Proposals & Fashion Shows-Hermione Shows Off Her Rage Room

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Severus followed the trail of flower petals to the living room. Candles were lit everywhere and there were chocolate dipped strawberries on the coffee table.
"Hello babe!" Sirius sprung up from behind the couch, nearly giving him a heart attack.
"Sirius, where's Harry?" He looked around for his sweet son and didn't find him. Harry would love the strawberries. The boy had a huge sweet tooth.
"Harry is staying with Lucius tonight. I figured he was probably dying without Cissy there so it's just us." He gave him a suspicious look.
"And you're trying to burn the house down?" It was dangerous to have so many candles lit! And who was going to clean up all of the flower petals? Kreacher wasn't getting any younger.
"It's romantic, Sev!" Sirius pouted and he couldn't help smiling slightly. It seemed he was watching the telly again.
"Yes darling, it's romantic. Thank you for all of this." He could practically see his tail wagging and he motioned him over to the couch. Sirius grabbed the strawberries and started feeding them to him. It would have been perfect, if he actually liked strawberries. He found the fruit too sweet but he would never tell his lovely boyfriend that.
"Alright babe, put on this blindfold." He gave him a leer.
"Of course love. Should I lose my clothes as well?" He was pleased to see Sirius flush a lovely pink shade. He always found it funny how embarrassed he got since he was known to get around back at Hogwarts.
"No! It's a surprise." He put the blindfold on and immediately ran into the table.
"Sorry! I'm just blowing out all of these candles." He snorted and waited for him to get done. They apparated and he could hear traffic in the distance. He heard a door open and it was quiet.
"Alright, you can take it off." Sirius was on one knee in the middle of a skating rink. It was the same skating rink they had their first date at.
"Severus Snape, I love you so much. I don't know how I would have survived without you. Please do me the honor of becoming my husband." He stared at him, his chest feeling achy. Perhaps he was having a heart attack?
"Er Sev?" He realized he hadn't answered and grabbed the idiotic man.
"Of course I will, you moron!" They shared a passionate kiss before Sirius slid a chunky ring on his finger.
"It's the consort ring." He looked it over. It was rather large. A giant black jewel sat in the middle with small branches cocooning it.
"It's big in case you have to punch someone. You really want it to leave a mark." He explained and Severus laughed. Only the Black family would pick their Lord rings with violence in mind.
"Well darling since we're here, we might as well skate." He couldn't wait to spend the next few hours watching Sirius fall on his arse.


Lucius flicked his wand and the record player started blaring music.
"Alright Harry! Show me what you got." His darling son came out from behind the curtain. He had on a canary yellow poncho with matching shorts. He strutted down the runway and blew a kiss to the judges. The judges consisted of Dobby, Kreacher and Mimi.
"That's my little master!" Kreacher bragged loudly and the other house elves went wild. Sirius had dropped Harry off earlier and said something but he hadn't paid any attention to the other man.
"Your turn, Daddy Malfoy!" Harry said and Lucius grinned. He was born to walk on the stage. He dug around the clothes chest before pulling out the perfect outfit. It was a puffy pirate top with fitted trousers. He grabbed some heeled boots and prepared his routine.
"Wow! Cool outfit." Harry cried out from the crowd of elves and Mimi gave a whistle. They played dress up for a couple of hours before taking a snack break. Harry ended up wearing a pair of pants that belonged to Lucius when he was a boy and one of Draco's Quidditch tops.
"Do you think Mummy and Draco are having fun?" Harry asked as they lay out in the yard.
"Oh I'm sure they are! I know for a fact they must miss us terribly. The last time I was separated from Narcissa this long was when she was training with her Mother." He wasn't going to upset Harry by telling him what that training consisted of. He knew it was a family affair but it still upset him that his poor boy was getting poisoned or injured. He just had to have faith that he would come out stronger for it.
"Oh yeah?" Harry gave him a curious look.
"Yes, lovely. She kissed me before she left and I cried all the way home. I was convinced she was breaking up with me and was using her training as an excuse. Severus will tell you that I was inconsolable!" Harry giggled and he continued "Thank Merlin she came back! I was this close to shaving my head." He whispered and Harry gasped at him.
"But why?" Lucius twisted his hair around his finger.
"I don't mind having long hair but I keep it this length because Cissy loves it. I figured it would catch her attention if I came back to school bald." Harry was quiet as he thought about what he said.
"Susan Bones told me her family has a tradition of kidnapping their brides. They don't force them to marry them if they don't want to but it adds a little adventure to their marriage. If Draco ever tried to break up with me, I'd kidnap him." Harry announced and Lucius choked on the cookie he was eating.
"I can't see that happening but if he does, I'll help you."


