Chapter 27: Cherish Me

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Nine yawns loudly as he finally wakes up, when Sonic hears him yawning he looks over in his direction, he looks at Sonic in the eyes and just grunts as if he's annoyed with his existence.

"Good morning, I think-"

"Why are you here?"

"You fell asleep on me in the shower... And I couldn't leave because you grabbed onto my hand... And you held it tightly at one point, I'm not gonna lie, it felt like you were gonna crush it" Sonic explains.

Nine looks down to see his hand holding onto Sonic's, his face turns crimson and he lets go of Sonic's hand, "Sorry"

"You were out for 14 hours by the way"

"14 hours?!"

Sonic nods.

"I gotta confess something to you, I haven't slept a wink since he died"

"You were that dedicated to finding his killer weren't you?" Sonic asks, smirking at his dedication.

Nine nods, "Combine that and the nightmares I'd have of that night, I just couldn't get any sleep... I'm starting to think meeting you was the best thing that's happened to me in a while. I haven't felt this fortunate in a long time"

Sonic's face softens, Nine takes his hand and squeezes it tightly.

"I have nothing left in this world... So maybe I could come back to yours. Please, don't want to be alone again, I hate it so much"

"I-I'll talk about it with Tails" Sonic responds.

"Okay" Nine responds, he leans in and kisses Sonic on the lips, when he's done he jumps off the bed and puts on some fresh clothes.

Sonic stretches his arms and walks outside, Nine follows behind him staying as close to Sonic as he can. Sonic comes into the lab and sees Tails is hard at work on what looks like some sort of scanner, Tails turns around and when he sees Sonic coming in he smiles.

"You sure are hard at work?"

Tails grabs onto Sonic and hugs him tightly, "I could use a bit of de-stress"

Sonic could tell what he meant by that, his face warms up and he looks away from Tails making the fox break out into laughter. While Sonic and Tails have their banter, Nine strolls on over to the desk to observe what Tails has made so far and he's genuinely impressed with his work.

"How close is it to being done?" Nine asks.

"I just need a few more parts" Tails responds while touching noses with Sonic who's making no effort to try and move away from him.

Eventually Sonic has enough of the nuzzling and cuddling and moves back from Tails.

"I'm gonna go crash on the couch and take a nap, you guys try to not kill eachother while I'm sleeping"

"Uh huh" Nine says walking over to another desk so he can work on something.

"You got it Sonic!" Tails says.

Sonic leaves the room and yawns as he goes down the diamond plate steps to the living room. A few minutes goes by, both foxes work in silence on their respective creations. Nine turns around so he can grab a wrench but he sees Tails isn't behind him working on the scanner so he figures he just left the room so he turns around and starts working on his contraption again...

A hand grabs him by the back of the head and slams his face into the table, Nine is then lifted up and slammed onto the desk aggressively. Standing over him with freezing cold eyes is Tails, Nine tries to move his mechanical tails but Tails' feet are holding them down, the fox reaches into his utility belt and pulls out a combat knife he leans down and gets in Nines face while holding the knife to his throat.

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