Family Photos & Lemon Drops-Harry Vs Fawkes!

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Harry sighed as he looked around the headmaster's office. He had been called in as soon as he hopped off the train. The Headmaster had left him alone because he was called away for "some urgent business, my boy." Snappy hissed from the baby carrier Harry had strapped to his chest.
"It's okay, baby. Mama is right here." He cooed at him. The crocodile slowly fell asleep and Harry decided to snoop around. He opened the candy dish on Dumbledore's desk and made a face. Who ate lemon drops? It was the worst muggle candy ever invented!
"Boy, stop snooping!" The Sorting Hat barked out and Harry got a wicked idea.
"Kreacher!" The old house elf appeared in seconds.
"Precious young master be calling Kreacher?" Harry patted Kreacher's hand. He had been overjoyed with his Yule gift. Harry had gotten them matching socks.
"Would you mind cleaning the Sorting Hat? It's so filthy. I'm worried I might get sick from standing so close to it." Kreacher got a crazed look in his eye.
"Of course, little master! Kreacher will not let his little master get sick, no he won't!" The elf wrangled the hat off its shelf and they both disappeared. The wall of portraits watched it all happen and whispered between themselves.
"Of course it was a Potter who stole the Sorting Hat! That family has liquid luck running through their veins!" One of them said and the other snorted.
"That hat was disgusting! Back in my day, we'd send it to the goblins to get cleaned." Harry continued puttering around and saw the Headmaster's flaming chicken. It was watching him with narrowed eyes.
"What are you looking at?" It chirped at him and he frowned.
"Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"
Ten minutes later, the Headmaster came back into the room with Father Severus. They would find Harry having a shouting match with Fawkes as the former Headmasters and Headmistresses cheered him on.
"Oh yeah? Well at least I don't eat bugs, you filthy pigeon!" Harry watched the phoenix set his perch on fire and gave him a mocking smile.
"You're burning your own stuff, birdbrain!" A cough interrupted them and they both swung their heads around to stare at Professor Dumbledore.
"Harry my boy, if you would sit down?" He sat at the edge of his seat and kept the burning goose in his sight.
"Where's Aunt Andy?" The Headmaster gave him a gentle smile.
"Mrs. Tonks is running late. Apparently Miss. Tonks broke her arm." His Father was standing behind his chair when he asked "what is the meaning of this, Albus? Harry hasn't done anything wrong."
"I hate to be the one to inform you but students are only allowed one pet. I know Mr. Potter has a pet snake so he will have to leave his crocodile at home." Harry gave a gasp.
"Sir, I am a mother now! Snappy needs me." The crocodile in question blew a spit bubble before having a sneezing fit. Harry wiped his nose and gave his head some kisses.
"Anyways, Porkchop is at home. The other students were feeding him too much and now he looks more like a garden hose than a snake. Papa said he has to go on a diet." The headmaster looked like he sucked on something sour. Probably one of those nasty hard candies he kept on his desk.
"I see. Please make sure to keep an eye on Snappy. I would hate for anything to happen to him." Harry beamed at him and said "thank you sir!" He got up and left, not waiting to be dismissed. He needed to find Draco quickly.


"Thank you for coming on such short notice! I call this meeting of HFC to order." It was the second day back from the break.
"Harry thinks the Headmaster will try and get Snappy kicked out of Hogwarts." Ginny gave a gasp.
"No! He's just a baby!" They all shouted over each other before Neville gave a sharp whistle.
"Stop! He can't do anything to Snappy!" Herm had been sharpening her quill into a point, stopped and looked at the Gryffindor boy.
"What do you mean, Nev?"
"The Longbottom family's crocodiles are protected under our family magic. If anyone tries to harm them unprovoked, the family magic will find a proper punishment for them." He explained and Draco gave a sigh of relief. Snappy was like a son to him and he would be devastated if anything happened to the happy crocodile.
"Thank Merlin! If anything happened to Snappy, I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself." Ron said and they all agreed.
"Did you guys hear that the Sorting Hat is missing?" One of the twins asked.
"I heard the Headmaster is going bonkers trying to find it!" Herm added and both twins grinned at her.
She blushed under their attention. He would have to mention this development to Harry. His darling was always trying to bring people together.
"Cedric told me Tonks broke her arm sneaking into Professor McGonagall's office. She still managed to move her furniture around before going to the hospital wing." Ron said and Fluer gasped from his side. She was in the middle of exams so Dobby had made a two way mirror so she could attend meetings without leaving school.
"Non! I hope she's okay." Ron patted the pillow she was propped against.
"Don't worry! Cedric said she's more excited about the cast changing colors than anything." They talked some more before he ended the meeting on a positive note.
"We have almost raised enough money for our field trip at the end of the year! Keep selling Drarry buttons and we'll meet our quota!" They were going to go to a muggle aquarium during the summer. Harry had never been so Draco figured it would be a nice surprise for his husband.


