Another Ball & Suits-Pretty Boy Diggory Will Never Get Rid Of His Nickname

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"Would someone like to explain what is going on?" Severus has never been angrier in his life. The children were gathered around his desk as he paced back and forth. Lucius was watching him closely.
"Because it looks like you snuck out of school to go visit one of the most feared Dark Lord's of our time." He hissed out and Ginny snorted.
"Old man Gellert is harmless. He thinks Draco is his grandson!" The Weasley siblings laughed between themselves.
"That is not the point! You left and told no one. What if Dumbledore was waiting for you?" He snarled out, his hands shaking at the thought.
"He wasn't though, father. We knew Mr. Dark Lord might have some information for us and he did!" Harry said quickly, his eyes earnest. Severus strode forward and hugged his sweet son, his anger fading slightly.
"Promise you will tell someone if you sneak out again." He demanded and Harry rolled his eyes but agreed.
"We wouldn't be in this mess if Draco hadn't decided to tell Mr. Gellert his life story." Neville muttered and his godson gasped in outrage.
"If Grandfather wants to become part of the family, he will need to pass the quarterly quiz!" Severus shared a look with Lucius and they both shuddered. Draco had been making quizzes since he was ten and if you got an answer wrong, he would make you do independent study. The boy had always been a menace.
"Pup!" Sirius ran into the room with Cissy right behind him. He hugged him tightly before he started scolding him. Harry gave him a pleading look that he ignored. If he wanted to break the rules, he had to face the consequences.
"Hello, darling." Cissy kissed Lucius's forehead before hugging Draco.
"I hope you're all excited for this year's Ball." She said brightly and Hermione squealed.
"I can't wait! I love getting dressed up." Her voice was dreamy as she smiled at them. Severus looked at the various potions bubbling across the room and decided he would have to have a small accident. He did sometimes trip over his robes. It would be a shame if he happened to trip and knock one of the potions on himself. He didn't wait to seriously maim himself but a little burn never hurt anyone.
"You'll save a dance for me, right father?" Harry asked as he beamed at him. Severus sighed but said "Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Maybe he could trip out a window after he danced with his darling boy?


Harry admired his outfit in the mirror. Ron had really outdone himself this time.
"Blimey, Harry! It fits perfectly!" Ron looked him over before saying.
"Thanks again, Ron! This should distract Draco for a while so he'll stop harassing you about the wedding robes." Ron sagged against the bed frame.
"Thanks, mate. He gave me an inch thick binder of what he wants. Most of it clashes terribly but I didn't want to hurt his feelings." He admitted and Harry laughed. Leave it to his darling to want a piece of everything.
"I'll talk to him." He promised and Ron left to get ready. He started the long process of brushing his hair. It reached his lower back and he marveled at how different he looked. He was no longer a frail little boy, dreaming of a family. He had everything he could want and more. He was so blessed.
"Harry! Are you almost done? We're going to be late!" Herm yelled up the stairs and he added the finishing touches. His hair was in a slicked back bun with an elaborate dagger holding it in place. With Dumbledore running around, he should have at least one trick up his sleeve. He walked down the stairs and found Herm waiting with Luna. They both looked lovely. Herm was wearing a fitted blue dress, her hair braided down her back. Luna had on a puffy pale pink dress, matching the ribbon in her hair.
"This is it! This is my favorite outfit you've ever worn." Hermione raved and he flushed.
"Thank you, Hermione. You both look stunning." He said before calling Kreature.
"Little master looks perfect, Kreature is going to cry!" Kreature blubbered as he greeted him.
"Thanks, Kreature! Would you mind taking us to the manor? Ron would kill me if I got floo powder on my dress." He said and Kreature took their hands before popping them away.


