Chapter 34: Don't Disappoint Me

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"So how did it go?" Tails asks looking at Nine.

"It was awesome" Nine responds.

The two fox's are sitting outside a cafe in a city Tails' designed, a city called Aldcliffe City, a city located a few miles from the base of a mountain in the Wood Zone.

"Those Gazebo's were great" Nine says.

"I told you they were a treat didn't I?" Tails responds.

"You were right they are relaxing"

"Would you go back?" Tails asks.

"Yeah... I would" Nine responds, "I uh, saw this arctic fox at the Heartburn Lounge, he slid a card with his phone number in it-"

Tails looks up from his coffee when he hears that.

"Oh he like you-" Tails says with a smug grin on his face.

"I-I guess" Nine responds.

"You should go for it" Tails says, smiling at him.

"You think so?"

Tails nods and takes a sip of his drink, "If he makes you curious, then you know you got something"

Nine looks up at the tall buildings surrounding him and Tails, at the slow moving clouds in the sky. Nine looks back down at Tails who's kicking his legs around while waiting for Nine's answer.

"I'll try it" Nine says.

"Good luck, you're gonna need it" Tails responds.

"Do you have any advice?" Nine asks, curious to see what Tails would say.

"Just be yourself" Tails answers, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Nine nods.


Ruby Heights
North Nightstar City

It's night time, it's quiet, still as Nine walks down a damp sleepy street with brownstones and holographic road signs, headphones on listening to music and his hands in the pockets of his jumper. He looks down at his black gloves on his hands and he approaches an intersection with a corner store nearby, the light isn't his so he waits for the cars to pass by. The smell of humid air and rain calms him as he waits patiently for the light to change.

A pair of white boots come next to him from behind as he looks forwards while listening to music. Nine notices and looks up at him, taking off a headphone when he notices him.

"What" Nine goes coldly.

His hair is wild and messy, he's got clothing that blends in with his fur, the only thing that's not white on him are the buttons on his coat, his red eyes, and blue phone. He's a tad taller than Nine and he has a pretty average build.

"Aren't you the fox I saw at the bar?" He says with a smooth English accent.

"I don't know, am I-"

The arctic fox laughs loudly, "I'm joking... So what brings you to Ruby Heights? Looking for a new place?"

"I'm on a walk" Nine responds.

"Ah, I see. I'm on my way back home so I can put my groceries down and then go to work"

"You work at night?"

"Whenever I'm needed but yes, mostly at night"

"Cool... I guess"

The light changes and Nine crosses the street, white furred fox walking next to him.

"You know... I find it pretty interesting how you turned up in my neck of the woods" The fox says looking down at Nine with a slick grin on his face.

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