Chapter 5: Adore Me

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Tails excitedly pulls a yawning Sonic along through the halls of their base. Since he didn't get to show Sonic his latest project the previous night, he decided to show it to him today. Tails leads Sonic inside the aircraft via the loading ramp and giving him a tour of the machine. Sonic was impressed with his work, Tails had shown him some pretty neat things, but to him, this was the icing on the cake.

"So what do you think?" Tails asks, his eyes dancing around excitedly.

"I love it! Awesome job!" Sonic responds, the hedgehog starts to ask Tails some questions. After all, he was the leader of the group and he wanted to know what the aerocraft was capable of.

"So uh can this thing still jump dimensions?" Sonic asks.

"Well duh, we may have taken the blueprints from Eggman but that doesn't mean he'll try and design another one" Tails responds.

"What kind of weapons does it have?" Sonic asks sitting down on one of the co-pilot seats.

Tails sits close to him in another seat, "High density lasers, sound cannon, heat seeking missiles, torpedos, the whole shabang!" Tails explains.

Sonic likes his enthusiasm so he smiles lazily. Tails stands up and goes to one of the consoles and flips a switch. The lights dim and colour changing LED lights installed in the ceiling and under the control panels begin to glow. Sonic slowly stands up and looks around as the colours shift slowly and smoothly, "Awesome" he whispers.

Tails heart starts to pound sort of like a jackhammer, he's alone with Sonic, everyone else is asleep... It's perfect, he has a shot. He slowly reaches into one of the storage compartments and pulls out a box of candies. The fox swallows and lets out a shaky breath, he nervously extends his hands to Sonic. Sonic notices Tails'offering and takes the box with a warm smile on his face.

"Isn't it a bit late for Valentine's Day?" Sonic asks, looking down at the box of candies.

"That's not what it's for. Today's the day I first met you so I thought I'd get you a gift. It's not a chilli dog but it's something I put a lot of work into" Tails responds, scratching his arm and blushing like a nervous child.

Sonic takes one of the candies and pops it in his mouth, he loves it.

"Tails! These are delicious!" Sonic exclaims, still chewing. The hedgehog pops another piece in his mouth.

"Really...?" He says with a happy smile.

"Mhm! Mmf, soooo good" Sonic says while enjoying the treats.

Eventually he stops eating them and saves the rest for later. Tails surprises Sonic with a loving hug, he chuckles a bit and hugs him back, Sonic puts his hand on his head and chuckles a little. It made Tails happy to know Sonic loved his work, when Sonic praised Tails for his hard work it made him happy and warm inside. So whenever Tails worked on something he always put 100% of his effort into it whether it be repairing his plane or building a new invention of his.

The bittersweet moment wouldn't last however when Cream came into the workshop looking for Sonic...

"Sonic! Where are you, this is urgent!" Cream says.

Sonic looks out the window and sees Cream wandering around the workshop. Tails heart sinks a little when Sonic seperates from him to go meet Cream. The fox squeezes his fist and watches from the cockpit as Sonic walks over to her.

"Hey Cream, what's wrong?" Sonic asks.

"Amy called an emergency meeting! She wants you there" Cream explains.

"I'll be right there, Tails! Come on down soon! It's probably Eggman again"

"I'll be there soon, go on without me!" Tails shouts back.

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