Chapter 15: Encourage Me

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Eventually after some time setting up, the first day of the contests is ready to commence. The first few people show some pretty promising inventions and contraptions of all different kinds, soon though it was Tails and Sonic's turn to present.

"Alright you remember what you gotta do right?" Tails asks.

"Of course I do" Sonic responds, straightening his tie.

"Great! See ya in a bit"

Sonic gives him a high five and then goes backstage. He walks over to a sleek looking car on a metal platform and takes a moment to marvel at it.

"Tails really put a lot of work into this huh?" Sonic says to himself.

He steps into the car and closes the door. It feels comfortable, Sonic lets out a relaxed sigh as he reclines in the drivers seat. While he relaxes he notices something moving in the rear view mirror, it makes him sit up... It's gone. He gets out of the car and gets a flashlight from his pocket shining the light around as he walks around.

"Hello?" Sonic says, "This isn't funny bro!"

After another minute of searching, Sonic turns off the flashlight and goes back to the car, when he closes the door he immediately locks all of the doors as a precaution and lays in the reclined car seat trying to calm himself down.

Meanwhile on the stage upstairs...

"And now, he's bought us into the future, he's introduced us to our world's newest technologies, and he's the personal best friend of the famous Sonic The Hedgehog... Please welcome... Miles "Tails" Prower!"

The crowd claps and cheers as Tails walks up onto the stage and waves at everyone. The host hands Tails the microphone and he stands in the front of the stage as the clapping and cheering continues.

"Thank you... Thank you...! I've been doing this since I was little, building things and things I thought could change the world. Unfortunately, all the people in the village I was living in only saw my abnormality and there would be these bullies that would come around to destroy my work. I was at a point in my life where I thought about stopping trying to build these inventions and gadgets... Seven months after I moved into the village some psychopath set the village on fire... I was the only survivor..."

Sonic who could hear Tails speaking from below in the car was glued onto Tails words listening like an child being told their favourite bedtime story.

"...The fire didn't stop me from getting building though. I found myself wanting to travel the world so I spent the next two years building a plane, I'd never worked on something so complex and well let's be honest, I thought about giving up at one point... But then came Sonic! This was back when Eggman was still active and he had just destroyed this huge badnik factory Eggman built! He comes, and he finishes my plane for me in one night! I couldn't believe it at first, but because of him I was able to get better, grow wiser, I found myself again, I had more motivation to share my passion of building and tinkering with him and eventually the world! And if I hadn't met him, I don't think I'd be here in front of you all today. So Sonic if you can hear me... Thank you, for everything"

Tails words put a smile on Sonic's face.

"... Anyway, storytime aside, I guess its time to present my first creation to you all today! Ever wanted a car? But could never choose between an SUV or a sedan? Well I may have just the solution to that problem!"

Tails presses a button on a remote and what slowly rises from the ground is a blue and orange car, currently taking the shape of a sedan, complete with LED lights, fancy tyres, a somewhat simple rim design and sports car like rearview mirrors, Sonic noticing it was showtime returns the seat to its regular position and watches as the sea of heads glances at the shiny vehicle. The judges are impressed as well.

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