Snowmen & Promise Rings-Harry Finally Gets His Revenge

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Draco woke up early and immediately looked over at Harry. He was still sleeping. Even though it was Yule, he could wait for Harry. He would wait for Harry forever, if he had too. Ten minutes later their door swung open and a large black dog came barreling in. He froze when he saw Draco awake and they stared at each other. He mouthed "don't you dare" and the dog looked at him before lunging forward and jumping on the bed. Harry woke up with a start, sitting up quickly. His hair was sticking up at odd angles and he had drool on his chin. Draco thought he was so cute!
"Sirius! What are you doing?" Harry squinted at him.
"I told him not to, Harry!" Draco said and gave Lord Black a smug smile.
"It's Yule, pup! You have to get up for presents!" Lord Black changed back to his human form.
"Presents?" Harry asked as he rubbed his eyes. He looked at them before shouting "presents! What are we all still doing in bed? Let's go!" Lord Black gave him a self satisfied smirk before following Harry out the door. Draco flopped back down and thought "I should've just let Dobby smother him when I had the chance."


Harry had a mountain of presents. The Malfoy's, Sirius and Mr. Snape all gathered around the tree to open them. Harry could barely contain himself! He never had presents to open! His Aunt had always made Harry watch Dudley open his presents before sending him to his cupboard so they could enjoy their meal without him. Shaking off his depressing thoughts, he realized everyone was looking at him.
"Alright, Harry! You first!" Draco said, his grin wide.
"Are you sure? I don't mind waiting."
"Don't be ridiculous, Harry! It's our first Yule together! You have to go first." Draco urged.
Harry slowly started opening presents, savoring the feeling. No wonder Dudley wanted so many! This was so much fun. Unbeknownst to Harry, he was supposed to be ripping the wrapping paper off, not gently opening it before folding it in a neat pile. After opening all of the gifts from everyone, he looked at everything. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy had gotten him more clothes and tickets to a professional Quidditch match! Mr. Snape had given him leather gloves with a matching cloak. They were a soft yellow color making him beam with House pride. Sirius had given him an IOU. He said this summer they could go to the beach! He didn't notice Draco glaring at his godfather. Sirius had given him a hand mirror too! Apparently he had the twin so if he ever needed him, he could use the mirror to contact him. It was so cool. Draco had gotten him a photo album. The first half had pictures of his and Draco's parents. He had written to everyone he could think of to get pictures of the Potters and made copies of the ones he had of his parents. The second half of the photo album was pictures of Harry and Draco with their school friends. He had asked one of the Malfoy elves to discreetly take pictures all year for the album.This way Harry could look at them when he was upset and Draco wasn't there. Harry felt his eyes water as he tackled the other boy in a hug. This was the best Yule ever!


Severus watched Harry hug his godson. Harry handed out his gifts before he said "I'm not taking any gifts back! If you don't like them, you still have to keep them." Everyone hurried to tell the brat that there was no way they wouldn't like his gifts.
"Okay Harry! Who should go first?" Black asked him. Harry shrugged and said "it doesn't matter as long as Draco goes last." His godson made heart eyes at Harry before agreeing.
"Alright, I'll go first!" Cissy declared. She opened her gift to reveal a silver locket. Inside was a picture of Harry and Draco.
"Oh Harry, I love it!" She said as she hugged the boy.
"Me next!" Lucius whined. He tore the package apart to reveal a clock. It had all their names written on it.
"Ron told me his mum had a clock to show where everyone in the family was. I thought you might like one too" Harry said shyly. Lucius started tearing up, the big baby. He looked at Black before saying "I suppose I'll go next." He opened the box to show a familiar journal.
"I found it in my family vault." Harry was saying but Severus could barely hear him. This was Lily's potion journal. She had a knack for figuring out how to tweak a potion so it was more potent and she had kept all her notes for her experiments in this journal.
"Thank you, Harry. This is the best gift I've ever gotten" he said truthfully. Harry gave him a big smile before looking at Black.
"I guess I'm next!" He said with a laugh.
"Harry, I can't take this." Black said with a pained expression as he stared at his present.
"He would want you to have it and yours got broken when you went to Azkaban." Harry said softly. Black reached down and picked up a wand. Not just any wand, Potter's wand. He heard Cissy give a gasp.
"How did you get that, Harry?" Lucius questioned "It should've been in your family vault and you can't enter it until you come of age" Harry shuffled his feet before saying "According to old Wizarding Law, if you are the last living person of a family line, you don't have to wait until you're of age. Griphook helped me find the loophole" Severus was impressed with Harry for working with the goblins. Most people didn't give them the time of day, which was ridiculous because the goblins handled all of their money.
"My turn, Harry?" Draco asked hopefully.
"Yes! It's actually two presents." He handed Draco a box and watched as he opened it. Inside lay a ring on a chain.
"It is my dad's wedding band." Harry pulled out its pair from underneath his sweater. "I thought we could wear them as promise rings" His face was bright red as he stared at his godson. Severus tried not to gag and managed to refrain. Merlin, he didn't know how he was going to survive the next six years. Maybe he could retire early. The boys were in a pile on the ground from Draco throwing himself at Harry and they helped each other up as Draco proudly put the chain around his neck.
"Oh and this is the other one!" Severus noticed Harry had a pleased look on his face before he gave Draco an envelope.
"Harry, what is this?" Draco whispered, his face pale.
"I declared a blood feud with the McLaggen and Carmichael families." He commented nonchalantly.
The whole room went silent.
"You what?" Draco yelled.
"I declared a blood feud? That's why I was talking to Griphook in the first place. Dumbledore refused to punish them for their actions. Actions have consequences. So I decided to show them the consequences of their actions." Harry replied. It was probably the most he ever heard the boy say at one time.
"But Harry, it's dangerous to go around declaring feuds with other families." Black spoke up.
"Oh the feud is over." Harry pronounced.
"What? Harry, I'm confused!" Draco said, his voice showing his frustration. They were all confused. Harry reached over and took Draco's hand as he explained "I declared a blood feud and demanded satisfaction. Did you know the Potter family had branched into buying business's back in the day? I didn't until Griphook told me. It's how we got most of our wealth. One of the businesses we bought was the broom shop in Diagon Aleey and any others associated with it. Guess who runs the broom shop? Ernie Carmichael's family. So I threatened to close their business unless they had their son write an apology letter." Everyone was staring at Harry shocked.
"And McLaggen?"
Harry's face split into a grin as he slyly said "did you know McLaggen's grandfather bankrupted the family five years ago? So with Griphook's help, I bought all of the loans they had with Gringotts and demanded it be paid back in full unless they could also give me an apology letter. Between that and the blood feud, both families were destroyed. So once I received the letters and the family had groveled enough, I declared the blood feud resolved. It wasn't really about the feud anyways. It was to send a message." Everyone understood what he was saying. He would do anything for Draco and he proved it.


