Dark Lords & Funerals-Fleur Is Terrifying Everyone With Her Giant Crab Leg

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Lucius watched as Severus dragged a stunned Barty Crouch Jr out of the maze. He had wanted to run in to save his boys but someone had to keep an eye on the Headmaster. He let out a breath when Harry and Draco finally walked out of the hedges or should he say Draco? His son was carrying Harry and the other Champions created a wall around them.
"Hi Daddy and Mummy Malfoy!" Harry waved brightly and he gave a wail before picking both children up.
"My boy! My sweet boy! I'm so happy you're both okay!" Cissy came up from behind him and kissed their foreheads. Draco's little club came running out and they were all shouting questions. He watched Hermione look over his shoulder before she was sprinting forward.
"Oh no you don't!" She tackled the Headmaster and they fell to the ground in a pile of flailing limbs.
"Miss. Granger!" Minerva shouted, her face pale with shock.
"Merlin, Herm! You probably broke his hip." Ronald hissed under his breath. The girl had her wand pressed underneath the Headmaster's chin and a fistful of his beard.
"He was trying to get away!" She snarled. He heard laughing and he turned to see that Barty had woken up.
"Merlin! I haven't had this much fun in ages!" He gasped out.
"Cissy, your boy is just like you. It's terrifying." He continued.
"Miss. Granger, I appreciate your dedication to your friend but you can just tackle the Headmaster." Madame Bones said before picking the girl up by her armpits.
"I have finished my investigation. How about we go to the Headmaster's office to discuss it?" Albus still looked shell shocked from getting run down as he unsteadily got to his feet. He discretely gave Hermione a high-five. He would have to buy her something nice.


Sirius kept his eyes on Barty. He had been a couple years younger than him and he had always liked the Ravenclaw boy. They both had shit parents so they bonded over it. As he watched him lick his lips, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him. Barty only did that when he was nervous.
"Congratulations on your wedding, Sirius. I heard you wore your Mother's robes. I bet she was screaming in hell." Barty commented and he barked out a laugh.
"That's the reaction I was hoping for." Bones cleared her throat and said "Now Mr. Crouch, if you could explain just what you were doing today? I have it on file that you died four years ago."
"Oh mum made Father do the ole switcheroo. She was dying anyway and it was her last wish. Father had been keeping me under the imperius curse so I couldn't run away. I managed to convince my nanny elf, Winky, to let me come view the Tournament. Once I got here, I stunned her before stealing a Gryffindor student's wand. I waited in the maze forever until little Harry arrived." He said as if talking about the weather. Sirius couldn't help his gasp. Crouch was known for his obsession with keeping the law. He had even sentenced his son to Azkaban, for Merlin's sake!
"I see. Crouch Sr is already in a holding cell at the Ministry." She said and two Aurors came in before leading Barty away.
"Bye, Mr. Crouch! Tell Miss. Bella I said hi." Harry waved from little Malfoy's lap.
"Bye, Harry! Thanks for the sandwich." He left through the floo and they turned back to Bones. She pulled something out of her pocket before enlarging it.
"This is the cup from the middle of the maze. Once one of the Champions touched it, it would have brought them to the entrance." She explained and he nodded with everyone else.
"I'm curious as to why the Headmaster's magic is on it?" She continued and all eyes turned towards Dumbledore.


