Chapter 30: Envy Me

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Nine and Sonic finish painting his room and setting up his equipment. Blaze was kind enough to get Nine some posters for him to hang on his wall, his favourite one being a mountain with fire burning behind it. That morning Sonic went out for a run leaving everyone in the base to their own.

When Nine got up that morning, he noticed a warm cup of coffee on the table. He gets up and puts on his slippers so he can walk over to the desk and pick it up, there's a note on it and it's from Tails.

"...Come to the workshop... T... Okay?"

Once he's gotten his outfit of choice on, he goes to the workshop where Tails is working on the car he presented at the invention convention.

"You called?" Nine says crossing his arms and holding the cup of coffee in his hand.

Tails comes out from under the car, there's oil and sweat all over his face. When he sees Nine he smiles.

"There you are... Mind giving me a hand?" Tails asks tossing him a wrench.

"I'm still not used to technology from this world" Nine responds.

"That's the point, you can consider this a lesson. Sonic can't be the only one showing you how things work here and since we're basically the same person, I think I'd make a great teacher for this kinda thing" Tails says wiping his face with a cloth.

Nine finishes the coffee and sets the mug on the workbench, "Fine... Where do we start?"


Sunny Mountain Hospital
Oceanwave City

Sonic arrives at a hospital, the one where Cream was being treated. He comes to a stop next to Vanilla and Vector who are standing behind a glass window as a nurse tends to her.

"How is she?" Sonic asks.

Vanilla takes a second to answer the question.

"Stable, for now" She says.

"That's good to know" Sonic responds.

"Sonic... I know Tails told you what she did and it was terrible. But please... Forgive her..." Vanilla begs.

Sonic puts her hand on her shoulder, "I do... She was angry, confused... It's understandable"

Cheese appears from behind Vanilla, she strokes the choa's head trying to soothe him as he looks at Cream in the hospital bed.

"On an unrelated note, are you two dating?" Sonic asks, cracking a smile.

Vector and Vanilla look at each other and then back at Sonic, Vanilla sighs. She expected him to ask that question.

"Yes" Vanilla answers, visibly embarrassed by the question.

Sonic nods, giving his approval with a smirk.

"Man, Sonic why do you gotta ask random questions like that?" Vector asks, turning away from him.

"Trust me, I know a couple when I see one" The hedgehog responds with a laugh.

"Oh yeah?! Who are you dating?!" Vector shouts, flustered by his cocky response.

Sonic's face turns red, the first thought in his head is immediately Tails, and his soft body, appealing personality, the sounds he'd make when they were together... And Nine, somewhat. It makes him drool, but he snaps back to reality after a few seconds of drifting off.

"S-Someone uh uh secret" Sonic responds, almost getting stuck on his words.

However when Vector sees him blushing, he smirks at him, "So you are dating someone? Ohhh you little shit, I knew you couldn't keep that secret away from us-"

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