Cupboards & Puke-Amelia Can't Wait to Feed These Muggles to the Dementors

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Severus sneered at the prone form of Petunia Evans. He couldn't believe how she had talked about Harry. The boy was sweet as can be. He had no clue how he had turned out so well with her as an example. Thank Merlin he would never set foot in this house again. Severus considered burning it down.
"Oh Merlin!" Sirius rushed past him and started puking in the kitchen. Severus retraced his steps and ended in the front hall. Madame Bones had the cleaning cupboard open and was taking notes. Lucius looked horrified at her side. He stepped closer and felt his heart stop. On the inside of the door was a taped up paper that read "Harry's room." A small cot was shoved inside with a threadbare blanket on it. There were more drawings of a younger Harry with spiders around him. He had drawn arrows pointing towards them that read "my friends!" Severus continued to look at the tiny room and saw marks on the walls. It seemed Harry's accident magic was strong as a child. It was a mix of scratches and claw marks. Lucius took his wand out and flicked it around the cupboard.
"374. That was how many times Harry lost control of his magic in this place." He spat the word out.
"They locked a magical child in a broom closet and and and" he had never seen Lucius stutter before but the man couldn't get his words out. Madame Bones flicked her wand and said "no one will be able to get in here without my say so. I don't want anyone messing up the evidence. Now, I am going to look around outside. I will be gone for ten minutes. I will have no knowledge on what will happen inside while I'm gone." She straightened her monocle and wandered out the front door. She had stunned Harry's cousin so he wouldn't get in the way of the investigation so it was just the three wizards and the Aunt. Lucius gave a feral smile and strode towards the sitting room to get some answers, Severus trailing behind him. He took off the silencing charm and said "let's have a little chat, hmm?"
She glared at them and spit at his feet.
"Go to hell!" Lucius just grinned and said "oh I won't but you will. I'm betting you won't last two days in Azkaban." Petunia gasped and said "what? Why would I go to that place?" Sirius wiped his mouth as he came into the room.
"Because you abused my godson, you bitch. Harry is Heir to two Noble Houses. The pureblood families are going to eat you alive. You might have gotten some sympathy from the public, being a muggle and all. Except Harry is also the Boy-Who-Lived. He's basically treated like a messiah to most of the Wizarding World and you treated him worse than a dog. I wouldn't be surprised if you had a little accident on your way to Azkaban. Magicals can't stand child abuse." His eyes were burning as he looked at her.
"Now I don't know if you know this but Lucius and Severus used to be the left and right hand to the Dark Lord. I'm sure they can think of a proper gift for you before we leave." They silenced the woman before she could start screaming and got to work. They only had ten minutes, after all.


Draco was satisfied when he saw Vane spit out one of her teeth. He was glad he kept his brass knuckles on his person.
"Now would someone like to explain what happened?" Aunt Andy asked as the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall looked at them. Neville raised his hand and she said "yes Mr. Longbottom?"
"Those girls were spreading malicious rumors about Harry and Draco! Vane acted like she was going to attack Harry so Ginny was defending them. Draco was just trying to get them to apologize when she accused him of not loving Harry! I mean even a blind person could see Draco is head over heels for Harry!" Longbottom had joined the fight and Draco was impressed with his initiative. He had thrown a girl at another girl. Ginny pinched her bleeding nose and continued "yeah! All because that slag Vane thinks Harry's an object!"
"Five points from Gryffindor for language, Weasley." McGonagall said, her scowl fierce.
"So you children brawled in the corridor over Harry Potter?" McGonagall asked, rubbing her temples. They all started shouting at once and Draco was about to rip another chunk of hair out of Vane's head when Professor Dumbledore used his wand to make a bang loud enough to shake the windows.
"That is enough! You will all have twenty points removed each and detention for a month. We do not handle problems with our fists but with our words." Draco rolled his eyes at the old man's saying. He probably would have sent him to Azkaban if Aunt Andy wasn't there.
"We will also be writing to your parents about your behavior." Before he could continue, the door was swung open to reveal Harry. His hair was sticking up and his glasses were askew. He was also dripping sweat.
"Darling! What are you doing here?" Harry zeroed in on him and stumbled forward.
"I heard there was a fight and you didn't come back! Are you okay? What happened?" Draco pulled him into his lap and started dabbing his face.
"It's fine, my heart. Just a little spat. You should have stayed in bed. You look like you're about to pass out." Harry just laid his head on his shoulder and muttered "I was worried about you." His husband really was the sweetest.
"Hi Harry! My name is Romilda Vane! I hope you get better." The girl grinned at him and her missing teeth stood out. Harry squinted at her before saying "Gross" and throwing up at her feet. Draco quickly held his hair back as he shot the shocked girl a smug smile.
"May I take Harry back to the infirmary?" Professor McGonagall grimaced and spelled away his puke.
"You all should go and get yourselves cleaned up." He squatted down and Harry climbed on his back.
"Let's go. I don't want Harry catching a chill." Neville and Ginny followed him and they didn't look back.

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