Chapter 20: Kiss Me

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Once the doctors finally confirmed Shadow was healthy and that all the poison was no longer in his system, he was let go from the hospital. Since Sonic and Tails were off world, Silver and Blaze decided to work Shadow's Café while he was gone, and that's the first place the ultimate lifeform sped off to. He slams open the door and everyone looks at him worried and baffled. Blaze who's just finishing serving a customer their coffee immediately walks over to Shadow to see what's wrong.

"Shadow, you're here-"

"Where's Silver?"

"The mini bar..."

Shadow goes there, Blaze following in tow. Theres a small crowd there watching Silver cook up all sorts of food, when he's done preparing the pancaked someone ordered, he tops it with sugar, a drizzle of maple syrup and some butter and hand him the plate.

"Enjoy!" Silver says with a smile.

"Thank you dear" The customer responds taking the food to their seat so they can eat.

"Alright! Who's next?"

"My office, now" Shadow says.

"Awwwww" The crowd goes as they disperse.

"Dude" Silver says, crossing his arms.

The two are lead to his office at the back of the café and Shadow closes the door to the office, taking deep breaths as he readies himself to explain to them what he's called them in for.

"How long ago did Sonic and Tails leave?"

"They left around noon, after that we got the keys to your place and came here to open it up for you" Blaze responds.


Silver and Blaze tilt their heads to the side.

"Okay listen to me, Tails is a fucking psycho"

Theres silence for a moment as the two process what he just said, and needless to say they do not believe him.

"...What?" Blaze responds.

"Are you sure that poison didn't throw your marbles around Shadow, I don't think he's a maniac of all things" Silver says.

"It's an act. He's responsible for Eggman's death, Amy's death, Cream being in a coma, for poisoning me and killing Lucy... It's all him!"

"Okay, slow down. Say what your telling us is true, what do you want us to do about it?" Blaze responds.

"Come with me to Earth. We can find them, take Tails down and save Sonic from him before he becomes his next victim. Tails says he loves him or something, and I know for a fact that he's going to end up doing something horrible to Sonic if we don't stop him" Shadow responds, his tone getting more serious now.

Silver and Blaze stare at Shadow with blank expressions on their faces, then they start laughing hysterically, it was apparent to them Shadow had definitely lost his mind.

"Shadow... Oh Chaos! Sorry this is too funny... Tails is not a serial killer, and on top of your very bold and audacious claim, you have no proof" Blaze says through laughter.

"Of course..."

"Shadow, when you have proof, then we'll help you out" Silver says, wiping the tears of joy from his face.

"Remember when Robotnik rose an undead army? Yeah, Tails hid behind Sonic almost the entire time-" Blaze says.

"Yeah I remember too, how could a scared little guy like him be a killer?" Silver adds.

Shadow slumps back on his office chair as Blaze and Silver stand up so they can leave.

"We're gonna get back to handling the customers now, we'll turn the keys to the place over to you when we're done" Blaze says.

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