Stress Balls & Dueling Club-Lockhart Is Having a Terrible Day

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Harry gave a lazy smile as he signed another autograph. He was lucky the whole school hated Lockhart. It was the only reason he could pull this stunt off. Everyone was wearing the pins his fiancé had made. Some students had even started drawing lighting bolts in ink on their forehead. Tonks had started the trend and she had laughed so hard she had to be escorted to the hospital wing after she saw the first student copy her.
"Hi Harry! Good luck today!" Ginny Weasley said as she passed by him, her eyelashes fluttering at him. He gave her a wave and hurried on. Draco still got in a tiff when she was around.
"Hi Harry!" The twins were waiting for him. Perfect.
"Hi guys! Thanks for helping me with this!" Fred gave him a wide smile and said "we're happy to help our sweet Harrykins!" They hoisted him on their shoulders and started shouting.
"Watch out! The Chosen One is coming through." Some students started bowing to him as others threw galleons. They escorted him to the Defense classroom and dropped him off. Lockhart watched it all from his desk. He sat down next to Susan Bones.
"Harry, you are absolutely brilliant. I think he's gonna crack any day!" Susan whispered to him. Harry just smiled and said "wait until tomorrow." All the Huffelpuff students whispered between themselves as Lockhart tried to teach about pixies. The man eventually just gave up and started offering signed pictures to the students. He watched as one of the Ravenclaw's used it to spit out their gum. The man looked horrified as she continued to crumple up the picture. Harry almost felt bad until he remembered Lockhart was trying to seduce Mr. Severus. He brought it on himself.


Hermione watched Harry as he adjusted his headband. They were walking to the first dueling class together and she was grateful Draco was going to be there. He seemed to have something planned but she didn't know what.
"Hermione, I can hear you thinking." Harry joked as he linked their arms together.
"I'm just curious as to what's going to happen." She said, looking at him. Harry just winked at her and pulled her along. The dueling club was going to be taught by Professor Snape and Lockhart. It was open to all ages and she was sure most people showed up just to see what Harry would do. She had even seen Professor McGonagall wearing one of their pins and that woman didn't even like Harry! As they walked through the door, she saw Lockhart touch Professor Snape's arm and held Harry back. Merlin, you would think the man would get a hint! Professor Snape was casting cleaning charms as he stalked away from the other man.
"Alright everyone! Thank you for coming to our little club!" Lockhart announced, his perfect white teeth gleaming.
"Severus and I will show a little example then we'll bring up some volunteers." She watched as they took the proper steps and turned to face each other. Professor Snape struck as fast as a snake, his wand slicing through the air. Lockhart flew backwards and slammed into the wall. All of the students cheered as Professor Snape gave a wave.
"Oh! You got me good, Severus. Perhaps later you can help tend to my bruises." He flirted and she handed Harry the stress ball she kept in her pocket. Her parents thought she had "anger issues" and had bought her one at the beginning of the year. She had already gone through four of them. Harry angrily started squeezing it as Professor Snape glared at the blonde man.
"Alright! We'll need some volunteers! Severus can pick first!" Professor Snape didn't hesitate to pick Draco and Lockhart got a sly look on his face as he said "Wonderful! I'll pick Harry. Harry my boy, come up here!" Harry stomped up to the platform and she could see how anxious Draco was. Professor Snape looked like he was going to murder the blonde idiot.
"Now if everyone's ready, let's begin!"


Severus watched as the boys waited for Lockhart to stop rambling on. The man was the worst Defense teacher they ever had. He couldn't tell a jinx from a curse! The students hated him and his coworkers did as well. He didn't know what Dumbledore was thinking when he hired the man. A horse could do a better job. He narrowed his eyes on Harry as the boy started whispering to Draco. He didn't know what the children were up to but he was concerned. He had talked to Sirius about it the day before and he was just as flabbergasted by Harry's behavior. His sweet boy had never mentioned the Dark Lord before and now he had the whole student body at his feet. He knew Dumbledore was watching him and it made Severus nervous. He didn't want the old man getting any ideas. The boys got in their positions and Draco yelled out "Levicorpus!" Harry was turned upside down and hung by his ankle. Severus had a flashback of Potter Sr doing the same thing to him his fifth year and had to hold himself back from saying the counter curse. Harry spun slowly around and shouted out "Confingo!" Draco rolled out of the way of the blasting curse and everyone held their breath. The boys seemed to be dueling for real! Were they fighting? Draco gave Harry a sneer and said "is that all you got Potter?" One student burst into tears and yelled "No! Our ship is sinking!" Harry managed to fall to the ground and stood up.
"How about this Malfoy! Rictusempra!" Draco got hit in the chest and started laughing uncontrollably.
"Finite!" Draco snarled out and his wand sliced through the air. They continued to shoot spells back and forth before Harry tripped forward, his arms shooting out to catch himself. He heard a scream and looked over.
Lockhart was covering his head, his golden hair at his feet. It seemed when Harry had tripped, someone had cursed the idiot. His bald head gleamed brightly as he ran out of the room.
"I forfeit the duel! I simply cannot fight with my beloved anymore!" Draco threw his wand down dramatically. He scooped Harry up in his arms and held him close.
"I forfeit too! Please forgive me, my heart. I got caught up in dueling." Harry's eyes glistened with tears and the students cheered.
"Drarry is sailing! I repeat, Drarry is sailing!"
Severus was one hundred percent sure his Hufflepuff son had cursed Lockhart.


Andromeda cackled as Dora recounted what happened at the dueling club. She had bought one of those fancy little buttons the children had made and wore it proudly. Her little nephew was turning out to be quite the Slytherin! She knew exactly what he was doing and she approved! She didn't know what his motives were but she would help him in any way possible.
"And then Harry started crying!" She couldn't wait to see Lucius's face when he found out what the children had been up to.
"How are you and Cedric, darling?" She was surprised her daughter had figured out the Hufflepuff boy liked her. She could be rather dense at times. She got that from her father, Andy thought fondly. Her sweet husband floo'd her every night to come sleep with her so she wouldn't get cold in the dungeons.
"We're doing great! We're planning on going to Hogsmead together this weekend." She cooed at the look on Dora's face, her matching brown eyes sparkling. Her door was thrown open to reveal the boy in question.
"Mrs. Tonks! Harry got called to the Headmaster's office!" She scowled at the information. The Headmaster knew that any punishments the students received, she had to be present! She was the student's representative, after all. She brushed the crumbs off her dress.
"Thank you dear. Please enjoy the rest of the cookies as I go figure out just what that old geezer is up to!" She marched towards Dumbledore's office.
"Chocolate Frog!" She hissed at the gargoyles and they sprung open. She heard shouting and quickly opened the door. Lockhart had Harry by his collar and was screaming in his face, his eyes were wild. She leapt forward and punched him causing him to tumble to the ground.
"Mrs. Tonks!" Dumbledore gasped out. She placed herself firmly in front of Harry and put her hands on her hips.
"What is going on here?"

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