Chapter 16: Hug Me

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Following Amy's death, the invention convention Tails and Sonic were attending was put on hold, the police were questioning everyone who was present near the site of Amy's death. Mighty was called over to help with the investigation, Ray, who also joined the police team was there too. Both of them are standing there as the investigators continue to look for clues that could point them in the direction of the one who did it.

"How did she even escape in the first place?" Ray asks.

"She fought the crew of her prison transport and escaped into the woods. That was a few days ago..." Mighty responds, the armadillo is kneeling down next to her body which was as still as a rock on the ground.

"Somehow I had the feeling she'd come after Tails after what happened at Sonic's welcome back party, and we're still trying to solve that as well"

"Whoever did this really knows what they're doing" Ray responds.

Mighty grumbles and stands back up, he straightens his tie and covers Amy's corpse with a tarp.

An officer approaches Mighty and Ray with news...

"Sir, the CCTV footage was tampered with... We can't identify who did it with cameras"

"Interesting... Anything else?"

Ray starts to think about who could have done it in his head, after a bit of thinking he has an idea of who the perpetrator is. Whoever the killer was had to have been smart enough to cover his traps up this well, and theirs only one genius he believed was the culprit...


"For the last time! I was literally being shot at, why would you think I'd put my life on the line for some hormone enraged psychopath like Amy?! I hated her for trying to kill me off... But I would never go as far as to then go and kill her! Come on!"

The two police officers sitting in an auditorium with Tails look at eachother and then back at the fox. Sonic watches from outside as the fox does his best to keep his composure.

"That is all Mr Prower, you may go-"

Tails gets up and walks out with Sonic who immediately pulls him close so he can rest his head on his shoulder, "Its okay pal, I'm here-"

Tails wipes his face and let's Sonic walk him away from the area, Sonic knows the perfect thing to help cheer him up. He scoops the fox into his hands, Tails yelps in surprise and looks up into Sonic's kind eyes.

"Hold on!"

Sonic runs out of the building with Tails in his arms passed the crime scene tape to a desert parlor that had opened in the area recently. When he gets there he lets Tails back on his feet and steps back to marvel at the modern looking building.

Tails looks at Sonic and then back at the shop, he lets out a laugh. Sonic looks over at him, utterly bewildered by his outburst of laughter.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

"Nothing, I'm just not surprised you thought about something like this"

Sonic pouts and crosses his arms, Tails jumps at him squeezing tightly, Sonic notices the warm, satisfied grin on his face and it makes him feel better almost immediately.

"Thanks" Tails whispers.

Sonic blushes a little.

"Come on! I wanna try everything!" Tails says excitedly, taking him by the hand and tugging him inside.

Hours go by as they chat and laugh together while enjoying various sweets... Tails is enjoying himself a ton, meanwhile somethings bothering Sonic, something that had been eating at him since him and Tails arrived at Cloudpuff City. Tails grows concerned when he notices all Sonic got was a cake and a glass of soda, the fox knows he usually eats more then just that so he puts his hand on Sonic's and looks up at his eyes.

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