Draco could not believe Harry had done all that for him! He fanned his face with the apology letters. He couldn't remember the last time he had been so flustered.
"Are you mad?" Harry asked him.
"How could I be? You did all of that for my sake! It's-"
"It's what?" He questioned, eyes still worried.
"It's so romantic! Does the club know? They won't believe it! I'm going to have to call an emergency meeting!" He prattled on, unaware of his Mother's laughter or his Uncle's sigh.
"Alright boys, take your presents to your room and then we can eat cake,"Father declared "I made it last night!" They picked up all of their gifts and ran them to their room. When they got back, Lord Black was holding an oddly shaped gift.
"Did we miss one?" He asked looking around for someone to claim it.
"No, it's addressed to Harry." Lord Black said.
"Dobby! There's a strange package for Harry underneath the tree! Quick! Check it for spells or enchantments!" Dobby worked his magic and said "I don't find anything, little master!" He dismissed him and looked at Harry. "What do you want to do, darling?" Harry looked at the gift with narrowed eyes "I'll open it." He opened it and a blanket fell out. Picking it up, Draco watched as Harry's lower body disappeared.
"Drop that, Harry!" Sirius cried out. Harry quickly let go of the fabric and Sirius nudged it away from him. "This was James' old invisibility cloak. It should've been in the family vault." Sirius continued giving it a suspicious look. Draco saw a piece of paper on the ground and read it out.
"Let me see that." Uncle Severus looked over the letter before scowling. "This is Dumbledore's handwriting. Why would he have the Potter's cloak?"
"I knew it!" Sirius burst out "I've had a nasty feeling in my gut since my trial. I don't know what Dumbledore is playing at but we're getting that cloak checked by the goblins!"
"Why wouldn't he just give it to me while I was at school?" Harry asked.
"Because that man always has an agenda. I have no idea how he convinced the hat to put him in Gryffindor" his Father was saying. Draco knew the Headmaster was fishy and now he was a thief? Draco would have Dobby keep an eye on him. He didn't like how interested he was in his soon-to-be husband.


Tonks couldn't believe how cute the peacocks were. No wonder her cousin wanted them in his wedding! Her mum and aunt Cissy were attempting to bake in the kitchen with uncle Luc hovering nervously by. She felt bad for the man. She knew the kitchen was his domain and the last time her mum was in their kitchen, she had somehow melted the countertops. Harry ran over to her, his new cloak flapping in the wind. It had snowed the night before so they were each trying to make a snowman.
"Does he look even, Tonks?" Harry's snowman was crooked but she'd never tell him that.
" Definitely, Harry! It looks great." Harry beamed at her and started putting the eyes on. Tonks couldn't believe how much Harry had smiled today. He was more reserved at Hogwarts, only smiling around his friends. It probably didn't help that students were still staring at him. Cousin Draco had told her about Harry's presents and her mum had gushed that his "Black was showing through" whatever that meant. Tonks was impressed with Harry's nerve! She was curious how the school would react, especially because they were so adamant about not punishing the boys. A snowball hit her in the face before she could think about it more. Uncle Sirius was standing in front of her with a large grin, "my goodness Nymphadora, you seem to have snow down your face!" She grabbed a snowball and hit him back, "Don't call me Nymphadora!" They soon split into teams. She had Harry and Draco reluctantly paired with Uncle. Harry had pretty good aim as they threw them back and forth. She had uncle Sirius in a headlock and was shoveling snow down his shirt when she saw Harry standing in the open.
"You won't hit me, will you Draco?" Harry questioned, his hands behind his back.
"Of course not, my love. I would nev-" she watched as Harry threw the snowball he had been hiding behind his back at her cousin. She couldn't help but laugh at his face. Uncle Sirius squeezed out of her hold and she found herself face down in the snow.
"Children! Come inside before you get sick!" Uncle Luc called out. They all went inside but stopped when they saw him.
"Not a single word!" Her Uncle hissed out. She made the mistake of locking eyes with uncle Sirius and they both started laughing.
Uncle Lucius glared at them, both of his eyebrows missing.

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