Grangers & Quidditch- Sirius Will Not Allow Harry to Grow Up!

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Hermione rearranged her room. She had dragged in some old pillows and set them in a circle. Her friends were coming over today for a HFC meeting! It would be the first one since school had ended. It was also the first time she ever had friends over. She shoved the pillows around some more and went to wait downstairs for everyone to arrive. A knock on the door had her wrenching it open.
"Hi Herm! Sorry if we're a little early, the twins insisted!" Ron said while rolling his eyes.
"Ignore him, Herm!" Twin One said.
"Yeah, he couldn't be on time if his life depended on it!" Twin Two continued. She gave a snort and ushered them in. They looked curiously around her home and she remembered the Weasleys were a pureblood family. This was probably the closest most of them got to a Muggle household.
"Hello! You must be Hermione's friends. We're her parents." Her mum said.
"Hello ma'am! Herm's a wonderful girl!" Twin Two replied while Twin one nodded furiously.
"Please ignore them ma'am. They were both dropped on their heads as babies and they've never fully recovered." Ron mock whispered, causing the twins to tackle him. She ignored them and opened the door to reveal Neville.
"Hi Herm! Thank you for inviting me!" The boy already had a tan from working outside with his plants all day. He came in and saw the Weasley brothers still rolling around on the floor.
"Oi! We are guests in Herm's home! Get up this instant." He barked at them. The boys got up in a hurry.
"Sorry Herm!" They apologized in unison.
"It's fine. When is Draco coming?" She asked excitedly. Her parents seemed to think she had a crush on Draco because she spoke of him often in her letters. She tried to explain his absolute devotion to Harry but they didn't seem to understand.
"I think I saw him carrying Harry down the block on my way here." Neville answered her. The bell rang signifying her President's arrival. She opened the door for the last time and saw Draco with Harry on his back.
"Vice President! Good to see you!" Draco called out as he came through the door.
"Hello President! Hi Harry!" The boy in question waved at her from his perch.
"Draco, why are you carrying Harry?" Ron asked curiously. Her parents were watching from the kitchen.
"And make him walk here? What if someone tried to kidnap him? Or hit him with one of those automobiles? It's safer for me to carry him!" He ranted, his hand reaching for Harry's.
"Er right." Ron replied. They all knew better than to get Draco worked up about Harry. It would take them hours to get him back on track.
"Draco, are you ready to start the meeting?" Harry asked their President. The other boy grinned and said "of course, my heart. Lead the way, Vice President!"


Ron tried not to snoop around Herm's room when they all went in. His sister hated any of them in her room and threw a huge fit anytime she caught them there. He figured it must be a girl thing. So he was trying to respect his friend's personal space. It seemed the twins did not get the memo. They were glancing around almost frantically, trying to take everything in at once. Rather rude, if you asked him.
"Alright everyone, take a seat!" Draco ordered and they all flopped down on the pillows.
"Alright! Harry received a letter from the goblins about his cloak fiasco!" They all looked at Harry eagerly. Ron hadn't been happy about the school board meetings decision either. Dumbledore could have seriously hurt his friend and that was not okay!
"Griphook said they can't fine him for tampering with the cloak because they can't prove it was him. He did say they would watch him like a hawk and the second he stepped a toe out of line, they would cut it off." Harry announced. They all groaned in disappointment.
"But what about the letter, Harry? That was definitely his handwriting!" Fred said.
"But we don't have proof he wrote it. Someone could have "forged" his signature" Harry told them.
"It's so frustrating!" Herm said and he watched as she broke her muggle quill. It was yellow and didn't need ink. He could never remember what it was called. She seemed to break them quite often in her rage.
"Hermione Granger! If you broke another pencil, it will be coming out of your allowance!" Mr. Granger reprimanded her as he walked by her room.
"It was nothing dad!" She shouted back, quickly shoving the two pieces under her cushion.
"Don't worry, Herm. It might take a couple of years but Dumbledore is going to regret ever crossing us!" Harry said viciously, his voice ending in a hiss. He had to watch Draco make heart eyes at him and rolled his. They were so sappy sometimes.
"Is everyone ready for second year? I thought we could all go shopping for our supplies together!" Draco said and they all made plans to do so. The twins would be going into their third year and would get share Percy's books from last year.
"You can all make it to the Longbottom Summer Solstice?" Neville asked. Ron was excited to see his moat. He had never never seen one before.
"Yes!" They all agreed. They talked about their summer plans before eating the snacks Mrs. Granger brought in. So far summer break had been wicked!


