Lunch & Birthdays-Harry Should Change His Name to Cupid

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Draco turned his back for one second and someone upset his darling! He would have to stick even closer to his love. He stared at Harry's new "friend". He could tell immediately that she must have some Veela ancestry. You didn't get that shade of blonde without having some type of creature heritage.
"Draco, this is Fleur! We're basically twins." Harry said cheerfully, causing the other girl to laugh brightly.
"I want to thank you both for sticking up for me. That was very kind of you" she paused before saying "would you like to get lunch with me?" Draco watched Harry grin and knew he would agree. A happy husband makes a happy home after all.
"Fleur! Who is this?" A tall blonde came up to them, her face cold.
"Mama! This is my friend 'Arry and his fiancé Draco! I invited them to lunch." The woman looked them over before smiling widely.
"What a wonderful idea, mon cœur! I am Fleur's mama, Apolline." He watched as she sized up Mr. Lupin before asking coyly "and your name, beauté?" Harry suddenly smiled widely and he didn't have to ask. It seemed they would be playing matchmaker today. Anything for his beloved. Lady Delacour led them to a bakery down the street. As they all sat down, Lady Delacour sat rather close to Mr. Lupin. The werewolf just looked confused at the attention he was receiving. They had their work cut out for them.
"Mama, is papa and Gabrielle joining us as well?" He didn't bother listening to her reply as he read off the French menu to Harry. His love looked divine in the soft summer light, his eyes still glowing slightly from his magic. Draco could honestly say he had never felt anything like it. Harry's magic had felt like home to him. As it was pressing down on the others, it had wrapped around him snugly like a blanket. He couldn't help staring at Harry, his devotion easy to see.
"Draco? Perhaps you would like to order?" Mr. Lupin said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He gave him a glare for interrupting him but ordered for him and Harry.
"I think your dedication to your betrothed is delightful!" Fleur said happily. He looked at her closely, perhaps he might have an international HFC member in the making.
"Fleur, I have a club you might be interested in." He began, ignoring Harry's laughter beside him.


Remus didn't know what was going on. Draco was raving about his club to an interested Fleur while Harry happily ate cake. He would have to try and limit the boy's sugar intake or Severus would yell at him. Again. How could he say no to his cub's puppy dog eyes? It physically pained him to do so. Maybe he wouldn't tell them that Harry had cake? He would tell the boys to keep it a secret between them! Giving himself a mental pat on the back, he turned to look at Apolline "call me Polly, amour" Delacour. She kept touching his shoulder and he didn't know what to do! She was very attractive but Fleur had definitely said there was already a Mr. Delacour. Remus may be a feral wolf once a month but he was not a homewrecker! The bell chimed signaling someone coming in.
"Mama!" A little blonde girl came running up, stopping at the sight of them.
"Who are you?" The girl demanded, looking down her nose at them. Fleur stood up and said "don't be rude, Gabrielle! These are my new friends!" Gabrielle didn't look convinced.
"You don't have friends, Fleur." She announced loudly causing her older sister to look mortified.
"Sit down!" She hissed and her younger sister obeyed without another word.
"If you don't listen to Fleur, she starts throwing fireballs at you." Gabrielle told them. Fleur reached over and smacked her behind the head causing Gabrielle to yank her hair. Before they started brawling in the cafe, a shorter man reprimanded them. "Girls! If you want to fight, please do it at home!" He had black hair with stunning blue eyes. As he sat on the other side of Remus, he said "now how about some introductions hmm?" As they all introduced themselves, he noticed Gabrielle staring at Draco. Merlin, please don't let her have a crush on him, he prayed. Harry would not stand for it.
"Is that your real hair color or do you dye it?" The girl asked brashly, making Remus choke on his spit. He watched Draco narrow his eyes at the girl before responding with "why? Are you jealous of my natural color?" The girl snorted and said "have you seen mine? You're the one who should be jealous." As they traded barbs back and forth, Remus was thankful his prayers went answered.
"Petit homme, isn't it wonderful that the children are getting along?" Claude said, his hand slinging over his shoulder as his wife pressed closer on his other side.
"Yes?" His voice was slightly higher as he felt his face flush.
"Perhaps we could also get closer, non?" Claude whispered flirtatiously in his ear as his wife gave him an eager look.