Draco smiled into Harry's shoulder as Madame Bones questioned the Headmaster.
"I don't know what you're referring to? I was the one who put the portkey spell on the cup. Of course my magic would be in it." He said, his eyes sparkling behind his glances.
"Yes but I meant the other enchantment, Headmaster." Dumbledore just blinked at her in confusion.
"I think she's talking about the magical signature one." Harry said from his lap.
"I noticed it right away. If any of the other Champions touched it, it would bring them to the front of the maze. If I touched it, it would take me somewhere else." He gave his husband a proud look. Of course Harry would notice such sensitive magic.
"I see." The Headmaster was staring at Harry and Draco glowered at him. He had no right to even gaze upon his sweetheart.
"I know you entered me in the Tournament. At first I didn't understand why but after talking to Mr. Crouch, I understood." Harry stood up and got closer to Dumbledore.
"You want to bring the Dark Lord back." The room was silent before everyone started shouting. Draco shared a look with Cedric and nodded. Cedric scooped Harry up and set him beside him on the loveseat.
"Harry is right. I realized it today as well. But why?" The Headmaster sadly shook his head.
"I can't believe you would all think of me like that! I would never want that monster to roam the streets again!" The Headmaster had his hand clutched to his chest.
"That makes no sense! The Headmaster has been fighting the Dark for over fifty years!" Professor McGonagall cried out from beside him.
"That's true." Draco said slowly.
"Why would such an esteemed member of our community try to bring back one of the Darkest Wizards this century?" Luna sat up and started waving her hand.
"Because the Headmaster is Evil!" She said clearly and Draco pretended to shake a bell.
"Fifty points to Ravenclaw! The Headmaster is evil! After I gave that tip to Rita Skeeter, I decided to do a little digging. Isn't it convenient that the opposition to both Dark Lords was Professor Dumbledore? Did you want fame? Did you want money? You could have been the Minister if you wanted to! But no, you settled for the Headmaster of a boarding school. But why? Well as Headmaster, you would be able to shape the minds of every student you came across. You didn't need to recruit any soldiers for your war, you had children!" It was silent as the Headmaster continued to gaze at him.
"By "defeating" Grindelwald, you made yourself a hero. You were the figurehead for the Light but that isn't quite right, is it? You realized Grindelwald was an idiot and would make a convenient scapegoat. Let's not forget Tom Riddle. You found a lonely orphan boy who was convinced he was bound for greatness! You must have thought he was such an easy target. The public needed to be reminded that you were their savior, their Lord. So you helped create Voldemort. I'm assuming you were planning on killing him off but Harry got to it first. It must have been so frustrating to watch the public fawn over him. Isn't that right, Headmaster? Or should I say Dark Lord Dumbledore?" The Headmaster slowly started to clap as he gazed at them.
"I'm impressed, Mr. Malfoy. I thought the mudblood girl would be the first one to figure it out but you are rather diligent when it comes to Harry, aren't you?" He cracked his neck before continuing "All I needed was for Harry to play his part. I was even going to let him have you at the end of our little game. He just needed to help me revive Tom and then we would defeat him together but he deviated from the plan I set in motion. It was annoying when he found a friend in you but I thought "let him have something nice". Then you became a thorn in my side when you got rid of the Dursley's. Do you know how annoying those Muggles were? Really the worst of the worst. But I needed my Champion to worship me. If he saw me as his savior, he wouldn't question anything I did. I would say jump and he would ask "how high?" All of my carefully laid plans are ruined because of you boys." He sighed.
"I really didn't want to have to do this." He took his wand out. The adults had theirs out a second too late. He pointed his wand at Harry and said "Avada Kedavra." Draco watched in horror as the sickly green light went straight towards his beloved.
"Harry!" He screamed.


It was silent as he watched them carry the casket in. People were sobbing and he could see Mr. Black staring blankly ahead. Cedric still couldn't believe what had happened. Draco had filled him in on the plan before the Third Task. He said he was going to push the Headmaster. He was sure he could tip the old man over the edge but neither of them would be able to guess what would happen next. After they had all witnessed the Headmaster cast the killing curse, he had gotten four stunners to the chest and was carted straight to Azkaban. Madame Bones said she was going to place him across from Bellatrix Lestrange and Cedric approved. It's what Harry would have wanted. Once Rita Skeeter had heard the news, she had written an article for a week straight about "Dark Lord Dumbledore." The public had been outraged. Professor McGonagall had taken over as temporary Headmistress. The student's had taken the sudden death horribly. They had set up vigils all over Hogwarts and Mrs. Tonk's had fallen into a state of exhaustion from all of the visits she had received from distressed students. Someone sat beside and he turned to look at Herm.
"How are you doing, Cedric?" She asked softly and he hated the question. That's all everyone wanted to ask. He was fine!
"I'm fine." He said stiffly and looked forward.
"What happened isn't your fault. You tried your best to save him." He clenched his fists and breathed through his nose so he wouldn't yell at the younger girl.
"If only I was quicker." He spat out. He watched as they lowered the casket into the ground. He was being buried on the grounds. It was only right that he be buried at the place he loved. People milled around and he turned to find Draco walking up to him.
"I can't believe we're really having a funeral for the Sorting Hat!" Harry said from his back.
"That Hat was a hero!" Cedric cried out and Harry rolled his eyes.
"That Hat had lice!" Cedric opened his mouth to argue but remembered his head itching after his Sorting.
"Maybe you're right." He admitted and Harry grinned at him.
"I'm always right, Cedric!" After the Headmaster had thrown the killing curse at Harry, the Sorting Hat had pushed itself off the wall to block it. Whatever magic it had was gone and it was just a normal hat.
"I can't believe it moved so fast! It didn't even have arms." Draco whispered and Ron snorted as he came up to their group with Fleur tucked under his arm.
"Maybe the next one will have a better singing voice. Between the Hat and the Fat Lady, I always had a terrible migraine the first night back." They all laughed and Fleur said "I'm glad the Tournament is over but I'm going to miss you all." She gave a sniff. The other two schools were leaving after the funeral. They had declared Fleur the winner of the Tournament after she threatened to beat the judges with her giant crab leg.
"Well we'll get together this summer! I can't wait to see my snakes!" Harry yelled in glee. Draco leaned forward and kissed him gently before freezing. Mr. Black was storming over and he did not look happy.
"Darling, I have to run." He snuck another kiss before running into the Forbidden Forest with a giant black dog nipping at his heels.

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