Sirius made sure breakfast looked perfect for when his pup woke up. It was their first morning in their new house and he wanted it to be memorable.
"What are you doing?" An amused voice said from right behind him. He let out a very manly yell before turning to scowl at Severus.
"My heart is going to give out if you keep scaring me like that! Then you'll be charged with murder." He told his boyfriend. Severus let out a laugh and said "we can't have that, hmm? Perhaps a kiss will make you forgive me?" Sirius was more than happy to agree with him.
"Gross! This is where we eat!" Little Malfoy's voice came from the doorway, interrupting them.
"Draco? What are you doing here?" Sirius wanted to know as well. He hadn't invited the boy over. He was wearing his pajamas. Wait- "did you sleep over?" Sirius asked the little brat. He gave him a look and said "of course I slept over! Harry and I have been sleeping together since last Yule. What if he got lonely?" Sirius felt his eye beginning to twitch at the mention of his godson and beds.
"You should have asked before inviting yourself over, Draco." Severus reprimanded the boy. Draco gave him a dirty look and said "I did ask. Harry said it was fine." His godson came stumbling in the room and Sirius felt his irritation fade away as Harry yawned. His hair was sticking up all over and he had ducks on his slippers! His pup was the cutest boy in the whole world! How did he get so lucky? When he got older, he would be even cuter. He froze as soon as he had the thought. His godson was already almost twelve. What happened when he was sixteen? Sirius knew what he was doing when he was sixteen and Harry already had a boy sleeping in his bed! Before he could have a meltdown, Harry squinted at him before grinning "Good morning, everyone! Breakfast looks great!" He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He had time to terrify the Malfoy boy into never touching his godson romantically. Blacks were the best at inspiring fear in others! As they all sat down to eat breakfast, Sirius forgot one crucial detail. Draco was also a Black.


Harry brushed his hair before putting on a headband. Granny had let him go through some of her things and he found a lovely green headband she said he could have! He thought he looked striking in it. It was rather thick and puffed out, giving him a vintage look. He had a pair of shorts that ended above his knees and a white shirt tucked into them. He struck a pose and the mirror said "bravo, darling!" He couldn't help his laughter as he skipped out of his room. It used to belong to Sirius's little brother. Granny got sad when he asked about Uncle Regulus so he dropped the subject.
"Granny! Are you there?" The curtains opened to reveal his Granny lounging on her chair. She let out a gasp when she caught sight of him.
"You look darling, dear! I knew that headband would look wonderful on you!" He couldn't help his happiness at her praise. He knew if he even looked at a headband before, Aunt Petunia would have locked him in his cupboard for being "the wrong sort" whatever that meant.
"Thank you Granny! We're going to a Quidditch match. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy got us tickets for Yule!" He knew Sirius and Draco were excited to go but Harry thought Quidditch was boring. Mr. Severus said there would be snacks so he would bear it for his love. He met everyone in the living room and grabbed Draco's hand.
"You look stunning, my heart! How is anyone going to be able to watch the match when you're there?" Draco said adoringly. Harry couldn't stop his blush. Draco was ridiculous.
"Harry, is that Mother's headband?" Sirius looked a little green as he asked.
"Yes! Granny gave it to me." He was going to buy more in every color. It kept his hair out of his face.
"I see." He held onto Sirius as Draco did the same to Mr. Severus and they apparated them away. They landed in a field surrounded by tents. People wore face paint and jerseys.
"Alright boys! Make sure you stay by us!" Sirius said and they both nodded. Ten minutes later, Harry was lost. He had accidentally let go of Draco's hand and he didn't know where he was. He had to find them quickly before Draco burned the place to the ground! He tried to retrace his steps to no avail.
"Do you need some help?" A voice asked him.

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