Chapter 36: Fly With Me

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The sound of an alarm clock wakes Winter up and he wipes his eyes, he look to his left and sees Nine didn't let himself out and was still laying there sleeping peacefully. He smiles and kisses his cheek before jumping out of bed so he can brush his teeth and brush his fur.

When he gets to the lavatory he goes in and turns on the light. He picks up his toothbrush and squirts the toothpaste on it, before he puts the brush in his mouth he hears the door close behind him so he turn around.

Standing there, with soulless eyes and a displeased expression on his face is Tails. Winter knows who he is and knows that he needs to tred carefully, he reaches into cabinet below the sink, so Tails in response aims his blaster at him.

"Move your fucking hand" The fox says with a threatening aura.

Winter reluctantly complies, putting both his hands on the sink, he sighs shakily and looks into Tails' emotionless eyes, nothing but a blizzard, impossible to read.

"What do you want?" Winter asks.

"Who the fuck are you?" Tails asks almost immediately.

"W-What?" Winter responds, completely thrown off by the question.

Tails smacks Winter in the face with the blaster and he falls ontop of the toilet, "Do I look like I'm in the mood for your act?!"

"I don't know what you want!" Winter shouts.

Tails grabs him by the hair and presses the blaster on his head, "Who the fuck are you?! What are you planning on doing to Nine?!"

Winter grunts as Tails pulls on his long curly hair even harder, "Answer me! Now!"

"Can you be specific!?"

Tails throws him to the floor and presses the blaster on his head while restraining his arms. Winter admires at Tails' strength, he looked small but he was pretty tough, able to keep him down like a weight on a feather.

"I have pictures of you running around Aldcliffe City stealing crates with machines and parts from a company that I co-own, and judging by your skill it isn't your first time doing this... So tell me, who the flying fuck are you?!" Tails says.

Winter at this point can't take it anymore, if he refused to divulge the information Tails wanted, the fox was going to kill him... And the last thing he wanted was to die... And have Nine find his body.

"I-I'm a project!... I'm a project! I was grown in a test tube! Ugh, are you happy now!?"

"Who's project?!" Tails shouts.

"Doctor Ivo Robotnik!" Winter shouts under pressure from the aggressive Tails.

The room falls silent, nothing can be heard as Tails takes a moment to process what Winter just said to him. The doctor who he saw die... Was still alive. He shudders and lets go of Winter's hair running his fingers through the fur on his head, this news was the last thing he needed to hear, the one obstacle he needed out of his way to make his dream of marrying and finally settling down with Sonic was back, and he knows he needs to get rid of it fast.

The rage in Tails' chest finally boils over, like  hot lava spewing out of a volcano and he just screams loudly, "FUUUUUCK!"

He breathes heavily and punch's the mirror in frustration. Winter looks up at him in genuine terror, Robotnik had warned him of Tails' psychotic behaviour and now he was getting to witness it first hand. Tails swiftly turns around and presses Winter's face on the cold tile floor aggressively.

"Three things: One, you're not going to tell anyone that I was here. Two, you're not going to tell Eggman that I found out you work for him. Three, you're going to leave Nine out of whatever the hell you two are scheming... If tell anyone that I was here, or let Eggman know, which I know how communicate with him, hurt Nine or cause him any heart ache, I'll cut your corpse up and feed you to fucking sharks! Do you understand me?!"

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