Chapter 1: It's Just Me

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The sound of rain pattering on the ground. The wind blows loudly as it sways the trees around. It's a stormy night on Westside Island. There's no sound but the wind blowing about and the branches of the trees swishing about in the wind. There's a small figure wearing a grey cloak trudging threw the mud and down the dirt path, the red shoes are covered in dirt and mud. He's carrying a bag full of food and other things and it's heavy on his shoulders.

He's trudging his way towards a pretty big wooden house. When he gets to the house, he fiddles around in his pocket of the keys and manages to get the door open to the house closing it quickly behind him. He removes the cloak and sets it on the coat hangar. It's a fox with orangish-yellowish fur, two twin tails, his chest down to his stomach covered in soft white fur, he's got blue eyes and three hairs sticking out the front of his head, his red shoes were covered in mud so he washes them off and puts them by the door, his fuzzy fur was a bit damp but he didn't seem to mind too much.

The fox puts the bag of food in his designated pantry and takes the other bag to a large room with what looks to be a red plane. He drops the heavy bag on the table and starts taking the contents out of the bag, they're mechanical parts. He takes some of the parts over to the plane and starts to work on the vehicle. He works on it all night, upgrading the engine, testing the rudders, and running checks with the instruments on the plane.

When he's done he yawns and stops working on the plane for the night, packing up all the tools and putting them away, closing the door behind him. He makes himself something to eat and then goes upstairs to get ready for bed. After a bath, the fox gets in bed and turns off the light before pulling the quilt over him...

Before he can close his eyes. There's the sound of a distant explosion. He sits up and jumps out of bed grabbing a pair of binoculars on the dresser. He opens the curtain and sees a decent size mushroom cloud in the distance, in the corner of his eye he sees something move pretty fast from the left to the right side, he doesn't think anything of it until he sees it move around again from the left to the right, there are smaller explosions too indicated by momentary flashes of light and sparks.

"What's happening over there"

Then the blue light zooms towards his home and stops, he gasps. There's silence in the room for a moment, nothing but the sound of the rain and wind whipping around, he gulps nervously, what could possibly move that fast?

There's pounding at the door, the fox is startled by the sound of pounding, he jumps when he hears it and how aggressive it is, he can tell whoever's out there is desperate, he takes a deep breath and he makes his way down the steps, grabbing a large heavy wrench incase he needed to defend himself. The pounding stops for a bit but then it resumes again. It sounded like whoever was outside was desperate to get in.

The fox looks threw the peephole and sees a blue figure standing outside the house as the rain keeps pouring down, it has spiky hairs on its back, his torso is sand coloured, green eyes, white gloves and red and white shoes and he's standing in the rain, tapping his foot nervously. The stranger looks nervous like he's desperate to find hiding, the fox sighs and decides to open the door. He unlocks the door and looks at the figure. He looks back at the fox and immediately bolts inside right passed him like a blur, pulling the little fox inside before closing the door and locking it all in two seconds.

"Whoo! Lucky for me someone was home!" The blue figure says, relieved to have found shelter, then he shakes so fast the water evaporates and his fur is all dry. The Fox points the wrench at him and he puts his hands up.

"Who are you-"

"Names' Sonic! And you can put the wrench down, I'm gonna hurt you pal"

"Miles... Prower, what are you running from-"

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