Chapter 7: Be Kind To Me

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Tails yawns while pulling himself out of bed. He wipes his eyes and looks out of the window. Looking at the sunrise was always one of his favourite things to do in the morning. The warm colours of the sun were soothing, the water by the side of their base glimmered and danced around as he wiped his face. It's been three months since Robotnik's demise and since then Tails and the others had a long time to relax and rejuvenate.

Tails goes to wash his face, he brushes his fur and puts on his gloves. He looks at the picture of Sonic and him together after the competition and Sonic nervously kissing his face, it makes him laugh a little. There's a knock on the door, he turns and sees Cream holding a tray with a plate of food and some juice.

"Oh, hey Cream! What's up?" Tails says.

"Hey Tails! I-I made you breakfast for you" The rabbit says with a friendly smile.

Tails takes the tray, "Thanks!"

"No problem! Gotta run, enjoy!"

Tails waves as she walks out of the room. When she's out of her sight he groans and looks down at the food. She made him chocolate and mint pancakes with a side of orange juice. He honestly wanted to throw it away, but her cooking was one of the things he liked, so he sits down, eats the pancakes and drinks the juice.

Over the years and thanks to Amy's help, Sonic's cooking skills improved dramatically it was to so much of a point that whenever the hedgehog prepared dinner there were no left overs... And Tails was the one who appreciated his cooking the most. When he's done eating he sighs and takes the empty plate and cup to the kitchen. When he gets there he sees that no other then Sonic is there cooking waffles and poached eggs for Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Blaze, Silver, Sally, and Charmy to eat.

Sonic sees Tails coming in to put his plate and cup away and a smile appears on his face, "Yo Tails!"

Tails is startled by Sonic calling out his name. He turns to Sonic who's holding a pan of eggs and gestures for Tails to show him his plate. He slides two eggs on there and ruffles his head before joining the others at the table.

Tails slumps down by the window as the others chat and laugh at the table. He cuts off a piece of the poached egg and puts it in his mouth with the fork, he loves how warm and fluffy they feel in his mouth, he looks up at the chef who made them, Sonic who's sitting at the table with the others chat and converse together happily. He finished both eggs and then put the plate in the sink.

"Hey Tails!" Sonic shouts.


Sonic runs around the table and grabs Tails by the hand, the alarmed Tails feels his heartbeat jump as Sonic spins him around while laughing. The others laugh with the blue hedgehog as he spins him around like an out of control merry go round. When Sonic's done he sets a dizzy and blushing Tails on the floor. The fox can barely keep his balance so he sits on the floor and waits until the dizziness starts to wear itself off. Tails finally sees Sonic's laughing face and he starts blushing wildly, he jumps to his feet and runs out so no one sees him the way he was.

"Is he okay?" Sally asks.

"Yeah, he'll be fine" Sonic responds.

"I hope"

Then, the others start laughing again. Sonic looks back at the fox as he shuffles away from the room, his hysterical grin starts to fade into a regretful frown as he watches Tails walk away back to his room.

Tails opens up his diary and moans audibly. Sonic peaks inside and watches as Tails writes in the book...

This morning, Sonic grabbed me and spun me around. To be honest I don't know why he did it, I'm thinking Knuckles dared him or something. But when he took me by the hand I froze, again. Whenever he touches me, I have this rush, it's warm, it's all bubbly. I guess it's my love for him growing stronger or something like that. It's also been three months now since the South Island incident, and honestly I have no regrets about what I did to Eggman at all. Killing him bought me so much joy if I may be honest, one less obstacle in my way to let my love for Sonic fly higher without all the turbulence...

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