Suspects & Necklaces-The Second Task (Harry Isn't Good At Riddles)

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Tonks watched as Fleur paced around her dorm. They had all decided to get ready together. They were just waiting for Harry to get changed. He came into the room and she scowled.
"Harry! Draco will go into a coma at this rate!" She didn't want to lose their bet but she knew her cousin was going to lose it once he saw Harry's outfit.
"Thank you, Tonks!" He radiated smugness before picking up Snappy. She finished yanking on her boots and stood up. Admiring her reflection, she fixed her hair. She had decided to wear it as her bubblegum pink color to match the charms on her combat boots. There was no way she could wear heels or she would put everyone in danger of her flailing limbs. Her dress was a pretty shade of blue that made her hair pop.
"Alright! Are we all ready?" Fleur asked and straightened her sleeves. The Veela girl was wearing silver and it brought out her eyes.
"Is it normal to feel nervous? I feel faint." Herm said from her seat and she patted the younger girl's hand.
"It'll be okay, Herm! The twins will explode once they see you and then you can just spend the rest of the night eating!" She laughed and they marched downstairs. Gabrielle was getting ready with Ginny and Luna so she could avoid Fleur. Apparently she had spilled the beans about Fleur's crush and the older girl was not happy with her. Tonks loved it, she lived for the drama. It was probably her Black flair.
"Ceddy! Don't you look handsome." She called out and was pleased to see him scraping his jaw off the floor.
"Wow babe, you look stunning." He said loudly and she leaned over to kiss his cheek. He looked at their friends and said "you all look very nice" before doing a double take.
"Is Snappy wearing a bow?" Their mascot had a black bow to match his painted nails.
"Of course he is! It's his first dance and he has to look dapper." Harry said, looking at her boyfriend like he was an idiot.
"Oh. That's nice."


Draco fixed his hair for the seventh time and ignored his roommate's laughter. He was so excited to show Harry off to the other students! They would all know they were a couple and finally back off.
"Kreacher has brought a gift from little master." The old house elf croaked out of nowhere causing Vince to scream.
"Merlin, that elf is ancient!" He said loudly and Kreature gave him a dirty look.
"Ignore him, Kreature! He doesn't understand how long you've been serving the Noble House of Black." Kreacher gave him a toothless grin before popping away.
"You're welcome, I just saved you from getting suffocated in your sleep. Kreacher has gotten rather sensitive about his age lately." He said before picking up the box. He had no clue what Harry could have gotten him. He opened it and closed it right back up. He could feel his face getting red and quickly started fanning it.
"Draco?" Theo asked curiously and he clutched the box closer to his chest.
"Yes?" His voice squeaked at the end.
"What's in the box?" Greg asked and everyone came over. He took the gift out and showed the other boys. It was a short necklace that spelled out Harry's name in gold. It would sit snugly on his neck for everyone to see. A note fell out of the box and Blaise picked it up before reading it out loud.
"Hi Draco! I had this necklace made and I would love it if you wore it to the dance. Can't wait to see you. Love Harry xoxoxo" Blaise smiled dreamily.
"Merlin Draco, who knew your boyfriend was so possessive?" He snatched the letter back.
"I did. Remus told me Harry's mum had his dad get her name tattooed over his heart to remind him that it beat for her." Draco had thought it was rather romantic!
"Wow." Greg said, his voice monotone.
"I can't wait to see what Harry's wearing! He always has the best outfits. His dress last year? To die for." Blaise raved as he slipped his shoes on. Draco glared at him and clipped the necklace into place. He would be happy to show everyone where his heart lay. He looked at his outfit before smiling. He wore fitted black trousers that flared at the bottom and a black button up. His blazer had runes embroidered all over in gold thread that matched his necklace perfectly. He stalked down the stairs and started searching for his beloved. He found him with the other Champions and had to brace himself against the wall as he took him in. Harry was wearing another dress but this one was different. It was black velvet with a slit up one side. The sleeves were long and formed into gloves. His hair was in tight curls and he caught glimpses of white peeking out every time he moved his head. Stepping closer, he realized Harry had attached pieces of bone in his hair. Merlin's saggy pants, he looked like a classic vampire coming to seduce his prey.
"Draco! If you faint, I will never forgive you." Tonks shouted from Diggory's side and he shook his head.
"I wouldn't want to miss a single moment." He said before placing a kiss on the back of Harry's gloved hand. Harry's eyes were glued on his name necklace and the smile he got could have blinded the sun.
"If you two boys are done, perhaps we could start?" McGonagall asked, her smile warm as she gazed upon them. Harry took his arm and they entered the room. Students whispered wildly as they caught sight of them and Draco gave his Vice President an approving look. He knew she had helped his darling get ready. They took their positions and started the opening dance. Harry looked like a dream as he elegantly twirled in his arms. It was over too soon and the HFC descended upon them.
"Holy shit, Harry! You look hot." Ginny announced from Daphne's side as the Slytherin girl nodded.
"Thank you! Ron helped me with the alterations." Ron hadn't looked away from Fleur all night and just gave him a high-five as they sailed past.
"Harry, my precious son! You look like a little spider. Where did you get all of the bones?" He smiled happily before saying "I asked Miss. Bella to lend them to me. She said I would probably terrify most of the other students and that's what I was going for."
"Pup! You look like Morticia! Lily dressed up as her for Halloween one year. You should have seen your dad's face. I bet little Malfoy had the same look." Remus and Lord Black snickered like school boys and he ignored them. He would be the bigger person and take the high road.
"Hello children. If I catch any of you in a bush or broom closet later, I will make you clean cauldrons for a year." His Godfather threatened and he couldn't help shooting back.
"Didn't we find you and Lord Black snogging in a broom closet?"
"We are adults. We're old enough to do what we want." He rolled his eyes.
"Have you talked to Lord Black? I'm pretty sure a pumpkin is more mature."
"Oi!" Lord Black gave him a wounded look.
"Daddy Malfoy, they're doing it again!"

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