Puppy Love & Knitting-Sirius Knew It!

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Severus looked behind his back at the two Weasley twins who were attempting to follow him. If it was anyone else, they probably would have gotten away with it but Severus had been the Dark Lord's right hand. He was always aware of his surroundings. They had been following him for ten minutes and he was not in the mood. Exams were coming up and the children were being even more hysterical than usual. He had a student melt a whole table today! He also hadn't heard from Black since the outing and that annoyed him for some reason. The man had practically groped him and then left as if nothing happened!
"Come out and explain why you've been tailing me." He barked out. The twins stepped out from beneath the armor they were hiding behind.
"Hello sir! We're not sure what you mean by following. We've just so happened to be going in the same direction." They said in unison. He narrowed his eyes at them. He knew they were lying. His lips curled "I see. I suppose I will just have to give you detention. Wait, detentions don't seem to bother you two. Perhaps I should give first year Weasley your detentions?" They looked at each other and then looked at him.
"I guess the jig is up, Forge!"
"I think you're quite right, Gred!"
"We were following you because Harry wants to get you a gift but he couldn't seem to think what you'd want."
"So we offered to scope it out and see what would make you the happiest!" They said, talking back and forth. Harry wanted to get him something?
"Why would Harry want to get me something?" He said suspiciously.
"Well Mr. Black had mentioned that your birthday was in January and Harry felt bad that you didn't have a birthday party so he wanted to get you something special."
"Yeah! So you better act surprised when you get it!" They called out as they left quickly before he could go through with their punishments. Those little sneaks! He was positive the only reason they hadn't been in Slytherin was because the hat knew they would have demolished his House. He sighed and continued to his office. Opening the door he saw the person he had just been thinking of.
"Hello Black. What are you doing here?" The man in question jumped.
"Ah hello, Snape! I was just stopping by. I uh wanted to apologize for grabbing you last time. I was so worried about the children, I wasn't aware of what I was doing." He was nervously fiddling with his sleeves. It seemed he had a bad habit of doing that when he was nervous. He used to do it in school before he went home for breaks.
"So you admit to groping me in front of the children?" He watched Black's mouth gape open as he sputtered. "Groping you? I wasn't groping you! I merely grabbed your arm!" Severus stalked forward and got in Black's personal space. The other man seemed to freeze and Severus hissed out "I suppose you're right. You would know all about groping others wouldn't you?" He was referring to Black dating everyone in their youth. He face got bright red and he said "excuse me! Just what are you trying to imply?" Severus hadn't been this angry in a while. Black just seemed to push his buttons! His office door thudded open and Black jumped. He managed to trip on his own feet and since Severus was so close, he brought them both down. He found himself on his back with Black on top of him. He heard a squeak and looked up to see Draco covering Harry's eyes.
"Uncle Severus! If you and Lord Black are being intimate, please keep it private. Harry does not need to see this." Draco scowled at them.
"Mini Malfoy! We are not doing anything improper!" Black replied back.
"Perhaps you should get off my lap before you say anything." Severus said dryly to the other man. Black froze before scrambling up.
"I'm sure you weren't! You were practically kissing!" Draco said loudly.
"I think it's cute!" Harry interrupted him. Black zeroed in on Harry, who still had his eyes covered.
"Pup, don't think I don't know what's going on!" He watched Harry start pouting and said "Sirius, I don't know what you're talking about! I was just talking to the twins about Mr. Severus, so we decided to stop by." Black seemed to melt as Harry kept talking. What a fool. He couldn't disagree with his godson to save his life.
Rolling his eyes, he heaved himself off the cold floor. He was surrounded by idiots.


Harry watched his godfather try and put some distance between himself and Mr. Severus. Well he would not stand for that! He dragged Draco further into the room and hugged Sirius.
"I missed you Sirius!" He said, causing his godfather to scoop him up.
"Aw Harbear! I missed you more." He set him down and Harry made sure to coral him in Mr. Severus's direction. He smiled happily as he saw the two men standing close to one another.
"Mr. Severus! I have a present for you!" Harry reached into his satchel and pulled out said present. He gleefully handed it over.
"That is very kind of you Harry. Thank you." He replied as he opened it. Inside was a picture of all four of them at the dragon reserve.
"I thought you could put it on your desk." Harry said shyly. He watched Mr. Severus smile and say "that's a wonderful idea Harry! I will treasure it." He couldn't help his grin. Aunt Petunia had never treasured anything Harry gave her. He knew Mr. Severus would make a wonderful parent. He had known a girl in primary who had two mums so why couldn't he have two dads? Sirius took care of him and hugged him while Mr. Severus made sure he was safe and happy. It was perfect.
"I'm glad you like it sir! Sirius, would you like a copy?" His godfather gave him another hug. He basked in the positive emotions.
"Of course pup!"
"Then you'll have a picture of your favorite people right Sirius? Me, Draco and Mr. Severus!" Sirius avoided looking at Mr. Severus and said "you're right! My favorite people!" He shared a look with Draco.
"Well we should probably get going! Hermione's got a rigorous schedule set up for studying! Love you bye!" Harry dragged Draco out and shut the door.
"Draco! It's working out so well! I knew they were perfect for each other." Draco kissed his hand, a habit he recently picked up, and said "of course it is, lovely." As they left to go to the club room, they didn't notice they had left the door open a crack and the two men inside heard everything.


