Chapter 22: Come Close To Me

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Tails and Sonic decided to settle with the Crossrail as it was the newest and fastest way to get into London quickly. Sonic and Tails sit on the armrests with their bags in the middle, holding hands while watching the train fly down the line.

"Doesn't feel as fast as the one back in the US"

"This one's more of a conventional train, it's not meant to go super fast"


"I like the slower speeds to be honest, gives us more time to enjoy the ride"

"You're not wrong there"

Sonic and Tails sit in silence for a few minutes, as the train pulls out of a station, Tails can feel Sonic's hand squeezing tighter. Tails can see he's anxious about something and he knows what it is.

"You're worried about everyone back home aren't you?"

Sonic nods.

"Blaze and Silver can handle it! You know you can trust them"

"I know, but I'm still worried about Cream and her condition, last I heard she still hasn't woken up yet"

"Sonic, she stabbed you!"

"I know, but that doesn't mean I care any less about her"

Tails though shocked at what he just said is touched by Sonic words, Tails leans in and presses his lips on Sonic's for a few seconds.

"You're something else"

"Heh, thanks-"

Tails goes back in and kisses him again, this time moving closer so he can climb on top of him, the sensation of the fox touching him makes Sonic warm. Tails and Sonic are about to get dirty yet again when the train suddenly stop at a station, the two jump away from each other as people start to board the train.

"Uhhh, Tails, what time is it"

"Back in Washington it's 2:17 AM, here in London it's 7:17 AM... Rush hour"

"Ah crud"

As the train gets closer to the city center it gets more and more crowded. Good thing, no one seemed to care much about them so they didn't have to worry too much about exposure to the internet again. They end up getting off the train at the Highbury and Islington tube station, when they come up from underground Sonic is relieved to finally have some fresh air, Tails is writing in his notes about how different the buildings were.

"So where are we staying?"

"There's a doctor who's in Spain for the summer, he's not going to be back for a while..."

"It's scary how good you are at finding this stuff"

"I've got a natural talent, what else can I say"

"That your a small gay nerd" Sonic responds with a cocky smirk.

Tails punches him in the gut and Sonic heels over, "Yeah I deserved that" he wheezes.

Tails hugs him though, immediately feeling bad for doing that.

Sonic sighs and stands up straight.

"I really love it when you do that"

"D-Do what?"

"Lash out on me and then apologise with a hug"

Tails stamps his foot, somewhat flustered by the comment he made about his habit. Sonic kisses him on the forehead and takes his hand.

"Lead the way"

Sonic and Tails walk together, a car passes by Sonic on his right side, close enough to surprise him.

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