Chapter 24: Stay With Me

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Tails wakes up in bed, Sonic sleeping next to him, he wipes his eyes and reaches for his phone on the night stand sitting up on the bed frame as he reads more about what the humans gathered from the incident last night. Sonic rolls around and reaches around until he grabs hold of Tails, the fox puts his hand on Sonic's spikey head and messages it gently as he continues to read on. When he's done reading, Tails gets off the bed and stretches, Sonic comedically rolls off the bed behind him and onto the floor.

"Ow" Sonic groans.

Tails holds his laughter back and shakes his head.

"It's already the morning?"

"Yep" Tails says putting on his socks.

"What did we do last night"

Tails can feel his face getting warm, "I forgot to be honest"

"Oh yeah we got crazy in bed again-"

Tails bangs his head on the dresser making Sonic sit up in surprise.

"What's wrong"

"N-Nothing, you're just really hard to resist" Tails says bashfully.

"Shut up, I can say the same about you" Sonic fires back, just as embarrassed himself.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast" Tails says walking up to the door way and turning around. It takes Sonic a second to realise Tails is waiting for him he gets on his feet and walks and grabs his shoes and gloves.

Sonic sits at the counter as Tails mixes some eggs in a bowl, he's been interested in the music festival they were going to check out since Tails mentioned it.

"Glastonbury huh"

"Yep the Glastonbury Festival" Tails says while pouring the mixed eggs into a pan, the sound of liquid sizzling is like music to both their ears.

"That smells really good"

I tried putting some spices in it this time"

"Ugh, I wanna eat now"

"Just a bit more Sonic, I know you can wait"

Sonic tries taking his mind off the hunger by continuing to read about the Glastonbury festival. He sees the festival usually goes on for five days at most and most people who attend sleep in yurts.

"Tails, this festival goes on for 5 days"


"Yeah, But hey at least theirs some pretty decent food from what I'm se... Oh hell yeah! They have a rock band playing the first day!" Sonic says, the hedgehog is vibrating with excitement as Tails looks back at him and smiles.

"We still gotta write that song" Tails says.

"Yeah, yeah I know... Whoo! That got me super excited!"

Tails finishes cooking the eggs and slides half onto Sonic's plate before putting the other half on his.

"So when are we leaving?" Sonic asks.

"As soon as we're done eating" Tails responds, he takes a fork full of fluffy eggs and puts it in his mouth.

"We trying to beat the crowd or something?"

"Something like that"

Sonic shrugs and is about to put a piece of egg in his mouth when he gets an idea, as Tails is about to put another piece of food in his mouth, he sticks the piece of egg up to his face, the fox's face turns strawberry coloured almost immediately when he realises what Sonic is trying to do.

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