Club Meetings & Broom Closets-Harry Learns a New Word

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Hermione organized her notes for the fifth time. They were sitting in Draco's room waiting for Neville to arrive. Ron was showing Draco the ties he had completed already and Hermione was impressed. He was really good! He had used buttons to hold it together so it would be easier to get on and off. A knock on the door showed Neville standing nervously in the doorway.
"Hi guys. Sorry I'm late, Gran was lecturing me." She watched Harry sit up and say "I'll fight her Neville, just give me the word." She thought it was rather cute. Harry always threatened to fight people but he was shorter than she was! Like a soft little cinnamon roll.
"Wonderful, we're all here! I call the second meeting of the Harry Fan Club to order!" Draco announced.
"Er Draco, should Harry be here?" They all peeked at Harry sprawled across the couch with his feet in Draco's lap.
"It's fine. I had Mimi buy earplugs so Harry can't hear what we're saying. I didn't want to send him away while everyone came over! What if he got lonely?" Neville gave a small giggle as Draco dramatically flopped down.
"Okay so what was the reason for the emergency meeting, President?" Hermione asked, a notebook in hand to write down the answer.
"You will not believe what happened! For Yule, Harry got me two gifts and...." Twenty minutes later, Hermione decided she was going to dedicate her life to making sure Harry and Draco stayed together. This would be the most romantic love story since Romeo and Juliet! To make sure her friend's love flourished, she would have to watch out for rivals. She had already neatly taken care of Ginny Weasley but she would keep her eyes peeled for any other obstacle. It was disappointing that Mr. Black ruined their honeymoon plan but they still had six years to figure it out. Perhaps she could convince Ron's elder brother to let her borrow a dragon for it. She was sure the two boys would love it.
"Herm, how is the essay coming along?" Draco questioned. She flipped through her notes and said "it's going wonderfully. I've managed to already get plenty of present and former students to write about their Hogwarts experience and how their House affected how they were treated. Percy actually came up with a wonderful idea", she paused before saying "an anonymous survey! All they have to do is say what House they were in and answer some questions!" She beamed at everyone. She was going to destroy her Professors in front of the school board and she couldn't wait.


Draco knew Herm was going places! He couldn't believe how far she already was in her research. She had even made a pie chart with percentages of students who were punished differently for the same offense based on what House they were in.
"Simply brilliant, Herm! They won't know what hit them!" He said gleefully. Before he could go on, his door opened to reveal Kreacher carrying a tray. Ron gave a scream and fell over as he tried to get away from the elf. Kreacher ignored him.
"Kreacher is bringing snacks for his master." Draco gently shook Harry to get his attention. Harry took his earplugs out and got up.
"Thank you, Kreacher! I appreciate you for thinking of me." Harry praised the old elf. Draco was alarmed to see Kreacher blush as he gave a creaky bow and left the room.
"Mate, what in Merlin's pants was that?" Ron whispered.
"His name is Kreacher. He used to be granny's elf and now he's helping me." Harry narrowed his eyes at Ron. For some reason, Harry was rather protective of Kreacher.
"He's rather old." Neville said delicately.
"Yes, Kreacher has been helping the Blacks for generations! He's kind of weird but I like him. I think he's just lonely."
"That's cool." Ron looked awkward as he complimented Kreacher but Harry gave him a smile.
"What kind of snacks did he bring?" Herm looked over the tray.
"Wow!" Harry exclaimed. Kreacher had made cookies shaped like animals but they moved. Draco didn't even know you could do that. He took a bite. They were delicious! Father better watch out!


