Chapter 39: Satisfy Me

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"This isn't Tokyo..."

Where are the four of them standing? Piccadilly Circus, in London, at 5:30 in the afternoon... And there are plenty of stares thrown their way by confused Londoners. Mangey, not used to seeing humans hides behind Sonic for protection and comfort, Sonic notices Mangey and bends down to meet his gaze, Nine pulls his hood over his head and looks away from the crowd.

"It's okay, they're not gonna hurt you. And if they do, we'll rough em up"

Mangey feels just a bit more comfortable when Sonic consoles him.

Sonic turns back to the crowd with a nervous smile on his face, "Heyyy, so uh don't mind us... We're just gonna scoot on outta here, okay bye"

Sonic scoops up the three foxes and runs off to a street corner, putting then down once they're far enough from Piccadilly Circus. Mangey looks around in amazement, seeing all these unusual buildings, lights, signs, colours and structures made him stare in awe, the smells grabbed his interest too, foods, cars, metal, rubbish bins... Until he sneezes that is...


It's loud enough to get everyone to look at Mangey who's shivering, he waddles over to Sonic and sniffles.

"Oh, yeah is pretty chilly" Sonic says.

"It's December and his clothes aren't meant for the cold, they're meant for the jungle" Tails explains.

"Okay, so we find him something to wear" Nine says.

Tails takes his phone from out of his bag, and types on it a bit. Mangey, still a curious about all the new things he's seeing peeks over Tails' shoulder and watches him looks for clothing stores near them on Google Maps.

"We're in a popular area of London so there's gotta be plenty of these stores.... Oh found a good one!"

"Where is it?"

"Near Hyde Park"

"Huh, alright"

"Great, I can't wait to get there, let's g-" Sonic starts.

"Hahahaha... No" Tails says, putting his hands on Sonic's shoulders.


"Sonic, I love you-" Tails inhales and takes a deep breath out, "-But you're sense of fashion is terrible"

"O-Ouch" Sonic goes, hunching over in shame.

Nine snickers to himself while Mangey feels bad for Sonic somewhat.

"Eh, sitting in a store all day is boring anyway" Sonic goes, crossing his arms and turning away.

Tails holds back his laughter, he knows that Sonic feels hurt but he's not going to admit that it hit him where it hurts, he kisses his cheek and stands over by Nine.

"There's this steak place I think you'll like, it's called Hawksmoor Seven Dials!" Tails says, showing Sonic where it is.

"Eh, I have been wondering if I could get my hands on something good to eat for a while now" Sonic says.

"I'll send you the location, you can go there and eat while me and Nine find some stuff for Mangey to wear" Tails says back.

"Alrighty then... Oh it's a steak house-" Sonic's mouth starts to water when he sees the pictures of the food, "...Oh that look gooooood"

Tails gives him an orange plastic card with his logo on it, "We don't have the currency they use here, but this is connected to my account bank account back home. It converts the money we use back at home to their currency!"

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