Harry hummed to himself as they said goodbye to the Delacour's, promising to meet up in two days. Remy was a stuttering mess as both adults kissed his cheeks, their interest plain to see. Harry approved, everyone he had on his list wasn't good enough for Remy. He had never thought to have two potential candidates!
"We hope you have a good birthday tomorrow, President!" Fleur had committed to the HFC and happily signed up. Draco apparently carried multiple pins with him because he pulled one out of nowhere to give to the older girl. Draco had decided they would have a meeting when they got back to introduce their new member to the other club members.
"Did you have a good day, lovely?" Harry took his hand and smiled at him. "Everyday with you is a good day." Draco picked him up and swung him around, laughing loudly.
"Oh my love, my heart burns for you." Draco dipped him down and leaned forward to kiss him.
"Malfoy! Don't you dare!" Sirius's voice rang out, echoing down the empty alley. Mr. Severus was holding him back as he thrashed against him.
"Hi Sirius! Hi Mr. Severus! What'd you do today?" He watched as Sirius's face got pink and he suddenly looked at the ground. Mr. Severus said "oh we just got a little bit of exercise." Draco's hands covered his ears and he seemed to be yelling at them but Harry couldn't hear a thing.
"Alright, is everyone ready to go?" Remy asked. Harry couldn't help his sly grin as he asked "can we get ice cream?" knowing Remy couldn't say anything because he let him have three slices of cake. As Remy gave him a disappointed look, Sirius cried out "of course we can, pup!"
Laying in bed that night, he patiently waited until it was midnight before getting up. He slowly opened his door and creeped to the room next to his. Sirius had demanded they have separate bedrooms for vacation. He didn't say he had to actually sleep in his room so Harry had been sneaking into Draco's room since they've been there. What if his husband got lonely? As he slipped under the covers and into Draco's arms, he whispered "Harry Birthday Draco. I love you."


Narcissa knew the boys were sneaking into each other's rooms at night. She thought it was rather adorable that they worried so much about the other. She watched Lucius put the finishing touches on Draco's cake as she brought out his presents. They were all wearing party hats and streamers were hung everywhere. After singing an off key version of happy birthday, -thank you Sirius- they watched as her dragon blew out his candles. Her sweet son was turning twelve. At this time next summer, he would be starting his apprenticeship with her. She gave a slight sniff, feeling rather emotional about her baby growing up.
"What did you wish for, son?" Lucius asked as he started serving cake.
"My wish already came true so nothing." He gave Harry a grin. Ooooo she smelled something juicy. Did they kiss already? How cute! She would have to tell Lucius!
"Are you ready to open presents, dear?" They all gathered in the living room and watched as he started opening the first gift.
"It's from my Vice President." He told them and pulled out a throwing knife. It had "Drarry forever" engraved on the hilt with hearts around it. She couldn't help giggling at the sight. His next present was from the Weasley's. It was a list of names. Apparently the twins had written down anyone who had been overly friendly with Harry at Hogwarts. How devious of them! Ronald had stitched their initials on matching handkerchiefs. Neville had sent him a lotion he had made named after their love called "Yearning for each other." She was absolutely delighted to see the look on Sirius's face when Draco read it out loud. Harry's gift turned out to be a romantic dinner at a secret location. Her son had practically melted at such a sweet gesture as Sirius spewed death threats in the background. Perhaps she could convince Lucius to send one of the elves to discreetly get some pictures? She grinned as she thought of all the ways she could rub Sirius's face in it. Their family vacation was just getting started!

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