Invites & Criminals-Sirius Is Tired Of People Breaking Into His House

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Rita Skeeter loved her job. She loved being the first person to know what was going on and she excelled at finding buried secrets. She also knew when to watch her step. There was no use in turning an ally into an enemy just to sell a couple of newspapers. She saw an owl drop an emerald green envelope on her desk and felt her heart speed up. This was it! The big one! She lifted the letter with shaking fingers and read the calligraphy on the front of it. "To Rita Skeeter from Harry and Draco." She furiously wiped away her tears and slowly opened it. A stunning piece of glass slid out with golden instructions on the front.
"Dear Honored Guest!
We would like to thank you in advance for joining us on our special day. Please grasp the portkey at exactly 1 o'clock and it will take you to your destination! Owl back with your acceptance or your regrets. Love Draco and Harry." A tiny peacock figurine fell out of the envelope and she perched it on her desk. She sat back and let herself enjoy the privilege of being invited to the wedding of the century.
"Rita! I just heard that Heir Potter and Heir Malfoy sent out their invites today!" Her photographer gasped as the beautiful invitation on her desk.
"This is it, Steve! They will be talking about this wedding for centuries! Merlin, I can't wait to see it." She said gleefully.
"Let's celebrate with coffee!" She continued, ignoring her cold cup from this morning. As they walked into the breakroom, a snide voice called out "Oh! Hello Rita, it's a shame the Malfoy/Potter wedding is so exclusive." Annie Bishop had been annoying at school and she was ten times worse at work. Rita gave her a smirk that oozed satisfaction as she responded.
"Oh, you didn't get an invite, Annie? Such a shame, I received mine this morning." She poured her coffee before sauntering back to her desk, her day spent sharpening her quills for the big day.


Bellatrix Black spat out a tooth as Cissy threw herself on the ground.
"Merlin, Bella. I can't believe I missed my birthday tradition. With the boys getting married and graduation around the corner, it's been so hectic." She sighed and Andy patted her back.
"I was an absolute wreck when Dora graduated. I still get sympathy cards after the disastrous walk across the stage." Andy grimaced and Bella gave a snort. Andy's daughter had tripped walking across the stage and had taken the whole front row out. Three people had to be sent to St. Mungos.
"At least no one sued you." Cissy said cheerfully and Bella rolled her eyes. Everyone knew her brother in law had swept the incident under the rug. A loud hoot broke up their conversation as an owl the size of a snitch flew into her cell with a letter clutched in its talons. She tore it open in excitement before hopping around her cell.
"It's here! It's here!" She squealed as a little snake figurine fell out. She set it beside her bed and gave her sisters a crazed smile.
"Bella, you do realize a portkey won't work in Azkaban." Andy said. Andy was always such a stick in the mud.
"Of course, sister dear."
"Oi, Lestrange! Did you just get a wedding invitation from Harry?" Barty Crouch shouted from down the hall.
"That's none of your business, Crouch!" She shrieked back. The Death Eater wannabe had visited with her cute wittle Harry last week and didn't even have the decency to tell her!
"Well it doesn't matter. Harry invited me personally." She felt her eye starting to twitch in annoyance before she responded.
"Well it doesn't matter if he invited you, if you can't break out." Her voice had a mocking edge.
"I bet I break out before you do." She scoffed loudly.
"In your dreams, Crouch! I could break out tomorrow, if I wanted to."
"First one to break out, gets to sit in the front row!" She started digging in her blankets before taking out her stash of rat bones. The guards were too scared to get close to her so she used that to her advantage. She waved her sisters away before snarling out "You're on!" She started chewing on the bones as Crouch banged on the floor. She wasn't going to lose to a Ravenclaw!


