First Dates & Trains-Neville Has a Moat? Wicked!

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Sirius was nervous. Sna-Severus had rescheduled their date. He had changed his outfit about fifteen times. Merlin, he almost wished he was back in Azkaban. He had one outfit there! He put his hair in a top knot and checked his reflection. Giving himself a little pep talk, he wandered to the sitting room in Grimmauld Place. He finally had it fixed up and it barely resembled his childhood home. Instead of dark and dreary, it was bright and classy. Thank Merlin, Cissy was there to dictate everything. His floo flared and Severus gracefully got out. The man was wearing trousers and a button up. He half expected him to come over in his teaching robes. He felt rather underdressed in his muggle jeans.
"Hello Sirius. Are you ready?" He asked, brushing floo powder off his pants.
"Yes! Lead the way." He replied and followed him out the front door into muggle London.
"Where are we going?" He was beginning to get comfortable and couldn't help his excitement.
"It's a surprise." Severus said, his voice teasing.
"Are we almost there?" Sirius couldn't help his impatience. He couldn't stand surprises. Probably because his mother used to surprise him with jinxes. She said it was to train him to be aware of his surroundings but he didn't believe the crazy woman for a second.
"We're here!" Severus announced. They were outside an old building and the lot was empty.
He read the sign out loud and said "what's a roller rink?" Severus's eyes gleamed as he said "you'll see." They went in and were given shoes with wheels on them! Muggles came up with the craziest things! He laced his up and went to stand. He immediately fell over. He couldn't help barking out a laugh. This was fun!
"I rented the whole place so you don't have to worry about a child out skating you." Severus whispered, grinning at him. Sirius couldn't help his blush. Snape was being so nice! If he had known this in school, he would've gotten with him sooner!
He slowly got up and was about to fall again when Severus caught him. Merlin, were those muscles he felt? Probably from lifting all those cauldrons, he thought dreamily.
"Are you done feeling me up?" Severus's voice broke his daydream.
"I'm not feeling you up! I can't stand without falling!" He defended himself.
"I'm sure." The other man replied, his voice dry. He led him to the skating floor. "It's all about balancing on your feet." Sirius tried to concentrate but it was hard with Severus being so close. Balance, he could do that. Fifteen minutes later, he decided to just stay on the ground. Balancing was for losers. He watched Severus glide around the room. The prat made it look effortless. He slowed to a stop in front of him and held out his hand.
"Come one, I'll hold you up." His dark eyes focused on him. "If I fall, I'm sending Kreacher after you!" He threatened. The old elf had grown on him. It probably helped that he was utterly barmy. They slowly made their way around the floor. This was nice. A disco ball dropped and he couldn't help laughing.
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Severus said warmly. What a wonderful first date!


Harry packed his things and looked around his dorm. The End-of-Year feast had been last night and Ravenclaw had won the House cup. The Hall had looked very nice in shades of blue. Cedric had been rather depressed that they lost but Tonks had cheered him up by saying they would get it next year! He didn't really care anyway but thought it might upset his buddy so he didn't say that. He bid his roommates goodbye and went down the stairs. Tonks had Cedric in a headlock and was fake coughing in his face.
"Harry! Help me!" Cedric cried out, trying unsuccessfully to get away. Harry blinked at them and said "no" before leaving to find Draco. He could hear Tonks laughing as he left. He hissed at the Slytherin entrance and walked through.
"Potter! Malfoy has been looking for you." Gemma said as she dragged her trunk by. He thanked her and went to Draco's dorm. Opening the door he watched as the first year boys had a pillow fight. Feathers were flying everywhere.
"You do know the train leaves in twenty minutes right?" Harry felt compelled to ask. Everyone froze before shoving random bits in their trunks.
"Thank you, love." Draco said as he walked towards him. "You would think they were raised in a barn." Harry didn't say anything as Blaise threw a pillow and it hit Draco in the back.
"Oi! You could've hit Harry!" Draco scowled at the other boys and ushered him out.
"Are you excited for summer darling?" Draco asked as they made their way to the train station.
"As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy." Harry held his hand tighter.
"My heart!" Draco cried out and spun him around.
"Boys! You're holding up the line!" Hermione's voice cut through. She was behind them and the twins were carrying her trunk. Draco carried Harry to the train and their friends followed behind. As they were boarding, they didn't notice the calculating blue eyes following them from the castle.

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