Cedric snuck around the corner before an arm clasped him on his shoulder, making him scream.
"What are you doing?" Mr. Malfoy asked and he let out a breath of relief.
"I'm hiding from Mrs.Tonks. I'm pretty sure she's still upset that Tonks moved in with me and I'm worried she's going to drag me to the Swamp." He said in a rush and Mr. Malfoy nodded his head.
"Andy is terrifying. I would be careful if I were you. The only reason my body isn't floating in Inferi Lake is because Cissy loves me. Andy gave me a detailed journal on how she would murder me on my wedding day. She said it was a joke but I don't think she was joking." Cedric gave a squeak before scurrying off. He was not going to get murdered today, no thank you!
"Look who it is, Sevvy! Pretty boy Diggory, all grown up." Lord Black laughed as hung off Professor Snape. He was obviously drunk so Cedric tried to inch away, to no avail.
"Hello, Diggory." His former potion's Professor said and he waved back.
"Hello, sir. How are you?" He asked and had the misfortune of watching Lord Black grope Snape.
"I would be better if I had let Bubbles bite me when given the chance." He sighed dramatically as Lord Black laughed before leering at him.
"I'd be happy to bite you, babe!" Cedric tried to hold back a gag. He did not want to hear this! He quickly darted away when he had the chance. He saw an empty balcony and happily stepped outside for some fresh air. Tonks thought his plan to hide all night was hilarious and she had wished him luck before heading for the food. The Malfoy's always had the best food and his stomach growled loudly. He heard muffled swearing before two people came out of the shadows of his balcony.
"Ugh, it's just Diggory!" Draco announced before fixing his shirt. His hair was a mess and his lips looked swollen.
"Hi, Cedric!" Harry beamed at him as he straightened his sleeves. His dress was a pretty cream color with gold stars sewn all over. His sleeves hung off his shoulders and the top had a deep v, showing off his collar bones. Two high slits came up to his upper thighs and Cedric averted his gaze. The last thing he needed was for Draco to try and fight him. That would surely draw Mrs. Tonks attention.
"What are you doing out here? Are you fighting with Cousin Tonks? I am obligated to take her side." Draco warned him and he glared at the blonde boy.
"Of course we're not fighting! Mrs. Tonks is trying to kill me." He whispered and Draco rolled his eyes.
"So?" Cedric blinked at him before repeating back what he said.
"Merlin, are you a parrot? So what if she's trying to kill you? Tonks looked pretty and she has no one to dance with because her boyfriend is too afraid of her Mother." Cedric straightened his shoulders before saying "You're right. If I'm going to die, I'm going to die twirling my girlfriend around on the dance floor." He marched back into the ballroom and stopped by Tonk's side.
"May I have this dance?"


Draco watched Diggory storm away before grinning. He was hoping Aunt Andy would kill the annoying boy. He had seen how he had ogled at Harry's dress. Horrible manners, you would think he was raised in a barn with that attitude. The only one allowed to ogle at Harry was him. When Harry had come down the steps with his parents, Draco was sure his heart was going to give out. He looked so beautiful. He was thankful his club members were always on the lookout for people looking a little too long at his love. Herm had already taken one guest out back to meet her fists. His Vice President was very efficient.
"That was mean, Draco." Harry's eyes sparkled with amusement and he kissed the back of his hand.
"I couldn't stand the way he looked at you." He sniffed before pulling him closer. They could faintly hear the music playing from inside as he spun them around the balcony.
"Did you see Ron's outfit? It was so cute!" Harry asked, his grin sly.
'Perhaps Ron could make you one? I bet you would look lovely." Ron was wearing a deep green jumpsuit. The satin fabric draped just right and it was sleeveless yet it wrapped around his neck like a scarf. The back was completely open and it was the talk of the night. No one had seen anything like it and their friend was getting commissions faster than he could write them down. Fleur seemed amused as people fawned over her boyfriend. She had worn a matching dress but it was velvet.
"I will ask him to make me one right away." He swore and Harry lit up. If wearing a backless shirt made his darling happy, he would go start cutting his shirts right now.
"Are you ready for winter break? I bought Mr. Dark Lord a new comb. He seemed rather upset that Dumbledore had stolen his old one." Draco snorted.
"Grandfather told me it was a piece of hard bread he had whittled into a comb shape. It was barely usable. I'm sure he will be thrilled to get your gift." Draco would pay the guards to make sure his Grandfather got their presents. He had been surprised at how easy it was to visit the former Dark Lord. You just had to wave a bag of galleons around and they opened the doors right up. No wonder Dumbledore had been able to escape!
"Stop thinking so hard." Harry poked his chest as he dipped him.
"I'm sorry, my heart. I'll be better once Dumbledore is rotting six feet below." The old man had him on edge as he waited for him to make his move. He would be sadly disappointed though. Draco would be eagerly waiting to kick his arse, brass knuckles on both hands.

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