Viktor & Brass Knuckles-Harry is Lost! If Found, Please Return to Draco

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Viktor Krum breathed Quidditch. It was his favorite thing in the whole world. He had decided at an early age he was going to be a famous Quidditch player. He was about to enter his fourth year at Durmstrang. He hoped to be on a professional team by his sixth year. He already had coaches coming to his school games and watching him play. He was going to make it! He came to every game he could get his hands on. He was lucky his parents indulged him with his passion. The Vultures vs. Finches game was the event of the summer. He had come from Bulgaria to see it. He was hoping to get some autographs for his collection! As he walked around he saw a young boy looking around. He watched him go back and forth before standing in the same spot for ten minutes.
"Do you need some help?" The greenest eyes he'd ever seen focused on him. The boy gave him a relieved look before saying "please! I lost my family and I don't know where to go to find them." Viktor gave the smaller boy a pat on the shoulder and said "I will help you find them!" He was thankful he had a translator charm on or else he would have struggled to get his point across.
"My name is Viktor." He told the boy. He had a curiously shaped scar scattered across his forehead to the bottom of his eye. It was rather pretty to look at.
"My name is Harry!" He said, giving Viktor a smile.
"Are you excited for the game?" Harry gave him a look before replying "no, I think Quidditch is mind numbing." Viktor felt his mouth fall open. What? Quidditch is the best! "I'm here for the snacks." Harry continued, like he hadn't just said such blasphemy. "Harry! Quidditch is the best sport in the world! It had so many thrilling qualities!" Harry just rolled his eyes. "I think watching paint dry is more thrilling." Viktor couldn't believe his eyes.
"Viktor, who is your friend?" His mother asked, her gaze interested. Most of his friends consisted of his Quidditch team so seeing a new face was unlikely.
"Mother, this is Harry. He lost his family and I offered to help find them. He also hates Quidditch." His mother burst into laughter. The betrayal, he thought furiously.
"Alright, I'll send your father to help you look." She called him and he came over, giving Harry the same curious look. After a quick explanation, they were off in search of his family.


Harry was grateful Viktor and Mr. Krum were helping him. He got rather nervous in large crowds and losing Draco didn't help his anxiety.
"So Harry, do you go to the British school?" Mr. Krum asked him as he looked around.
"Yes sir! I'm going into my second year in the fall." He told the man. "I see! Viktor is going into his fourth year!"
"My friends Cedric and Tonks are going to be fourth years as well! I heard Tonks say she was going to die from all the homework so good luck!" Viktor looked worried. "Tonks is a little dramatic so I wouldn't worry too much!" He continued. Tonks had also told him she was allergic to idiots. He didn't know how that was possible but Harry wasn't going to argue with her.
There was a sudden commotion up ahead as people surged forward.
"I don't care! Harry is lost and if we don't find him in two seconds, I am going to set another one on fire!" He heard familiar shouting. Pushing through the crowd, he saw Draco standing there holding a handful of fireworks. "Draco!" Harry cried out and sprinted forward. His beloved caught him and started talking "Harry my love, I was so worried! Are you okay? Did anyone try to kidnap you? Tell me and I will drag their kicking bodies to the Swamp!" Draco said passionately. Harry clutched him tighter and said "no, Viktor and his father helped me find you." Sirius picked them both up and said "oh pup! I was so worried! I'm so glad you're okay!" Sirius was shoved out of the way as Mr. Severus shot a bunch of spells at him. "Good, you're not injured. Let me see your hand." Harry held out his hand and watched Mr. Severus say something to cause a circle of light wind around his wrist.
"It's a tracking charm." The man explained as he patted his head. Draco held him closer in response and asked "Who's Viktor?" Harry turned and waved at Viktor and his father. They both stepped forward and he introduced them to his family.
"Viktor likes Quidditch as much as you do Draco!"


