Leather Pants & Quidditch-It's Valentine's Day and Everyone Is Getting Romanced!

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It was finally Valentine's Day! Draco had spent six weeks preparing for this day. Harry always seemed to spoil him so he decided he would return the favor this year. With the Tournament going on, they barely had any time to go on dates! He waited patiently for Harry to show up.
"Hey Draco! Make sure you remember to breathe when Harry comes in! He really outdid himself this year!" Ron called from the Gryffindor table and everyone laughed. He stuck his nose in the air.
"If I pass out from Harry's outfit, make sure you wake me up right away." He replied back. He had Dobby cover Harry's room with flowers. He couldn't wait to see his reaction. He knew Harry was a secret romantic.
"I heard Weasley spent two months sewing Harry's Valentine's Day outfit!" Pansy whispered next to him.
"He did! Ginny said it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen." Daphne answered.
Someone plopped down next to him and he turned to find Lord Black.
"Hello little Malfoy. I know Harry is going to be looking extra cute today but you better keep your hands to yourself." He threatened and Draco gave him an innocent look.
"I'll try to, sir. Harry can get rather grabby and I can't deny him anything." He was satisfied to see the older man's eye starting to twitch and decided to push him a little further.
"Yes, I woke up the other morning and he had somehow snuck his hand under my shirt! I wanted to move but I couldn't bear waking him up. Harry is still recuperating from the second task." Lord Black picked up Theo's spoon and reached forward. He dodged out of the way and his Uncle grabbed Lord Black under his armpits.
"That's enough of that. We can't have you stabbing the students." He chided him and Lord Black glared up at him.
"I wasn't going to stab him! I was just going to scoop an eye or something." He pouted and his Godfather dragged him to the Head Table. Draco snickered to himself and sat back down. His parents came wandering into the room and he could see his Father had diamonds braided into his hair. His Mother loved to lavish jewels onto his Father every year. She seemed to have a new wand holster which was strapped to her thigh.
"Hello darling! Harry isnt down yet?" His Father asked as he patted his head.
"No. We have plenty of time before our date though." He explained. They chatted for a couple more minutes before joining his Uncle. The door was thrown open and Herm appeared.
"Harry's coming!" She shouted and the HFC got into their places. The door opened and heart shaped balloons came falling down from the ceiling. Draco was sitting on Greg and Vince's shoulders while holding a bouquet of roses. He greedily took Harry's outfit in. He felt his heart start to race as his vision darkened. He blinked rapidly as he fought the urge to faint. Harry was wearing a white long sleeve top that cinched at the wrist before ending in a ruffle. He had on a red skirt that flared out above his knees with white layers. It had white polka dots and a giant bow on the front. Frilly straps connected from either side like an apron and he had on white loafers with red socks. Sitting on top of his head was a large red halo crown with a heart shaped sapphire hanging in the middle of his forehead. He reached for a handkerchief to stop his bleeding nose and took a deep breath. Harry gave him a happy smile.
"I'm the Queen of Hearts." Draco kissed the back of his hand before responding.
"You are the Queen of my heart. Thank you for spending another Valentine's Day with me. I love you." He dipped Harry and kissed him as the Great Hall exploded into cheers.


Fleur wiped her sweaty palms on her pants. This was her first Valentine's Day with someone and she was worried she would mess something up. She had already burned off a girl's eyebrows for commenting on her twitchy behavior.
"Hi Fleur. Happy Valentine's Day." Ron said from behind her and she turned around to find him holding a heart shaped box. She smiled shyly at him before reaching out to take his hand.
"Thank you. You too!" He led her through the halls to a classroom. She looked around as he shut the door behind him. It was decorated in pinks and reds. A bunch of blankets were laid on the ground with pillows surrounding it.
"I thought we could have a picnic inside. It's still a little chilly out." Ron said as he sat down beside her.
"I love picnics!" She said loudly and winced. Merlin, she sounded like an idiot! Who didn't like picnics?
"Er, I hope you like it." He shoved his gift in her hands and she could see the tips on his ears were red. She opened it to find a box of chocolates on top with something underneath. It turned out to be a light blue sweater with silver feathers embroidered all over it. She stared at him.
"I know it's colder at Hogwarts than in France so I thought it might help keep you warm and I thought the feathers would represent your Veela heritage." He rambled and she cut him off with a kiss.
"This is wonderful, Ron. I will treasure it forever." She swore and he blushed brightly. She handed him her gift and watched in anticipation as he opened it. He looked confused and she explained.
"It is a gift card to a fabric shop in Diagon Alley. They had tons of different fabrics to choose from." He grinned widely at her before saying "Thank you!" They ended up eating snacks into the afternoon and talking about their favorite Quidditch teams. She couldn't have asked for a better day.

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