Chapter 9: Hold Hands With Me

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Sunlight hits Tails face as he sits up in the soft bed. It's their first full day off Mobius and Tails cannot wait to explore the city. He starts the day off by doing research on the smartphone he acquired on the day of him and Sonic's arrival on Earth.

"Is that... Me?" Tails asks, the fox decided to search himself up on the internet out of curiosity.

"I'm a video game character?..." Tails says, not believing what he's seeing.

Tails reads more about himself and the more he finds the more unsettled he becomes, but he's intrigued when he starts finding artworks of himself on Google, he can't help but gush at some of them.

"Why do they make me look so adorable..." He asks himself.

A bit more searching later and the fox come across the much more steamy works related to him, when he finds them his face turns persimmon and his eyes go wide, the emotions are flying around in his head as he looks at more of these arts. Eventually he has enough and slams the phone on the mattress. He stares at the wall and then covers his eyes in embarrassment while squealing loudly.

"What in chaos did I just look at...?" He says, visibly and audibly uncomfortable.

Tails decides to try and make some food for him and Sonic to take his mind off the fact he just saw artwork of himself... But then curiousity washes over him. He stops and looks at the phone on the bed. Tails goes to it and picks it up and opens Google again. He gulps and let's the warmth hit his face, he couldn't believe what he was about to do.

"If theres all that stuff about me... Then maybe..."

He types Sonic art into the search bar and gulps before pressing enter. Tails finds all sorts of art with Sonic in it, Sonic by the beach, Sonic running, Sonic saving the day and defeating Robotnik, it was a lot... But then, the fox gets very curious he backspaces until the word art is gone. His heart is beating a million times a minute as he slowly types p-o-r-n after Sonic.

His thumb starts shaking and then he hits enter. Tails bites his lip as his eyes stay glued to the steamy images of his crush, his face is red as he continues to look at art Sonic doing things to Amy, to Shadow, to Sticks, to Blaze... But then he takes it a step further and searches up art with only him and Sonic.

His breathing gets heavy as he scrolls and looks at each one intensely. He's emersed in the art, so emersed he's noting each detail. Suddenly and without warning...

"Tails!" Sonic shouts.

He snaps out of his intense focus and looks at the doorway, standing there with patches covering his leg socket area and shoulder is Sonic. The hedgehog is tapping his foot on the floor as he waits for Tails to get up from the bed.

"Did you make the food" Tails asks, with a nervous smile, he taps the home button on the phone, Sonic rushes over to his left side and scratches his chin in thought. Tails taps on a mobile video game and starts to play it all the while sweat dropping.

"You gonna come eat or am I gonna have to eat the food I made for you?" Sonic taunts.

Tails grumbles, jumps out of bed and flies like a helicopter to the dining room table where Sonic has prepared an American breakfast with waffles, eggs, sausages and a cup of orange juice. The hedgehog cooked himself another serving so he could eat and chat with his little brother.

"You made this?" Tails asks, surprised at what Sonic made.

"Yeah, I found a cookbook in a cupboard with the recipe, it was a piece of cake" Sonic answerers showing it to Tails.

"It looks so good" Tails says, trying to keep himself from drooling.

"Thought you'd love it! Now let's dig in!"

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