Chapter 11: Chase Me

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When morning swung around in the city of New York, the first thing Sonic did was jump off the couch and go straight to his phone. He looked on social media, curious to see what the buzz of that day would be and sure enough he found it...

"Two dead after mysterious killer breaks into Mount Sianai hospital and threatens to murder hospital patient... What the..."

Sonic reads the entire article. By the time he's done, Tails is up and shuffling his way down the steps while wiping his eyes.

"Morning Tails!" Sonic greets.

"Mmmm, morning..." The fox grumbles.

"Hey did you hear about this psychopath who broke into a hospital and killed two people?"

"Nope... I'm literally just hearing it from you" Tails responds, he opens the fridge and pulls out the orange juice, then he closes it.

"... Well the guy threatened to kill that grump I knocked off the stage a few nights ago. Says he doesn't want anyone talking "shit" about me and he's saying you did it. Pffft, like you're capable of murder"

Tails lets out a dry chuckle, "Yeah"

"So what's on the agenda?" Sonic asks.

"The city at night. It's one of the last few things I want to document before we return to our world. I also read that New York is the city that never sleeps... So I wanna see if that's true" Tails says.

"That sounds cool! But uh, it's 8:28 in the morning... What are we gonna do the whole day?" Sonic asks.

Tails almost immediately gets an idea, "Hair Gel!"

Sonic is baffled by what the fox suggested, "Hair gel? As in the stuff humans put in their hair to make it look more swanky and cool?"

"Mhm! But we have fur!"

"I have have quills... And fur..."

"O-Oh right"

Tails gets a black bag from a cabinet and shows it to Sonic. Inside there's a whole lot of hair gel, bottles of the stuff. Sonic is takes one of the bottles and takes a sniff of the liquid, it pleases his nostrils so he takes a few more.

"Whoa, that smells good" Sonic says with a satisfied smile.

"Um... Ok..." Tails says, the fox is bewildered by Sonic's odd behaviour.

"Let's have some fun!" Sonic shouts, jumping up excitedly.

Tails face flushes a bit, it was always Sonic's enthusiasm that he loved the most.


Tails and Sonic spent all day playing around with eachothers fur, Sonic took selfies with himself and Tails in various hairstyles. They laugh and play around all day until the sun finally sets. Tails, who's sporting a curly windswept hair type of hairstyle at the moment, is looking down at his phone. There's is a hairstyle he really wants to try with Sonic, he looks down at the phone and sees a man with a very suave, somewhat formal hairdo, all of his hair slicked back with a small little curl in the front.

Both of them are sitting on the bed, Sonic laughs, "Well, what are ya waiting for?"

"N-Nothing" Tails responds, then he stretches his fingers out and prepares to run them through Sonics head of quills and fur.

Tails spends the next few minutes carefully crafting the hairdo, Sonic takes a few videos for Instagram while he lets Tails fix up his head. When he's done, Tails crawls back to admire his work, he holds up the picture of the man next to Sonic and looks between the two, they both look almost the same.

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