Sirius couldn't help his victorious grin. He knew those two were up to something. He started nudging Snape's arm.
"I knew it! I knew they were trying to get us together. I bet their little club is involved too! I mean they did manage to get Flint and Weasley together, the little brats. Honestly, I can't believe they managed to last this long without slipping up in front of us. I can't wait to rub it in Lucius's face that I was right! "Oh no Sirius, you're imagining things. It must be a side effect from the Dementors"" he mocked the older Malfoy, making his voice posh and dignified.
"They're trying to get us together?" Snape said finally. Sirius turned to look at the other man. He seemed surprised. "You can't tell me you didn't notice! Harry tripped me so I fell into your arms? Does any of that ring a bell?" Snape cocked his head to the side. "Yes but you grabbed my arm at the reserve and you just threw yourself in my arms." For the first time in his life, he was speechless. This infuriating man thought he was coming on to him? Snape's face slowly curled into a sly smile and Sirius felt his heart stop. Merlin, had Snape always been that attractive?
"It seems you knew about their plan and didn't stop it. Are you interested in me, Black?" He leered. Sirius stuttered out a reply but Snape kept stepping closer until they were almost touching noses.
"I'll pick you up at seven Saturday. I know a lovely little spot." Sirius couldn't help but agree. Maybe Harry and little Malfoy were on to something.


"I call to order the fourth HFC meeting!" Neville watched Draco bang a gavel on the table. Herm had gotten it for him for Yule.
"This will be the final meeting before exams and our big presentation!" Neville watched Ron wince at the mention of exams. They had been studying nonstop thanks to Commander Herm. The girl was crazy. He was pretty sure she slept in the library at this point. Thank Merlin exams would be in two weeks. He couldn't keep up with her and he knew everyone else was getting frazzled. He had seen Ron talking to a hatstand the other day about the twelve uses of dragon's blood.
"Herm, you're having Percy help you present correct?" She nodded her head and replied "I figured I could sway some more traditional people with having a pureblood by my side." He couldn't help agreeing with her. The older generation would be hesitant to believe someone who didn't have a background in the Wizarding World. Neville honestly didn't know how Herm hadn't been Sorted into Slytherin. The girl had been digging up dirt on Dumbledore all year and she was practically frothing to have a go at him. Neville almost felt bad for the Headmaster until he remembered his hand at literally ruining Harry's life. Sure the Dark Lord part hadn't helped but Harry would have still had a happy childhood if he wasn't placed with those muggles. Neville had written to his Gran to have her support. She had happily taken Herm's survey and stamped it with the Longbottom seal. She wasn't afraid to let the world know her opinion. Neville thought it was brilliant.
"Wonderful! I know you must be nervous because it's in a week but we believe in you!" Draco announced and everyone cheered.
"Now I had the Malfoy lawyers write up a contract for Rita so she doesn't go off the rails. It basically forbids her to drag Harry into this." Neville nodded his head in agreement.
"That's smart, mate. Skeeter is a wild card and that's what makes her so popular!" The twins said.
"Now onto less stressful news, I'm happy to announce that we caught Lord Black and Uncle kissing!" Neville couldn't help his giggles. The potion's Professor had terrified him until he caught him in the closet with Harry's godfather. It was kind of hard to be terrified of someone who met their lover in a broom closet. Where was the romance in that?
"That's great! Harry must be so happy!" Ron said gleefully. They all knew Harry's dream of having two dads and they were happy to help him achieve it!
"Oh Draco! Mum wanted me to remind you that your mum and your aunt are supposed to stop by the Burrow for their first knitting lesson next weekend!" Neville couldn't help but shiver at the idea of those three ladies in one room. He knew about the Black sisters but Mrs. Weasley had been a Prewett. That family had made their fortune in poisons. It was taught to all of the daughters of the family.
"I'll owl her tonight!" Neville heard a crack and Kreature appeared. They had all grown fond of the barmy elf. He set down some cookies and floated a tea set over.
"Thanks Kreature!" They all said and the elf gave them a smile.
"Kreature is happy to help master's consort and his friends." Since Kreature called Harry little master, he had started calling Draco consort. Neville thought it was kind of cute.
"Alright club members! We will pass our exams and crush Dumbledore's hopes and dreams!" They all cheered and passed around cookies, excited to make a change.

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