Chapter 6: Believe In Me

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Sonic jumps and grabs tails by the hands, the fox spins his tails as fast as he can and carries the hedgehog out of the aircraft.

"Good luck!" Cream shouts.

Sonic salutes them off with a confident smirk on his face. As they're flying up Tails, squeezes Sonics hand tightly, Sonic notices this and looks up at Tails, he didn't usually squeeze the way he did so it prompted him to ask how his little brother was doing.

"Tails... Are you okay?" Sonic asks.

"Huh?... Yeah, I'm fine! I just don't wanna drop you that's all!" Tails assures, looking down at Sonic, there's an uneasy grin on his face and that makes Sonic worry even more.

"We've done this a thousand times buddy, you've never dropped me! It'll be fine, so uh can you ease up on my hands please?"

"O-Oh sorry" Tails says, the fox loosens his grip on Sonic's hands a little.

As they get closer to the ship, badniks start to converge on them. Sonic notices and looks up at Tails who nods, Tails swings him at one of the badniks and Sonic starts smashing into them like a ping pong ball, when he's done he jumps towards Tails and the fox catches him and continues carrying him to the side of the ship.

Tails sets the hedgehog down on the ships hull and almost immediately the two are surrounded by drones which start firing lasers at the two. The two dance around avoiding the attacks, and smashing the badniks, Sonic hitting them all at a pretty rapid pace... It goes on for almost ten minutes, a never ending swarm of badninks attacking the two over and over again.

"Ahhh, we don't have time for this" Sonic shouts. The hedgehog turns into a ball and starts spinning as fast as he can before launching himself into the side of the ship, there's an explosion and Sonic comes in flying into a metal wall.

Tails reaches into his bag and tosses a few metal orbs at the drones. Smoke errupts from the tiny balls providing them with an opertunity to escape. Robotnik who's watching on a small feed shifts uncomfortably as the drones move into the smoke, the two made like bandits and disappeared, when he sees they aren't there he bangs his fist on the control console in fury.

"Find them! They're an ever growing thorn in my side and I'm tired of it!... And when you find Sonic, destroy him!"

The drones hovering around the room all exit the room and fly through the halls, Robotnik smiles with sinister intent behind those glasses of his. One way or another he would try and defeat Sonic and as swiftly as possible.

Sonic groans as he tries to rise to his feet, when he smashed the hole in the side of Robotnik's ship he hit his head when he blasted threw the metal, he can't stand straight, Tails sees Sonic stumbling around and catches him before he falls to the ground.

"Sonic! Are you ok?!" Tails asks frantically.

"Yeah buddy, I'm okay... Ngh"

"You don't look okay..."

Sonic manages to stand back up straight and looks down at Tails, "See... I'm good"

Tails squabbles nervously as Sonic shakes his head. The hedgehog starts running around the base, Tails follows him around like a helicopter.

Halfway to the control room they encounter the swarm of drones Eggman had sent to destroy them. Sonic extends his arm towards Tails and the fox hands him a glowing ring, the drones fire their lasers at the two. Sonic jumps around smashing the machines into pieces.

Tails rumages around in his bag while ducking and dodging laser beams, he finally finds what he's looking for in the form of a decent sized blaster he built, the weapon just as big as a pistol.

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