Chapter 21: Squeeze Me

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The sun peaks into the room, while Sonic and Tails sleep peacefully, Tails can feel Sonic behind him, he turns around so he can look at him sleeping peacefully. He sighs and crawls out of bed so he can go straighten himself up. Going into the bathroom and squeezing the toothpaste on the toothbrush, brushing his teeth vigorously for the next three minutes. He thinks about what happened last night, how his confession may have potentially come to soon, he wonders why he suddenly slipped up like that, was he just that much in the moment?

Whatever the answer was, Tails wasn't that keen on finding the answer at the moment. Once he's done applying the fur conditioner he goes to he bedroom so he can put on his gloves and shoes and doesn't see Sonic there, his heart jumps when he notices this so he turns around and frantically looks for the blue blur.

"Sonic!" Tails calls.


"Sonic? Are you there?... This isn't funny!"

Tails walks around the entire second floor, Sonic meanwhile is hiding in a closet in the hallway just waiting for the perfect opertunity to surprise him.

Tails passes by the closet and once he's a reasonable distance behind, he jumps out of the closet.



Sonic starts laughing loudly while Tails squeezes his fist and starts punching Sonics arm.

"Haha! Sorry, I haven't gotten the chance to do that in so long-" Sonic says, still laughing his butt off.

"Ugh, fuck off" Tails replies.

Sonic eventually calms down and puts his hand on Tails head, "So what do you want for breakfast?"

Tails likes how close he is, Sonic notices his face becoming peach pink and before he can say or ask anything else, Tails knocks him onto the floor and starts kissing him passionately. Sonic almost forgot what happened last night and the kiss was somewhat of a refresher more then a surprise.

"... Sorry, I just needed to let that out of my system" Tails says, scratching the back of his head.

"Mm" Sonic goes, completely red in the face.

He gets up from off the floor and looks over at Tails who tosses Sonic his gloves and shoes.

"I'll make breakfast" Tails says with a warm smile.

"Uh alright"

Tails spends the next hour cooking while Sonic's brain is still on last night, he wonders why his chest suddenly doesn't feel like it's going to explode anymore when Tails does those things, his only conclusion can is because of what happened last night. It was like he was relieved that that Tails finally confessed his feelings. Maybe he felt the same way but he was just in denial... His thoughts are interrupted by Tails setting down a plate of eggs in front of him, and they smell really good.

"Ohhh that smells good" Sonic says.

Tails is already starting to eat his serving. When Sonic takes a bite of his food he starts to cry, everything about it is perfect. The subtle, yet happy crying from him makes Tails think something is wrong.

"Are you crying?"

"...It's delicious"


As Sonic continues to eat, he notices Tails isn't wearing his gloves or shoes.

"Where are your gloves and shoes?" Sonic asks.

"I put them in the laundry" Tails says as he continues to eat his food.

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