Draco crouched down to avoid the human guards. He grabbed the first brick and started climbing. Azkaban was impossible to break out of with magic but quite easy to break in without it. He shimmied the window open and slipped through. Scanning the cells, he kept walking as he looked for his target.
"What do we have here?" A cold voice asked and he made contact with Rodolphus Lestrange, his aunt's husband.
"Hello Uncle, I see Azkaban has taken its toll on you. How wonderful to see." He mocked and the other man glared at him.
"What are you playing at, boy?" He snarled out, his teeth rotten in his mouth.
"It's Black family business, something you'd never understand." He said dismissively and was pleased to see how upset the other man was. He knew his Father despised the Lestrange brothers. They were insane before Azkaban and he knew the Dementors probably hadn't helped.
"Well well well hello, little Drakey!" He heard a raspy voice sing out. He walked further down the hall and found his Aunt laying on the floor.
"Hello Aunt Bella. Mother sends her regards." She cackled and said "Cissy's birthday is coming up so I'm sure I'll see her soon. Now what do you want?"
"Can't I stop by to see my least favorite Aunt?" He asked dramatically and he could see her shrewd eyes follow every move he made. There was a reason everyone knew her name. She had been terrifying as a member of the Dark Lords Inner Circle.
"How is your little boyfriend?" She asked suddenly and he made sure not to react.
"Harry's doing well. I was thinking of introducing him to Hera." She breathed sharply before coming closer.
"How is my sweet girl?"
"She's doing well. Mother and I brush her twice a week." Her smile was soft and she almost looked normal, not a deranged murderer.
"I'm happy to hear that." When her guard was down, he stuck like a viper. He grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled. She didn't even flinch as he tucked the handful of hair in his pocket.
"Sorry about that, Auntie. Mother said if I could bring back some of your hair, I can meet Harry a day sooner. I hope he hasn't changed too much. I'd hate to miss anything." He lamented and she gagged.
"I really don't care. I'd rather have the Dementors suck out my soul than listen to prattle on about the boy. Please leave." He set a bag of butterscotch in front of her cell before slinking out the window. The last thing he heard was her laughter as she unwrapped the hard candies.


Hermione squinted at her homework. She had already finished it but she was going over it to find any mistakes she made.
"Hermione love, your friend is here." She quickly tucked her books away and sprinted down the stairs. Her mum caught her before she could fall.
"Dear, please be more careful!" She agreed before swinging Harry around, his laughter echoing around her living room.
"Harry, I've missed you." She kissed the top of his head and he did the same once she put him down.
"Are you ready, Mione?" He asked as he bounced in place.
"I was born ready!" She squealed. She waved goodbye to her parents as they walked out the door. Percy and Marcus were waiting for them.
"Hermione! How are you? Did you finish your homework?" Percy asked as he gave her a hug.
"Babe, it's Hermione. She probably finished her homework before we left school." Marcus commented as he carried Harry on his back.
"I promised Draco I wouldn't let Harry's feet touch the ground." He explained, seeing their matching looks of confusion.
"So where exactly are we going?" Percy asked before continuing "Harry just said it was a surprise and refused to tell us." She held up her hand and said "rule number four-never sabotage Harry's surprises!" The older boys rolled their eyes and followed her. They ended up at a run down building and she shoved the door open.
"Hello Steve! Four tickets please." She had been coming here since the start of the summer. It helped her work off her teen angst.
"Here you go, Hermione! I hope you and your friends have a good time! Don't forget to wear gloves." Marcus looked worried as they went through the double doors. The concrete room was filled with broken glass and other random junk.
"Oh. Hermione is selling our kidneys on the black market. How nice." Percy remarked and Harry laughed.
"Don't be silly, Perce! It's called a rage room. You just break everything in the room. It helps relieve stress!" Harry showed them by grabbing a lamp and threw it against the wall, watching it shatter into pieces. Marcus gave a gasp and stared at him.
"Harry!" Percy looked interested before slowly knocking a vase on the floor.
"Oh! This is fun. Come one Marcus, let's smash stuff together!" He shouted before kicking a picture frame. Harry gave a cheer and joined him. She was glad she had told Harry about this place. She knew he was anxious to be reunited with Draco and she wanted to help take his mind off of his missing fiancé. At least they would be together soon. The beginning of the school year couldn't come soon enough!

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