Sirius & Black Family Drama-Narcissa vs Andromeda

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Nymphadora Tonks had always been close with her mum. Growing up she had always struggled with her talent. Being one of the few magicals with a metamorphmagus ability, it had taken her a while to stay in one form. Her mum had always encouraged her to change into whatever felt right in the moment and she was very grateful. So when Harry had introduced her to her little cousin Draco, she was ecstatic! Her mum didn't like talking about her Black side of the family. From the bits and pieces she could gather, it seemed Draco's mum had never forgiven her mum for leaving and her mum couldn't forgive Draco's mum for not defending her when the family disowned her. Tonks was getting a headache just thinking about it. So when she heard about the Incident, she immediately wrote to her mum. The reply she got back was her mum asking to meet with her during her next Hogsmead weekend.
So that's how she found herself at the Hog's Head watching old Aberforth scrub the counter.
"There you are, Dora!" Her mum said as she came through the door. Her mum was a classy lady with pretty long brown hair and dark eyes. Tonks felt her form shift until she was a carbon copy of her mum.
"Hiya mum!" She reached forward and hugged her tightly. She loved Hogwarts but she always missed her mum's hugs. "How's da?" She had gotten her clumsiness from her Da. They were both always tripping around the house and her mum would be there to heal them.
"He fell out of bed and broke one of his toes but besides that, he's fine." Her mum said, her voice full of exasperation. Tonks winced. She had done that plenty of times and broken toes were the worst. They grabbed a table and sat down.
"So why'd you want to meet, mum?" Tonks had been antsy all week. She hoped her mum hadn't heard about the Troll she got on her last History paper.
"I want you to stop hanging around the Potter boy."
"Wait, Harry?" Tonks couldn't help her tone. Harry was the sweetest boy she ever met. He was like the little brother she never had! "But why?"
"I don't like the people he hangs around with." She said with distaste.
"You mean you don't like cousin Draco!" Tonks said accusingly. "Just because you and Aunt Narcissa don't get along doesn't mean Draco and I have to hate each other!"
"I will not budge on this, Nymphadora!" Her mum's voice had gotten sharp in a way she never heard before.
"Neither will I!"


Draco was in the library when Cousin Tonks found him. Her hair was a mousy brown color and she seemed to have shrunk a couple of inches.
"Are you alright, Cousin?" Like most Hufflepuffs, she was a bundle of joy. He had never seen her so down before.
"Me and my mum got in a fight." She said, her voice wavering.
"What? Why?" He knew that Cousin Tonks and her Mother had a wonderful relationship.
"She said she didn't want me hanging out with you and Harry anymore." Draco was floored. Aunt Andromeda didn't like them? He knew his Mother and Aunt had their differences but he didn't think it would come this far.
"Well that won't do."
"But what can we do about it?" Tonks said.
"We're going to have to force them to make up! This is what we're going to do" he said. They put their heads together and started plotting. Harry had come to ask Draco if he wanted to play exploding snap and saw the two Black cousins conspiring together before turning right back around. He was not getting involved.


"I can't believe she won't answer my letters! I'm this close to marching down to Hogwarts! I'm just looking out for her!" Andromeda knew she was ranting to her husband but she couldn't help it. It had been a week since she saw her daughter and she was refusing to reply to her letters.
"Dear, Dora is old enough to choose who she wants to associate with." Ted gently reminded her. She blew a piece of hair out of her face before sprawling out in her chair.
"I just don't want her to get hurt." She said. Ted leaned forward and put his hand on top of hers.
"That's her choice, Andy." When she had chosen Ted over her family, she knew there would be consequences. The only time her father had offered to allow her back in the family had been when her sweet Dora was born. Her father was shocked she had produced the first metamorphmagus in the Black family for centuries. His condition was that she forsake her husband. She had refused and that was the last time she heard from him. He had died shortly after and all could think was good riddance. She and her sisters had been raised with a firm hand. Her parents fully believed in children being seen, not heard. It didn't help that the Black Madness was in full swing for Bellatrix. She had always been a little too cruel growing up. Of course, before she had run away and before the Dark Lord, the Black sisters had been extremely close. They relied on each other. Maybe too much. Once everything had fallen apart, there was no way to fix it. Bella had fallen deeper into her Madness and Cissy was a statue. Her eyes had grown cold and distant. And that's the way it stayed until two cousins decided enough was enough.

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