Sleepovers & Wands-Tonks is Not Afraid of Werewolves

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Draco seemed shocked but Harry grinned at him.
"Yes! She said you smell nice" Draco still looked shocked but he smiled back at him. Harry was worried that Draco wouldn't take it well. Once he was able to, he looked up snake speech and learned that it was called Parseltongue. Apparently the last Dark Lord spoke snake and made everyone believe it was evil. It was like saying French was evil because you couldn't speak it. Insane. Harry wasn't going to stop speaking to snakes just because some people didn't like it.
"Hatchling, why is your mate's hair the color of the sun?" Jupiter asked him, her tongue flicking in and out.
"Because he shines so bright" Harry hissed back. The common room was dead silent as they watched Hufflepuff Harry Potter laugh with their Prefect's pet snake.
"What's she saying?" Draco asked. Harry couldn't help but flush at his question. Draco waxed poetry to him but he always felt awkward reciprocating. He adored Draco so he would try.
"I told her the reason your hair is so light is because you shine so bright." Draco stared at him before spinning him around.
"Oh Harry! You're so sweet to me! My love, I live for you. Your wish is my command" Draco was going on and Harry was starting to get dizzy. He saw some of the other students cover their ears and gag.
"Malfoy! Stop your sickening display this instant or I'm going to get Professor Snape!" A fifth year girl shouted out, looking a little green.
"You're all just jealous, as you should be!" Draco snapped back.
"Whatever. Potter, pretty cool you can talk to snakes! If anyone gives you any trouble, us Slytherins have your back!" The girl told him before heading towards the girls' dorms.
"Thank you!" He shouted at her and watched her give a wave before disappearing.
"I think it's even cooler you can talk to snakes Harry!" Harry gave him a shy smile and said "I only told Granny but I don't want to hide it."
"Of course not! It's a noble ability and you should be proud! I wonder if you can talk to all reptiles or just snakes?" Harry had a book from the Black library Kreature had brought him and said "I should be able to speak to most reptiles. My book said that Dragons speak an older version of Parseltongue but I should be able to understand it."
"Wicked!" Gemma came and took Jupiter back. She promised them both they could chat any time Harry was free.
"Harry! Why don't you just stay in my dorms tonight?"
"Is that allowed Draco?" He asked worriedly. He didn't want to get in trouble.
"I don't see why not!"
As they laid in bed, Harry couldn't help but hold Draco a little tighter. Draco didn't think he was a freak because he could talk to snakes. He was so happy.


Tonks loved her cousin but he couldn't just have his boyfriend stay the night and not tell anyone! Cedric had been worried sick. Thankfully she had called Dobby and he had verified Harry's whereabouts. As she continued to lecture both boys, she saw Cedric give another yawn. She shoved some coffee at him before going back on her tirade.
"Tonks?" Harry asked hesitantly. Looking at him, she said "yes Harry?"
"I'm really sorry we worried you but we're going to be late for class." She gave a swear and started shoving food in her pocket. Being a metamorphmagus, she burned more calories than normal so she made sure to always have snacks on hand.
"Alright! I forgive you but if this happens again, I will be writing to the parents!" She said sternly. Both boys nodded before hurrying away.
"How cute!" Cedric said as soon as they were out of earshot.
"What do you mean? You stayed up half the night!"
"Yeah? They're still cute. I bet they held hands as they slept." The boy cooed. Tonks rolled her eyes. Cedric always was such a softy. Grabbing his arm, she dragged him to class. As she threw herself in her seat, she couldn't help but glance at him. They had been best friends since first year. Some older Ravenclaws had been fascinated with her gift and wouldn't leave her alone so she'd been forced to make them. Cedric had helped bandage her hands afterwards. As a farm boy, he had many accidents growing up and the rest was history. They'd been inseparable ever since. She knew his dad put a lot of pressure on him to be outstanding, which was ridiculous. Tonks couldn't help but wonder if the man really knew his son. Cedric was literally the nicest boy at Hogwarts. He helped everyone, no matter what House they were in.
"Miss. Tonks! Are you eating in my class?" Professor Lupin asked. She purposefully took a bite of her biscuit in front of him and said "no sir, that would be disrespectful." He rolled his eyes and said "ten points from Hufflepuff for cheek" and went back to the lesson. The man thought he was being sly. All of Hogwarts knew he was a werewolf. They didn't say anything because he was the best Defense Professor they had in fifteen years! If she was going to be an Auror, she needed someone who knew their stuff. Thankfully the rest of the school agreed with her, so he stayed as a Professor. She thought it was rather wicked he turned into a wolf once a month but he seemed rather touchy about it so she never brought it up. Writing down her notes, she was ready for this day to be over with.


