Vultures & Candy-Harry Is Already Threatening People

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Draco dodged to the side as Sirius flung a bone crushing curse at him.
"Oi! That almost hit my leg." The older man laughed and said "Good thing you have another one!" Draco concentrated on the duel to take his mind off of Harry. His darling boyfriend had spent the summer in France with the Delacour's. Their two families had only gotten closer over the years. Fleur had an internship with the goblins so she could see Ron on the weekends. Harry's last letter had gushed about the dragons the goblins kept deep underground. A leg binding jinx hit him straight in the chest and he collapsed to the ground.
"Focus, Draco." Sirius said firmly before releasing the spell. Daco stayed where he was as he stared up at the ceiling.
"Ugh, I miss Harry." He whined and Sirius flopped down beside him.
"I miss him too, kid. At least he'll be home soon." They would be starting their seventh year in a week and Draco couldn't believe how quickly their school years had gone by. Tonks and Diggory had moved in together as soon as they graduated Hogwarts. Tonks was working on becoming an Auror while Diggory owned the joke shop with the twins. They had started selling joke supplies under the table their sixth year, much to Herm's frustration. Diggory had helped fund their experiments and the rest was history. Draco still thought pretty boy Diggory had a thing for Harry but he usually left the Hufflepuff boy alone. The most surprising thing was Marcy. Percy Weasley married Marcus Flint during their graduation ceremony. Headmistress McGonagall had to stop her speech because everyone had been so focused on their vows. Molly Weasley had fainted as her son slipped a ring on Flint's finger. It has been hilarious. Stomping caught his attention as Snappy toddled into the dueling chamber. His son was now twenty feet long. Harry had been devastated when he could no longer carry him around. Snappy hissed at him before cuddling up to his side.
"Mummy will be back soon." He reassured him before sighing. He couldn't remember the last time they had been apart for so long. The door was thrown open and his Father came running in.
"What are you doing? Get up! Harry's coming home early!" He shouted before leaving. They could hear him yelling down the hall at Severus. Draco's heart was racing as he jumped up.
"He didn't say anything in his last letter!" He quickly showered before racing down the stairs to join everyone in front of the floo.
"Oh, I can't wait to have Harry home! He was bragging about a growth spurt so we'll have to go shopping!" His Mother squealed as she straightened her hair before calling out "Ministry of Magic!" He shoved his Father out of the way before following her. He stalked out of the floo and made a beeline for the elevators. He was suddenly thrown off his feet as Sirius ran by in his dog form with his Father holding tightly to his fur. Draco was quick to chase after them. He turned the ground into ice and gave them a smug smile as they flew into the fountain. He was suddenly hanging upside down by his ankle. His Father was dripping wet as he slid by
with Sirius right behind him. Draco narrowed his eyes. He had to be the first one to greet Harry!
"Now would someone like to explain what in Merlin's name is going on?" Alastor Moody's magical eye was twirling in his socket and Draco couldn't stop staring at it. Tonks was grinning at them from his side.
"Sirius and Father started it! My fiancé is coming home from France today and I came to greet him but they started throwing spells at me!" He declared and Sirius reached over to twist his ear.
"Shut it, brat! You're the one who started it." As they broke into an argument, he saw his Father try to slowly inch away.
"Sit down, Lord Malfoy." Moody snapped and his Father plopped down in his seat with a scowl.
"Moody, my sweet son is coming home! I have to go greet him! I can't imagine how heartbroken he will be if we're not there to pick him up." Draco gave Tonks a pleading look.
"Well maybe you should have thought about that before you started throwing spells in the Ministry! You knocked over the statue in the fountain-" "I thought it was an improvement" Sirius muttered under his breath. "-injured fifteen people and spelled the hair off the Minister's head!" They stared at Moody before Draco asked "So can we just pay the fine and leave? Harry is going to be here any moment!" Sirius already had his checkbook out. Draco nodded his head approvingly as he handed Moody a blank check.
"That should cover the damage!" They waited for Moody to release them.
"Oh for Merlin's sake, get out of here. Tonks, please escort these idiots to the transportation department." Draco quickly hopped up and followed his Cousin out of the holding cell. As soon as they were out of ear shot, she howled with laughter.
"Cedric won't believe this! When I saw the Minister's bald head, I thought I was going to pee my pants." She cackled loudly. Draco nudged her along and they were finally at the pickup area. He saw his Mother and Uncle waiting patiently and joined them.
"Well look who it is, Severus! Our criminals finally joined us." She joked and he gave them a nasty look.
"You three will be cleaning cauldrons when we get home. I can't believe the scene you caused." He hissed at them and Draco watched Sirius give him a devastated look.
"Babe! I hate cleaning cauldrons!" He cried out and Severus glared at him.
"Actions have consequences!" He caught a glimpse of black hair and grabbed onto his Father as Harry came into view. His sweet husband did have a growth spurt. His hair was in two buns on top of his head and he was wearing one of Draco's old shirts. His face was all angles and his eyes stood out like two shining jewels. Draco was used to his nose bleeds, so he ignored them as he watched Harry's eyes light up once he saw them.
"Draco!" He shouted and they both broke into a run at the same time. As he held Harry tightly, he whispered "welcome home, my heart."

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