Wedding Jitters & Gossip-Draco Loves His New Sweater

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"I don't love you." Draco's voice was still echoing in his head as he woke up with a gasp, his heart thundering in his chest. He reached over and found Draco still sleeping next to him. He tried to take some steadying breaths as he chanted to himself "It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real." The wedding was almost here and Harry had been having night terrors every night. They had decided to have their wedding the day after graduation. It would be a small ceremony with their closest friends and family. He couldn't stop dreaming about Draco having second thoughts. It was ridiculous to even think about! They had been together since they were eleven but Harry was letting his insecurities get the best of him.
"Darling, are you alright?" Draco was looking at him in concern and Harry forced a smile. He didn't want to worry his fiancé.
"I'm fine. I just had an odd dream." Draco wrapped his arms around him and started rubbing his back.
"I know you haven't been sleeping well, my heart." He murmured and Harry frowned.
"I'm just nervous that-" he cut himself off.
"That what?" Draco prodded and Harry pressed his lips firmly together, not saying anything.
"That I'll change my mind?" Draco said and Harry didn't meet his eyes.
"I've loved you from the very moment I laid eyes on you. My heart beats for you. If you were to turn me away, I would never love again." Draco kept talking and Harry felt himself relax. He knew Draco loved him. Everyone knew Draco loved him. He just liked when he reaffirmed his love.
"You know I told Neville his ears didn't match before sobbing in the shower yesterday?" He said casually and Harry craned his neck to look at him.
"What?" Draco rubbed their noses together, his eyes warm.
"I also feel a little overwhelmed lately. With the wedding and graduation coming up, it seems like we never get a moment to ourselves, hmm?" Harry nodded his head in agreement. He hadn't even seen Draco the last couple of days because of all of their wedding planning.
"How about tomorrow we sneak away?" Draco offered and Harry beamed at him.
"I would love to!" He snuggled deeper into his arms and felt comforted by the fact that he wasn't the only one having a slight meltdown.
"Perfect. I will have Herm explain our absence to everyone."


"Draco and Harry have raging diarrhea. They will be drinking fluids and staying in their dorm all day." Hermione said with a straight face and cursed her President. He told her that they were feeling a little overwhelmed and needed some time to themselves. She had understood completely but didn't realize he would leave her to make up a reason for their absence! She just blurted the first thing that came to mind.
"Gross!" Ron muttered before wandering away to finish the hem of Harry's dress.
"Do you think they need anything?" Neville was wringing his hands and she felt bad for lying to the anxious Gryffindor.
"Well if you have time, would you mind figuring out what flowers Harry will need for the wedding?" She asked and he nodded his head seriously.
"Leave it to me, Vice President." He gave her a salute before marching off.
"Harry and Draco snuck out, didn't they?" Ginny whispered as she looked around.
"Yes! They needed a little break." Ginny snorted before saying "I would have left two weeks ago. I'm pretty sure I saw Harry punch through a wall yesterday after someone asked how wedding planning was going for the hundredth time."
"I know. I just hope they don't elope while they're out." She muttered before walking away. She needed to make sure everyone RSVP'd before she sent out reminder owls. Thankfully it would be a small ceremony. She was still keeping an eye out for Dumbledore. The idiot hadn't made a move yet and she was getting frustrated. She hated waiting. The old man was sure to pull something and she was going to break his nose, if she got the chance.
"Crookshanks!" She called out and the cat appeared.
"Would you eat Dumbledore's soul, if I asked you to?" He thought about it before answering.
"Only if you're the one asking, summoner." He finally said and she rewarded him with an ear scratch. They were becoming the best of friends after their rocky start. She picked him up and he started purring loudly.
"Maybe I'll just feed him to Chad instead."