Sirius heard a loud crash before looking at Bubbles.
"Maybe you should go check it out?" He asked and the basilisk ignored him before changing the channel on the telly.
"Fine! I'll go see what it is. If I die, you won't be able to watch your afternoon soap operas, you know." He muttered before sneaking up the stairs. He found Harry's creepy door wide open and braced himself.
"Please be a murderer, please be a murderer." He begged before sighing in disappointment.
"Draco, shouldn't you be at Hogwarts?" His minions were spread out across the room while Draco fed Snappy something blue. It looked like a finger but Sirius didn't want to know.
"I thought I would surprise Harry and update our room a little bit." He said and Sirius stared at him.
"What do you mean "our room?"" He questioned and he saw Ron pick Snappy up before hiding behind Herm.
"Didn't Uncle tell you? Harry and I will be staying here after graduation." Sirius took a deep breath before screaming into a pillow.
"Absolutely not! I will not have you-" he scowled before continuing "defiling my darling godson in my own house!" Fleur gave a giggle before muttering to the twins "I think Harry has been trying to deflower Draco." Sirius whirled on the French girl and frowned at her.
"I heard that, little miss! Harry has done no such thing." They continued to laugh and he started pacing.
"Er Mr. Black, if you don't let Draco stay, we all know Professor Malfoy would be happy to have them." Sirius tripped before catching himself on the bed frame. He wasn't going to lose to Lucius, of all people! The blonde man would be insufferable. He imagined the devastating look on Harry's face, if he told him Draco couldn't stay.
"You don't want to live together, papa?" His resolve crumbled and he looked around the room.
"I think new curtains would make a big difference." He offered before sitting next to Ginny.
"You'll get used to it." She said as she patted his back and Neville offered him a sandwich.
"Thank you, children."


Draco hummed happily as he wandered around Hogwarts, in search of his beloved.
"Draco, my darling son!" His Father cried out and he walked faster before a body slammed into him. They tumbled to the ground and he groaned as his Father's elbow hit his stomach.
"Goodness, Draco! Father isn't as young as he used to be." He complained before springing to his feet.
"Father, you tackled me!" He wheezed and took his Father's hand as he pulled him up.
"I was just so excited to see you, son." He paused before taking his handkerchief out and dabbing his eyes.
"Soon you'll be out of school and out of the manor. My poor heart is breaking every day."He sniffed and Draco patted his arm.
"I won't be too far, Father. I'm sure Lord Black won't mind if you and Mother stop by." His Father immediately stopped sniffing and beamed at him.
"What a wonderful idea, Draco! I will simply take over one of the guest rooms at Grimmauld Place and we can all live together. I cannot wait to tell your Mother." He opened his mouth to argue but his Father was already gone.
"Great, now Sirius will try to fight me." He scuffed his shoe and continued to look for Harry. He found him in the Slytherin common room, hunched over the end table.
"My heart, what are you doing?" Harry jumped before shoving his paper down his shirt.
"I'm attempting to write my vows." He declared and Draco inched forward. Perhaps he could have a little peak? He would love to see what Harry wrote. He was interrupted by Harry shaking his finger at him.
"Not another step, Draco! You wont get even a glimpse of what I'm going to say until we're standing at the altar." He gave him a sly grin before purring out "I'm sure I can change your mind." Harry narrowed his eyes at him before quickly throwing himself over the back of the couch, just in time too. Draco's hand was an inch from his foot, ready to tickle the information out of him.
"Good luck next time, husband." Harry said, his voice ending in a hiss. Draco fanned his face quickly and tried to corner him. He loved hearing Harry speak Parseltongue. It was so romantic!
"Say it again, my love.' He begged and Harry gave him a slow smile before hissing. Draco grabbed his chest and dramatically fell onto the sofa.
"My heart can't take it. Goodbye, my sweet love." He kept himself still as Harry crept closer. He grabbed him around the waist and pulled him down with him.
"You should never trust a Slytherin, darling." He kissed his cheek before tucking him against his side.
"Now that I have you, I will never let you go." He promised and Harry's laughter echoed around the empty room.

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