matilda is going to slowly feast on your rotting corpse!" He ran even faster. He was not letting that venus fly trap eat him, it would be disgusting.
"You're just jealous Uncle won't wear a skirt for you." He yelled over his shoulder and saw Lord Black shift into his dog form. Fucking hell, he was dead.


Neville looked around for Harry. He spotted him down the hall and yelled out "Harry!" while waving his arms like mad. Harry tackled him into a hug and said "Nev! How are you?" He couldn't help grinning at the other boy.
"I'm good! Gran sent me a letter from Greta & Gerty for Snappy. I've also started collecting Nargles with Luna. All I see is empty jars but Luna says they're there!" He took the letter out of his pocket and passed it over. It was just a bunch of footprints all over the parchment but he was sure Snappy would understand.
"How wonderful! Did you know Snappy is losing his baby teeth?" Harry held a small bag full of crocodile teeth in his hand.
"We're going to make a necklace out of it."
"That's so sweet, Harry! Did you hear the Headmaster is offering a reward for the return of the Sorting Hat?" The old man had announced that whoever returned the hat would get a hundred points and an award from the school.
"Really? That's interesting!" Harry looked rather devious and Neville decided he didn't want to know.
"Are you ready for exams? I saw Herm passed out in the corridor again. Thank Merlin, the twins follow her every step." Neville wished the three of them would get together. He was tired of being the twin's alibi when they went pranking other boys in the "honor of their sweet Gryfindor princess." He had to lie to McGonagall yesterday and said they had been brushing the stray cats around the castle! He didn't even like cats. He had a nasty run in with Mrs. Norris last year and he had avoided them since.
"Poor Herm! Maybe we should kidnap her for some relaxation?" Neville thought about it before agreeing. He was being run ragged and he could use a little me time.
"Harry, are you sure we're allowed to do this?" Harry had somehow acquired the password to the prefect's bathroom and was standing in his swim trunks. Herm was already lounging in the giant tub.
"Sure Nev! We're not doing anything bad, just a couple of second years trying to beat the exam madness!" When he put it like that, it didn't sound so bad! He slipped into the water and sighed. This was so nice.
"Hey Harry, have you and Draco shagged yet?" Neville coughed out a mouthful of water and stared at the crazy girl.
"No! We're waiting until we're older." Harry giggled out, his face red.
"Have you kissed the twins yet, Herm?" She gave them a considering look before admitting "no, I'm worried I'm not going to be good at it. My teeth are rather large and what if they get stuck on something?" Neville had never thought about that! What if he was a bad kisser? He didn't have anyone to kiss yet but he hadn't ruled out the possibility that he would one day.
"Don't worry guys! You just put your lips together and go with it! If someone says you're a bad kisser, they aren't worth kissing." Harry said wisely and Neville's anxiety disappeared. At least one of them had experience.


Ginny walked around the dungeons, keeping the Slytherin boy in sight. She snuck around the corner and saw him walk faster. She would not allow him to get away from her. She tackled him around his knees and heard a satisfying crack as his legs buckled.
"Merlin saggy pants Ginny, what are you doing?" Marcus Flint asked as she stuck her wand in his face, her knee on his chest.
"Percy told me you got him flowers for Valentine's Day." She began and he looked confused as he said "yes? He made me swear not to get him anything else." She scowled before saying "and you listened to him? Are you an idiot?" He looked flabbergasted as he looked around, as if someone would come save him.
"I don't understand? Is he upset with me?" She gave a snort.
"Of course not but I am! Percy may be a ponce but he's my ponce! You should have gotten him a necklace or balloons! He deserves to be drowning in gifts from you!" She ordered before standing up.
"You better start putting more effort in or I'm going to haunt you." She didn't elaborate and he didn't ask as he quickly agreed. Harry had said she could borrow his cloak so she was planning on following him around and tripping him or making his stuff disappear so he would have a small meltdown. Just enough to get her point across. Ginny loved her family dearly and she only wanted the best for them. Skipping she didn't notice someone watching her until she felt a hand wrap around her wrist.
"Hello Weasley, what are you doing lurking in Slytherin territory?" Daphne Greengrass asked, her hair tied up with a bow. Ginny made her eyes wide before saying "I got lost, Greengrass. Could you help me find my way out?" She gave a sniff and peeked at the older girl's expression. She gave her an amused look and said "I'm sure. Were you lost when you were threatening Flint?" She glared at her before yanking her hand away.
"Oh piss off. I was just giving him some friendly advice." Greengrass laughed and it sounded like wind chimes, light and pretty.
"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Weasley. I was impressed by your nerve." She gave her a lazy smile and said "maybe you can write to me this summer? I love talking to pretty girls" before strutting off. Ginny watched her go before making her way back to the Gryffindor common room. Maybe she would write to her! She did like being called pretty.

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