Severus didn't know how he got himself into these situations. He was jammed into a broom closet with Black, of all people! He had come to the manor to sneak into Cissy's potion lab. He knew she collected the hair from their Abraxan. The winged horses were rare to find in Britain so most sellers sold their hair at a high price. He just wanted to borrow a couple of pieces when he heard her coming so he ran to the closest door which happened to be a broom closet. He was about to leave when the door suddenly opened and another body slipped in. Black had backed into him and Severus was forced to put his hand over the other man's mouth.
"Be quiet." He hissed.
"Snape, what are you doing?" Black looked flustered.
"None of your business." He sniffed. Honestly, Black thought the world owed him something. It was frustrating.
"Fine. Don't tell me. I'm sure Cissy would be happy with you creeping around her potions lab." Black whispered. Severus froze. He wouldn't dare! Cissy loved potions as much as Severus did and she would not be happy that he was touching her things.
"I was just borrowing something!" Black gave a snort.
"Borrowing implies that you're going to give it back" he said.
"Well what are you doing?" Black looked at him and said "I'm hiding from Kreacher." What in the world? Why was he hiding from that decrepit house elf? "You do know you can just order Kreacher to stay away from you?" He asked. Black blinked at him before saying "I know that! But it would make Harry upset so I've just been avoiding him." Severus thought it was kind of thoughtful of Black.
"But why are you hiding in the first place?" Black was so frustrating!
"Ah, I don't like Kreacher. I know it's not his fault that Mother made him all twisted but I can't pretend he didn't used to be Mothers little spy. Always waiting to get me in trouble. Ready to drag me to the basement", he gave another shiver before continuing "you know that's part of the reason I chose Gryffindor? Slytherin dorms are in the dungeon and I hate the cold damp feeling. I mean the other half was sticking it to my parents. And I don't know why I'm telling you all this." He trailed off. Before Severus could say anything back, he heard Harry's voice.
"Kreacher! Did you find Sirius?" They heard Kreacher's feeble voice reply back "Master is occupied at the moment." Sirius shared a look of confusion with him. Did Kreacher know where they were?
"What do you mean?" There was Draco's voice.
"Master is in an amorous embrace with master Snape" Kreacher attempted to whisper. It was dead silent before Sirius threw the door open and said "we are not!" Heaving a groan, he also left the closet. Draco and his club members were staring at them while Harry just looked confused.
"Hermione, what does amorous mean?" He watched Granger blush before going to reply.
"Miss. Granger, if you answer that, I will give you Trolls this whole semester." He watched her pale in horror before nodding. He gave himself a pat on the back. He still had it. He turned and stomped out of the room but not before grabbing some Abraxan hair.


Harry was sitting at dinner and staring at Sirius. He couldn't help it!
"Uh Harry do you have something to tell me?" Sirius asked. Harry glanced around before asking "Are you and Mr. Snape going to get married? If you are, I'm sure Draco wouldn't mind helping you plan it. He's an excellent planner" Harry asked. Mrs. Malfoy spit the wine she was drinking across the table as Mr. Malfoy choked on a carrot. Sirius's face was red and he seemed to hunch into himself.
"Snape and I are not getting married!"
"So you're just going to stain my godfather's good name?" Draco hissed out, a scowl on his handsome face.
"You have to take responsibility Sirius." Harry said disapprovingly.
"There's nothing to take responsibility for!" His godfather insisted. Harry shared a look with Draco.
"Draco told me what amorous means!" Harry couldn't believe it when Draco explained what it meant. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. Perhaps they could even have a double wedding!
"Yes! You and Uncle were canoodling!" Draco yelled.
"Cousin Sirius! We let you into our home and you take advantage of our sweet innocent potions master?" Narcissa gasped, hiding a smile behind her hands.
"Cissy! It wasn't like that! We were not doing anything!" Sirius wailed. It was dead silent before Lucius burst out laughing. Harry thought Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Snape were friends! If this was happening to Ron or Hermione, Harry would be up in arms. Poor Mr. Snape. His friends didn't even defend him. Well Harry would! Squaring his shoulders, he decided that Sirius would be marrying Mr. Snape. Harry would make sure of it.
"Sirius, you shouldn't be so mean to your fiancé. Draco is always kind to me and he gives me hugs. Maybe next time you see Mr. Snape, you should give him a hug. You should also buy him presents. Draco and I exchange gifts. It's called give and take. A good relationship is based on equal footing." Draco was nodding along and said "A relationship needs good communication. For example, I told Harry that Ginny Weasley makes me uncomfortable because she's praying for my downfall and Harry said he would avoid her like the plague." At this point Mr. Malfoy had fallen out of his chair and disappeared under the table.
"What wonderful advice, boys. In the future, if you see Cousin Sirius and Severus struggling, make sure you give them a hand okay?" Harry and Draco agreed, ignoring Sirius banging his head off the table.

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