Chapter 3: Befriend Me

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A month has passed by since Sonic and Tails had their incident on the beach. Tail's dreams of Sonic were slowly beginning to get more and more unusual, the weirdest one he had was him and Sonic holding hands and laughing together in a field of flowers, just as the two starts to inch closer, lips puckered as if they were about to smooch... The fox sits up in his bed, breathing heavily.

He gets up and goes to the lavatory to wash his face. The fox looks up in the mirror and groans, he goes back to his room and sits on the bed. He looks at the picture he took shortly before running into Sonic again and he rolled back over on his bed so he could try and get some sleep.

The fox does his best to try and sleep peacefully, but as he sleeps that night, he has yet another steamy dream involving the speedy blue hedgehog. This time Sonic is holding him in his arms and he has a rose in his mouth, Tails leans closer to him as if the two are about to smooch but then he flails around and snaps out of his dream, falling on the floor in the process, the fox sits up and groans.

"...Why can't I stop thinking about him" He grumbles to himself, "It's not like I like him or anything. He's... Just someone I really want to be friends with...... Right?"

The next morning comes, Tails wakes up, he was finally able to sleep. But these thoughts of Sonic wouldn't leave his head, he kept imaging him and the hedgehog together doing all sorts of romantic and raunchy things. Eventually these thoughts began to get in the way of his everyday life. Whenever he went into town he'd constantly think about what Sonic's doing. What if he was in trouble? What if he needed him to save him again? What if he was hurt?

He was so busy thinking about him one day that his walked into a tree, he falls backwards and drops the bag of food he's carrying. He grumbles and starts picking up the packages and stuff from off the floor, once he's collected everything he continues walking back to his house. When he gets inside, he sees a letter on the floor and picks it up.

Tails brings all his food to the kitchen and sits down on the couch to open the letter. He tears open the envelope and sees that Sonic had written him...

Hey! I wanted to hang with you but you weren't home. If you wanna come and talk, I'll be in the mountains! See ya then!

Tails can barely control his excitement, he jumps off the couch, "Yes!"

Before leaving, the fox takes a bath, brushes his teeth and cleans out as much of his fur as he can. When he's ready, he puts some food in a bag and goes out the door, it's a long walk to the mountains but when he gets there, Sonic is there sitting watching the birds fly around, the wind blowing his quills around as if they're long lucious locks of hair.

"Sonic!" Tails shouts, waving excitedly.

Sonic turns and waves back to him, Tails starts making his way up towards him, smiling excitedly. However as he gets close to Sonic, a giant oval shaped machine emerges from behind him. The Fox's excited smile turns into a fearful frown, Sonic is confused when he sees Tails turn fearful, he turns around too.

The two watch as the giant robot towers over them. A compartment opens and a claw swingings right at Tails! Sonic notices and shoves Tails out of the way... The mechanical arm strikes him and sends him tumbling down the mountain, he shouts as he falls down into the misty abyss.

"Sonic!" Tails shrieks, distraught. He couldn't believe what was happening.

His chest tightens as he looks down at the misty clouds below the peak where he stood, he looks back at the giant oval shaped robot.

"... Ha ha ha ha! Now that the annoyance is out of the way! Why don't we have a little chat!" A voice says from the machine.

Tails didn't pack anything to defend himself with so he couldn't destroy the machine like he did to the one on the beach, the only thing he had was some food he was going to share with Sonic and a small device used to jumpstart machines... He was utterly defenseless.

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