Draco couldn't believe Harry had gotten lost on their second date. He blamed Lord Black for walking too fast. The man acted like someone was chasing him! He gave him another sneer before turning to face the other family.
"Hello, thank you for helping Harry. My name is Draco Malfoy, Heir to the Malfoy family. I am also Harry's betrothed." He told them. He wouldn't let the other boy get any funny ideas, especially when Harry looked so cute today.
"Hello Heir Malfoy. My name is Viktor Krum, Heir to the Krum family." The Krum family was from Bulgaria, thank Merlin. They would probably never see each other after today.
"Draco, where did you get the fireworks?" Harry asked him. He reached for his bag and shook it.
"Herm helped me pack for today. We thought of everything. I even borrowed Mother's brass knuckles to defend you, darling." He bragged.
"Draco, you do know brass knuckles are illegal?" His Uncle said. He gave him a dry look and replied "only on the Muggle side." Lord Black gave a laugh and said "I keep a pair on me as well. They used to belong to my Mother." Draco had seen them. They had her name etched on the inside with florals around it. It was practically a Black family tradition to receive a pair once you became of age.
"Sirius, don't encourage him!" Uncle scolded Lord Black.
"The game is about to start!" He reminded them. He took Harry's hand and led him towards the stands, purposely ignoring Krum. He didn't like how friendly he was with his fiancé. It was just bad manners at this point. He could hear the announcer call out each player from each team. He kept hold of Harry's hand and tried to focus on the game.
It was useless! Harry looked absolutely enchanting beside him. How could he keep his eyes off of him? Harry noticed his gaze and held out his candy.
"Would you like some Draco?" He was so thoughtful. Draco couldn't hold back his sigh of adoration. Who cared about Quidditch anyway?


Sirius would have to start dying his hair. Losing Harry had taken ten years off his lifespan. Seeing him walk up with another boy had taken another ten years! His godson was going to have a harem at this rate. If only he wasn't so charming. He approved of little Malfoy bringing up his brass knuckles. You had to be firm in chasing off suitors. It almost made Sirius consider him an appropriate match for his precious pup. That was until he saw him making eyes at him the whole game! The boy hadn't seen a single goal made because he was too busy drooling over Harry. Right in front of him!
"Sirius, you're thinking too loud." Severus murmured to him.
"Do you see them? I haven't seen Cissy's boy blink in ten minutes." He whispered back.
"Well Harry does look rather cute today." Severus didn't even look up from his potions journal as he replied.
"I know! I should've made him wear a blanket over his outfit." Sirius hissed. Severus leaned forward and flicked his forehead.
"It's June, he would've fainted from heat stroke. Now stop being a helicopter parent and enjoy the game." Sirius didn't know what a helicopter was but listened to his lover anyway.
The game was finally over and Sirius couldn't wait to usher Harry back to Grimmauld.
"Sirius, can we get ice cream?" Harry asked as he fanned his face. He couldn't deny his godson anything so they got in line for the cold treat.
"Hello again Harry!" The Krum boy said from behind them. He was by himself.
"Hello Viktor! Did you enjoy the game?" His godson asked the other boy.
"Yes! Did you see that last goal? My heart was racing!" Krum said, his hands moving around in his excitement.
"Nope! I was counting how many jelly beans the person beside us ate!" Harry replied back.
"Harry! How could you ignore such an incredible game?" Krum wailed, clutching his chest.
"I thought the game was rather boring as well, Krum. Perhaps you get entertained easily?" Sirius was silently cheering for tiny Malfoy as he gave Krum the cold shoulder.
"Yes? Is it a crime that I can enjoy the simple things life offers?" Krum replied easily. Sirius watched Draco's face as his eyes narrowed. Oh no, he recognized that look. It was the same look Cissy had given that fifth year girl who asked Lucius out in their youth. Someone was about to get their hair ripped out.
"Next!" He was grateful for the interruption. They ordered their ice cream to go and turned to finally go home.
"It was nice to meet you Viktor! Good luck going into your fourth year!" Harry waved at the Krum boy. Krum gave him an elegant bow and said "I was very fortunate to meet you as well Harry! Please feel free to write to me, if you have a chance!" He shared a look with Severus and they apparated away before Draco could break in his brass knuckles.

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