Wand Weighing & Eggs-Harry and Cedric Share the Same Bath?

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Severus watched closely as the students brewed their potions. One wrong move and the whole class would blow up. A knock on the door had all of them looking up curiously. Colin Creevey peeked his head in and his eyes landed on Harry.
"Hi Harry! Mr. Ollivander is finally here to weigh the Champions wands! They're asking for you." Severus clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.
"I will be joining Mr. Potter so class is canceled! Everyone will be receiving a passing grade for today. This is a one time exception so don't get used to it." The students cheered and packed up their bags.
"You don't have to come with, father." Harry said but his eyes sparkled with happiness.
"Of course I'm coming! What if something happens? I know you have the other Champions to rely on but they're still students. You need a competent adult." Harry just smiled at him and he couldn't resist ruffling his boy's hair. He still couldn't believe how well the first task had gone. He tried not to get his hopes up for the next one. He had an emergency bag packed for any possible outcome. Granger had helped him think of everything that could go wrong.
"Mr. Potter! How nice of you to arrive." Ollivander said as he peered at them. The other Champions were standing with their Heads and jumped up when Harry walked in.
"Harry! Why is your wand maker so creepy?" Fleur said loudly as she stood by his side.
"I think they're all like that?" Severus disguised his laugh as a cough when he caught the irritated wand maker's expression.
"Can I begin, children? I would have been here soon but I had a very important convention." Viktor leaned over and whispered "I've heard about that. All of the wand makers get drunk and fight." Cedric laughed loudly. Rita Skeeter was lurking in the corner as her photographer snapped pictures of the Champions talking together.
"Mr. Krum, you'll be first." Viktor stood up and handed over his wand.
"It seems you take care of your wand. Not one of my creations but beggars can't be choosers, I suppose." Severus saw Igor scowl at him but held his tongue. It was a good thing he did. Ollivander hadn't been swayed by the Dark Lord or Albus during the first war. The man was an absolute maniac so the two men came to a silent agreement to leave the man alone.
"Ah Miss. Delacour, I'm assuming the Veela hair is from a relation?" The girl gave him a frigid look before saying "it was a gift from my grandmère."
"How nice. I find Veela hair to be rather temperamental but to each their own." Severus could feel a headache coming on as the wand maker continued to insult everyone in the room.
"Mr. Diggory! Finally a worthy wand to judge. I see you take care of it?"
"Er yes sir." He shuffled in place as Ollivander continued to rave about his wand.
"And finally Mr. Potter." Harry stood up and placed his wand on the table. Ollivander's eyes widened before he said "Mr. Potter, this is not your wand!"


Hermione eagerly grabbed the newspaper and looked at the front page. It was a lovely picture of the Champions laughing together before the wand weighing ceremony.
"My Dear Readers, this young journalist" Hermione huffed and muttered "young, my arse" before continuing to read "had a front row seat to the prestigious wand weighing ceremony! I'm sad to say our very own Ollivander behaved quite rudely to the foreign students' wands while waxing poetry about his own creations! I understand we can't all be impartial but perhaps insulting children isn't the smartest thing to do!" Hermione skimmed the article until she got to the good part.
"And our last Champion was Harry Potter! Mr. Potter is an old friend so I might be a little biased when I say his wand weighing was the most interesting! When Mr. Ollivander finally looked at it, what did he find? Mr. Potter was not using his wand. He positively identified it as Heir Malfoy's wand! As the wizarding world knows, the two boys are the Hottest Hogwarts Couple with Snack coming in second and Marcy coming in third! A little wand lore for my Dear Readers, the wand chooses the Wizard. You might be able to use your partners or child's wand but it will not work as well for you as it will its original owner! Of course that doesn't include wands where the owner has died or wands won in battle. Mr. Potter confirmed that they switch their wands often and have no negative reactions. That means that their wands recognize both of them as owners! There has never been a case of a wand splitting their allegiance and I'm confident in saying there will never be another case like this before! Magic herself has blessed the union of these two Houses and I can't wait to see what the next few years hold for them! This journalist has only one thing left to say: Drarry forever!"
Hermione set the newspaper down in satisfaction. She knew Rita was itching for a wedding invitation so she was keeping her nose clean. If she kept it up, Hermione would personally deliver it to the older woman. Neville came up beside her and said "Herm! Are you ready for our spa day?" They had decided to take over the prefect's bathroom again. She followed Neville in and froze when she saw a half naked Cedric floating in the water.
"Merlin's pants!" He screeched before covering his chest and sinking in the water. She rolled her eyes and said "please Cedric, you have nothing I haven't seen before." Neville's cheeks turned red at her comment.
"What are you guys waiting around for? Oh hi Cedric!" Harry said happily as he walked in carrying his egg.
"This is the prefect's bathroom! You can't just barge in!" Harry started shucking off his clothes and she followed suit.
"If you didn't want us to join, you should've locked the door!" Harry splashed in the water and Cedric got as far away as possible.
"Harry! Draco will cut my limbs off if he finds out we're bathing together!" He said. Someone cleared their throat and they all looked up to find Tonks and Draco watching them.
"You are correct, Diggory. I would have ripped out all of your toenails but Harry invited me to join him. I met Tonks on the way here so I suppose it's not your fault." Cedric looked relieved as he stopped trying to claw his way out of the giant tub. Draco and Tonks joined them and she giggled when Draco scooted closer to Harry.
"Now what are we doing?"
"Fleur told me to put my egg underwater for the clue for the next task!" Harry announced and pulled goggles out of his bag.
"I always carry around an extra pair, in case Bubbles manages to break his." He explained and ducked his head under the water. Cedric just clenched his eyes shut and joined him. They came up a few minutes later and Cedric whimpered.
"Merpeople. The second task is in the Great Lake!" She shared a look with Harry and then both squealed "mermaids!"

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