Colin Creevey loved Hogwarts. He had been so surprised when he got his letter! He was the first wizard in the family and his parents had been so proud. It helped explain his oddness. Colin had a bad tendency to fixate on things that caught his interest. He had been taking pictures since he was seven. He was in love with superheroes too. When he entered the wizarding world and found out they had their very own superhero, he had been ecstatic. Harry Potter was basically Superman and Batman in one person! He would be going to school with the boy wonder and he had spent all summer reading about him. When he finally had the chance to meet him, he was exactly like he had imagined! Harry was funny, kind, cool and tough. He had stopped some older years from bullying him and Colin was starstruck. Watching the Hufflepuff boy carry a baby crocodile strapped to his chest didn't phase him.
"Hiya Harry! Who's this little guy?" Harry grinned and said "this is my son, Snappy." Colin swooned. Harry had a son! How wonderful.
"I can take family photos, if you want." Harry thought about it before agreeing. They would meet in the entrance hall after lunch. Colin was on cloud nine for the rest of the morning. He was waiting for Harry to arrive when he spotted him. Harry and Malfoy wore sweaters. Harry's was a soft red while Malfoy's was a baby blue. Snappy had a little stocking cap that made Colin squeal. These were going to turn out beautifully! The proud couple didn't hesitate to show off their son. They had gathered a bit of a crowd by the time they were done. A group of girls held up signs and cried out "We love you, Snappy!" Harry waved at them before pushing through, his crocodile cradled in his arms.
"Thanks for doing this, Colin!" Harry said and Colin couldn't help the stars in his eyes. Harry was so cool!
"I'm happy to help you, Harry! I'll get them developed today. I hope you like them." He hurried off to the unused classroom he kept his extra camera equipment in. This was going to be awesome. Maybe Harry would sign one for him!


"-and then I tripped on her desk! I swear her office was boobytrapped!" Cedric listened to his girlfriend's rant and nodded his head. Her cast was a light purple that matched her hair today. He had been the first person to sign it and he had made sure to put hearts around his name. He had overheard some of their yearmates talking about how cute Tonks had gotten over Winter Break. That was ridiculous because she had always been cute.
"Cedy, are you listening to me?" Tonks had her face right next to his and he gave a very manly scream before throwing himself to the side. He ended up landing on the floor with a thud.
"Merlin Tonks, I'm going to break my arm if you keep it up!" She stared at him before helping him up.
"You're so dramatic, Cedric. Maybe that's why Myrtle likes you! You're two peas in a pod." Cedric gave a gag at the peeping ghost. She had somehow gotten a picture of him shirtless and now he had to check all the toilets before he used them.
"I'm going to pay Luna to exorcize her." He said. Luna had gotten rid of the mean ghost that had haunted his shed back home. He was eighty five percent sure she had just bored him to the afterlife but if it worked, it worked!
"That reminds me! I need to have Uncle Sirius sign my cast. I hope he makes a joke!" He followed her to the floo and reluctantly stepped through to Lord Black's house. They heard a lound thump and creeped down the hall. Muffled groans echoed thought the house and they shared a look. Cedric did not want to see Lord Black shagging Professor Snape. He would probably die from such a sight. Tonks had no such issue and kept walking forward. She flung the door open and said "I hope we're not interrupting!" The oddest sight greeted them. Lord Black was doing squats as Porkchop slithered on a treadmill.
"What in Merlin's pants are you doing?" She asked and Sirius spun around.
"I've gained ten pounds over the break so I'm trying to exercise. It's been bloody awful. What are you two doing here?" He slumped down on a mat on the floor and Tonks swung her cast around.
"I wanted you to sign my cast!" Cedric kept watching Porkchop and couldn't help being impressed with his determination. The snake was faster than half of his quidditch team. He saw something perched on one of the cabinets and froze.
"Er Lord Black, is that the Sorting Hat?"

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