Harry wiggled in his seat as the boat moved forward. It caused it to rock slightly and the wizard scowled at him.
"Sorry! I'm just so excited." Draco gave the man a foul look and watched him pale in fear. Harry could tip the little boat if he wanted to. Draco would happily save him and swim them ashore. He had thought hard about where they could go where they wouldn't be bothered. The answer had been simple. Azkaban prison loomed ahead of them and Draco picked up their picnic basket as he helped Harry off of the boat.
"Thanks for your help!" Harry waved at the boat wizard as Draco slowly drew his finger across his throat in warning.
"No problem, Mr. Potter!" He squeaked out before rowing away. Draco would have preferred if the man had begged for Harry's forgiveness for his mistake earlier but he wasn't going to let it ruin his mood.
"Draco, let's go." He let Harry lead him through the rocky path before he found an overhang. Draco spread a blanket on the ground before he started to unload the basket. Mimi had packed for an army! She made so much food.
"This is nice." Harry sighed as he kicked his shoes off. He was wearing one of Uncle Severus's old sweaters and some dark trousers. He had on a stocking cap with his hair braided down his back. He looked breathtaking. The waves crashed into the shore and Harry scooted closer to him.
"This is for you." Harry handed him a lumpy package and Draco slowly opened it.
"Hermione said knitting helped with her anxiety so I gave it a try." He said shyly and Draco immediately started pulling his jacket off. Harry had knitted him a sweater! The sleeves were uneven and the neck was too long but he would treasure this forever. He would be buried in this sweater. It was the same color as Harry's beautiful hair, a dark black.
"If you look at the sleeves, I embroidered a secret." Harry continued and Draco felt his chest burn. Two little hearts were stitched on both of his sleeves in silver thread.
"Harry, my sweet!" Draco cried out before launching himself at him. He peppered his face with kisses as Harry giggled beneath him. He cupped his cheek before giving him a slow kiss. Harry's face was pink as he looked at him from underneath his eyelashes. Draco was going in for another one when someone started coughing loudly.
"This is a prison, you know!" Barty Crouch yelled at them for his window, his face scrunched up in disgust.


Barty Crouch was annoyed he hadn't received the Kiss yet. He had told himself it would be any day. Azkaban was so boring. All of the prisoners around him were crazy and couldn't even play eye spy with him! He heard a ruckus outside his window and dragged his bed over so he could peek out. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were canoodling right in front of him!
"Oi! This is a prison, you know!" He shouted and they quickly jumped apart. Cissy's boy gave him a look that could curdle milk as he pulled Potter into his lap.
"Hi Barty!" Potter waved wildly and he waved back.
"Hi Potter!" He looked closer before snickering.
"Nice sweater, Malfoy. Did you knit it with your eyes closed?" Potter puffed up his chest before responding.
"That's very nice of you to say, Barty! I'm still a beginner so there's no way I can knit with my eyes closed. It would look ridiculous." Potter laughed, his eyes sparkling. He winced before telling himself to sleep with one eye open. Malfoy did not look happy as he glowered at him.
"Oh, you did a good job." He lied and Harry moved closer.
"Would you like some of our picnic food?" Barty started drooling as he saw the baked beans. He had only eaten gruel since being shoved in his cell. It was bland and lumpy but surprisingly nutritious.
"Please, Potter! I would kill for some beans." He whined and Harry shoved a plate through the bars.
"You are a wonderful boy, Potter. I'm so glad I never sacrificed you in the name of the Dark Lord." Potter beamed at him.
"Me too, Barty! Did you hear about Dumbledore?" Barty snorted beans out of his nose.
"I knew that man was off his rocker. His eyes always gave me the creeps." He confided and tried to ignore the look he was getting from Malfoy. He wasn't trying to ruin their little date! It wasn't his fault he was so interesting.
"Right? How else could he make them twinkle all of the time? I heard he spelled them." Potter gossiped and he cackled.
"I bet he did, the old coot." Malfoy just watched them gossip for the next couple of hours.
"My beloved, we should get going." Malory said and Harry shoved the rest of their food into his cell.
"It was good to see you, Barty! I hope you can make the wedding." He said cheerfully.
"Harry, I will dig a tunnel if I have to!" He waved at them before he slowly started chipping away at his floor. Harry told him there would be three different types of cake! He wouldn't miss it for the world.

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