Chapter 42: Mess With Me

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Nine's big white smile is all Tails can focus on as he whisks him around the town. Tails and him are in Akihabara a tech nerd's dream world. The boys are so excited they can't help but go on a shopping spree. After they splurge on unusual inventions and gadgets they spend the night at a club taking pictures and enjoying each other's company.

"Aren't you having the time of your life!" Nine shouts over the loud music.

"I guess!" Tails shouts back

"You guess?! That's not an answer goofball!"

Tails roll his eyes and laughs.

"Okay!... Yeah, it's pretty fun!"

"That's the spirit!"

Nine laughs and pulls him close so he can take a selfie with him, just as he takes the picture he kisses Tails on the face which makes the fox start laughing.

"WOOOOOO!" Nine shouts.

Eventually, after a night of dancing the night away, they both find themselves sitting at a table at the back of the club, holding hands and giggling with one another.

Nine sighs and holds Tails by the waist, "I'm so glad I met you"

"But I almost tried to-"

"Hey, at least we made up though, right?"

"I still feel like shit for it"

"Well don't, it was a while ago. Besides I don't wanna hold a grudge against you"


"Because I love you, you're amazing"

Tails' chest warms a little and he can't help but smile at Nine, "You're gonna make me cry, come here!"

The two embrace eachother and giggle and squirm as they do. Tails pauses and laughs exhaustedly, Nine rubs his face against Tails' making him smile more.

"You know if I didn't have Winter... And you didn't have Sonic. Do you think we'd make a good couple?" Nine asks, his eyes closed, head full of happy, loving thoughts.

Tails is thrown off by the question, but still answers it, "Maybe"

"Heh, good enough for me" Nine answers.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nah, totally sober"

"Wow... You're full of colour tonight huh?"

"I'm the entire fucking rainbow"

Nine starts kissing his face again making Tails laugh as the two embrace eachother and mess around with one another over the loud music.

"What do you think Sonic and Mangey are doing right now?" Tails asks Nine as the other fox continues to kiss and hug him.

"Probably watching a movie," Nine says as he continues to smooch Tails' face.

"Maybe he's teaching more about how to read?" Tails responds, also wondering what those two were doing back at the high rise.

"Less talking, more kissing and cuddling," Nine says, grinning at him with infatuation in his eyes.

Tails laughs as Nine's love smooches get to his neck.

"Needy" Tails teases, smirking at him.

The two touch noses and continue laughing and goofing off with one another.


Mangey moans loudly as Sonic pins him against the bed and gives him the time of his life. Sonic unloads inside of the fox, his satisfied face growing bigger and bigger.

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