Misunderstandings & the Weasley Twins-Narcissa Is In It To Win It

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It was the day before they had to go back to Hogwarts. Mrs. Malfoy had entered a dueling tournament and they were going to support her. Harry was so excited. The Dursley's had never taken him anywhere besides that awful zoo trip. Harry had been locked in his cupboard for weeks afterwards. They were just waiting for Mr. Snape to arrive and then they would go meet her! The floo flashed and Mr. Snape stepped out. Harry shared a look with Draco and nodded. He saw Sirius standing behind Mr. Malfoy, almost like he was hiding.
"Sirius, aren't you doing going to say hello to Mr. Snape?" Harry asked his godfather. Sirius peeked around Mr. Malfoy before saying a quick hello. Harry was confused as to why Sirius was acting shy. They had already kissed! Harry really hoped Sirius wasn't pregnant. He would have to check with him later.
"Alright boys, are you ready to see Cissy take names and kick arse?" Sirius asked.
"Black, don't say that to the children!" Mr. Snape admonished. They were still bickering as they touched the portkey. Harry found out he disliked almost every way a wizard could travel and a portkey was no exception. He was grateful Draco caught him every time or his hands would be permanently bruised from falling!
"Are you alright, Harry?" Draco asked him, still holding him by his shoulders.
"Yes! Thank you for catching me!" He reached for his hand and they followed the adults into a warehouse.
"This looks charming" Mr. Snape said. Harry thought it looked abandoned but wasn't going to voice that thought. As they walked in there was a giant stadium. In the middle was a pit filled with sand. People were yelling and waving their hands at the people dueling in the pit.
"Father, are you sure this is safe?" Draco questioned as he pulled Harry closer. Harry made sure to be aware of their surroundings. He would defend Draco against any opponent.
"Of course! I would never take you boys anywhere dangerous." They took their seats and Harry was mesmerized. Dueling was so cool! The duels went by quickly and soon the announcer was calling out Mrs. Malfoy's name. She had her hair in two braids and she was wearing trousers. Harry had never seen Mrs. Malfoy in anything other than dresses and she looked dangerous. Mr. Malfoy was waving frantically at her and she blew him a kiss. They called her opponent and it was a huge man. His head was shaved and he didn't have any shoes on. Harry watched worriedly as they began the match. Mrs. Malfoy struck like lightning. Her spells were flying so fast it was just a blur of different colors. Out of nowhere the man slid his feet across the sand and it shifted forming miniature sand storms. Harry let out a gasp! How was he doing that without his wand?
"He's using elemental magic. He channels the natural magic in the air and bends it to his will." Mr. Snape answered his silent question. He watched Mrs. Malfoy get sucked into one of the sand tornadoes. It spit her out the top and she flipped forward. The man threw a shield up but she slammed her wand into it making it shatter. She managed to land on top of him and shove her wand in his neck. The announcer called out "Lady Malfoy wins!" and Harry watched her shake her opponent's hand. The duel had lasted twenty minutes and Harry was in love. He didn't know what it was but seeing it had set a flame burning in his chest. He wanted to learn how to duel!


Draco couldn't help but stare at Harry. Well he was always staring at Harry but this was different. He had never seen him so enchanted by anything before. He had been on the edge of his seat the whole time Mother was dueling. Draco was always impressed when he saw his Mother fight. She was terrifying. He knew once he turned thirteen, his Mother would start teaching him the family secrets. Most people thought his Father would be the one he would take his apprenticeship under since he was the Heir but he always knew he would follow in his Mother's footsteps. He would learn the Black family secrets and then teach it to his children. Not everyone decided on an apprenticeship. It was usually seen as old fashioned. He had heard from Ron that his eldest brother had a contract with Gringotts. It was rather impressive because most goblin-ran banks didn't employ wizards so Bill must have shown the goblins something they decided was rare enough to offer the deal. He looked at Harry and wondered if he would take an apprenticeship. He hoped not. He would never stop him, of course but an apprenticeship could last anywhere from months to years. He didn't know how he would survive not seeing Harry for years. He was fortunate that his Mother would be his teacher because she would teach him during breaks. Thankfully he still had time before they might be separated.
"Mother you did wonderful!" He enthusiastically shouted. Harry quickly agreed, still looking awestruck.
"Thank you, boys! I'm so glad you could come and watch!" She was grinning before Father picked her up.
"Darling, that was worth my kitchen getting ruined! You always take my breath away when you duel!" His Mother frowned at him before saying "only when I duel? I thought it was all the time." His Father quickly backtracked and he watched Harry shift slightly to the side and stick his foot out. He was about to say something when Lord Black tripped over it and his uncle caught him. How sneaky of his beloved. Uncle and Lord Black stared at each other for a minute before springing apart. It seemed Harry was scheming something. How Slytherin of him! He would have to inform the club so they could help him. After all, the club's main focus was to make everything in Harry's life easier. Whatever Harry wanted, the club would help him fulfill it.
"Alright boys, we're going to get dinner and then ice cream!" Lord Black said, a smile lighting up his face. He noticed his godfather looking a little longer than necessary. He knew it! They were canoodling!

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