Neville tried the severing charm for the nineteenth time. Harry had found an old classroom and they had Kreacher fix it up so they could use it as a study room/club house. He stared at the orange he had been trying to cut in half for the past hour and sighed. This was ridiculous. He knew everyone thought he was a squib and hated to prove them right. He tried so hard too!
"Don't give up Neville! I know you can do it!" Herm encouraged him.
"Neville, I'm curious as to why your wand looks so worn?" Theo asked him. He looked down at his wand and sighed again.
"It was actually my dad's wand. Gran gave it to me when I got accepted into Hogwarts."
"What? Doesn't that old hag know it's the wand that chooses the wizard, not the other way around?" Harry sat up from Draco's lap. The Slytherin had been petting Harry's hair for the last hour.
"Well I did get a reaction from it when I first used it but after that nothing! I think it hates me and I can't tell Gran that!" Neville said, dropping his head to the table.
"I see." Harry hissed, his words blurring into Parseltongue. Hadn't that been a surprise! Neville wished there was a plant language. He would be so happy if his plants could talk back to him.
"Alright every line up!" Harry said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and did as he said.
"Okay Nev, you're gonna try all of our wands and see what happens!" He watched everyone agree to Harry's plan. He could believe it! Most wizards refused to allow another person to touch their wand. It was considered bad form. If someone touched your wand, it meant you weren't strong enough to stop them. They all put their wands in a basket and he hesitantly drew the first one. Two fires later, he found a wand that felt almost right. He held it up and watched Blaise come forward.
"Nine inches with the core of a dittany stalk. Ollivander said it paired well with those well versed in Nature."
"Alright Neville!" Harry cheered. "Now try the severing charm!" Neville gave it a wave and was shocked when his orange split in two! All of his friends cheered and he couldn't stop his smile. He wasn't a squib! Gran would finally be proud of him!


"Oi Potter! Is it true you speak to snakes?" A Gryffindor boy asked him as he was walking out of Herbology. He stared at the boy and tried to figure out what his name was. Sean? Scott?
"What about it, Seamus?" Neville said. Harry had noticed since the wand experiment, Neville seemed more confident. He was happy for his friend. He knew how much magical status meant to Neville's family and the pressure he had always been under for being not quite good enough. Harry thought it was crazy they didn't notice his genius with plants. He saw Ron running over and stood on his other side.
"I was just wondering! Thought it was pretty cool. My great Aunt said she could talk to squirrels but I'm pretty sure she was just crazy." Harry couldn't help but laugh.
"I thought I was crazy too but then the grass snake told me to "get out of my way, two legs!"" Harry replied. They all laughed and Harry waved goodbye. Cedric said he was going to ask his mum if Harry could come over this summer and see their goats!
Laying in the common room that night talking to Tonks and Cedric about the different types of snake breeds, he was surprised to see his Head of House walk in. They had House meetings once a week and that's when they usually saw Professor Sprout.
"Potter, the Headmaster wants to see you in his office!" Harry looked at Tonks and Cedric before shrugging and following the Herbology Professor.


Cedric looked at Tonks before scrambling to sit up. He called out "Kreacher!" and the grumpy elf appeared.
"Kreacher is here. What do you want?" The elf asked, immediately noticing Harry wasn't around.
"Kreacher, Professor Sprout just took Harry to Dumbledore's office! I don't know what he's planning but Lord Black needs to know!" Cedric cried out!
"Old man be taking Kreacher's little master?" The elf practically screeched, reminding Cedric of the stories he heard about Lady Black. He popped away and returned two minutes later dragging Lord Black with him. Lord Black had on trousers and his head was stuck in his sweater.
"Kreacher! You can't just kidnap me! Where are we even at?" He finally got his head through his sweater and stared at them. Cedric stepped forward and said "hello sir. I'm Harry's buddy and-" Lord Black cut him off and said "hello pretty boy Diggory. Baby Malfoy wrote me three pages about you getting chummy with my godson. How can I help you?" Cedric felt his stomach drop. Draco had been telling him what? There was nothing weird about his friendship with Harry! They were just friends, nothing more!
"That's not important! Dumbledore called Harry to his office and I thought it was suspicious so I had Kreacher bring you here!"
"That senile old man! How dare he try and speak to my darling godson!" He shouted and stormed towards the door. Cedric looked at Tonks and said "we should probably tell Draco about this."
"Of course we should! Draco is going to have a fit if we don't!" She replied and they ran for the Slytherin dorms.

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