Chapter 23: Fight With Me

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Sonic anxiously awaits the smoke cloud to lift so he can see if Tails is okay, however when it does his eyes go wide. Standing there is Shadow, an aggressive glowing red aura shining brightly in the dark, he's holding Tails by the throat, squeezing tightly, Tails is desperately trying to escape his grasp but he can feel the air in his lungs running out. Sonic can't stand watching anymore and he spin dashes into Shadow knocking him to the side and cracking the concrete barrier by riverbank, Tails gasps for air as Sonic runs over to him, grabs hold of and squeezes him against his chest as if he had already lost him.

"Shadow?! How did you get here?! And what the hell are you doing?!" Sonic shouts as he helps a weakened Tails to his feet.

Shadow slowly gets up and brushes the dust from his fur.

"I'm here to save you from the nutcase of a "bother", and if you get in my way I'll plant your ass in the dirt beside him" Shadow says, squeezing his fist.

"I'm not the one who travelled to another dimension to try and kill someone! If anyone's the nutcase here, it's you!" Sonic shouts, pointing at him.

"He killed Eggman! He killed Amy! He killed Lucy! And he's the reason Creams in the hospital! Use your brain Sonic, who else would be able to cover all that up and leave no evidence to him! I'll tell you who it is, it's that freak standing next to you!"

Something snaps inside of Sonic when he hears Shadow say that, his demeanor changes immediately, even Tails is surprised by his sudden shift in emotion , "...What did you just call him?"

"A freak! Because he is one! Now get out of my way!"

Sonic squeezes his fists and stares Shadow down, as he does, a spark of blue lighting crackles, "You're gonna regret that..."

In a burst of blue light Sonic jumps at Shadow... Much faster then usual. Shadow doesn't have enough time to react, Sonic's fist plows deep into his face and sends him tumbling across the concrete, Sonic runs after his tumbling body and kicks it around like a soccer ball, Tails is beyond confused at what's happening so he takes the Miles Electric from his bag and scans Sonic as he continues to pummel Shadow around, what he finds makes him gasp. Eventually throwing him threw the parliament buildings wall and into a wall opposite.

Sonic, blue lighting still crackling around him, begins to walk towards Shadow slowly.

"Sonic! Stop! This is what he wants you to do!"

"Don't give me that bullshit!"

Shadow, seeing there being no reasoning with him blasts off from out of the wall and towards Sonic... He disappears and reappears behind him, Shadow is surprised that he did that and turns around to see Sonic's furious eyes tearing into his soul.

Sonic grabs him by the leg and spins him around like a merry-go-round, throwing him out of the building and onto the busy street, Shadow hits the windshield of a bus causing it to crash into a street lamp nearby, he struggles to get back on his feet as Sonic walks out of the new hole he created and runs up to Shadow. Sonic still blinded by fury begins to choke Shadow the same way he did to Tails. The ultimate lifeform eventually breaks free by kicking Sonic in the chest and using his air shoes to give him some distance.

Sonic runs up to him yet again, takes Shadow by the shoulders and knees him in the gut multiple times, Shadow coughs some blood and collapses to his knees. Sonic runs back a bit and showcases an aggressive pose.

"Don't you ever call him that again!" Sonic says, his eyes glowing sky blue, rather then the emerald green colour they usually had.

Shadow can feel the broken ribs in his body, but he still pushes himself to stand up. Sonic stands there watching him grovel on the concrete, Tails finally catches up to them as a crowd forms, all of them video taping and taking pictures.

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