Chapter 25: Sing To Me

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Tails eventually wakes up from his nap stretching and yawning loudly, he wipes his eyes and looks to Sonic's seat, the fox sees he's not there so he figures Sonic went to use the restroom. He opens his laptop and types a little bit documenting a species of tree that caught his interest.

Tails who expected Sonic to be right back in his seat began to grow uneasy after almost a few minutes of typing, so he gets up from his seat and walks up to a passenger who's sleeping and gives the woman a gentle nudge.

"Hi, you wouldn't happen to see where my friend went off to right?"

"He went towards the back I think after some little bloke in a hoodie" She answers.

His eyes swell with fear, the fox can feel tension twisting around in his chest, the feeling of worry. So he runs back to his seat grabs his bag and runs from car to car, he prayed that Sonic wasn't hurt or found out something that would end their relationship, or worse prove he's the cold blooded murderer Shadow said he was.


"Okay... Nine. It's nice to meet you, but I really gotta get back to my seat, me and um normal Tails have a festival we're going to together so if you could please pull your sharp metal claw thingy out of the door" Sonic says with a nervous grin.

"That's not happening, what I'm telling you concerns your safety" Nine responds, crossing his arms.

"Dude, what are you even trying to protect me from? Whatever it is I'm pretty sure I can handle it"

"You're opponent isn't as easy to defeat as you may think he is, he's cunning and doesn't show any remorse for what he's done... At all" Nine responds taking something from his utility belt, it's a small silver disk with a glowing blue neon material glowing in it

"Okay, who's this big bad villain then? Some nutty version of Eggman? Surge The Tennrec? Oh what about The Deadly Six?!"

"Wrong, wrong and wrong. It's that it's that "normal Tails" you've been living with for the past few years" Nine says, he presses a button on the disk and drops it on the floor, it opens a portal and in the portal to what looks like a futuristic city down below.

Sonic face palms when he finally hears Nine talk about how Tails is a murderer, "Look pal! I don't know why you think Tails is a killer but he's anything but that. Yeah, he can be a bit cold sometimes, but I've seen his soft side and when you see his soft side you'll change your mind"

Nine can feel his patience growing thin at this point, "...I have proof"

"Nine, it was great to meet you. But guess what, me and Tails are dating, I'm not going to leave him. I can't do that to him."

Nine freezes and looks up at Sonic, horrified by what he just heard, "...What?!"

"Dude, are you homophobic?"

"No! I'm not! You're dating that psychopath?! He's an interdimensional killer and you're probably his next victim!" Nine shouts.

Tails who passes by the lavatory hears Nines voice and preses his ear against the door so he can listen to what's going on in there.

"Let go of the door Nine!" Sonic says.

Nine chuckles and lets out a frustrated sigh, "Fine, If you won't go with me... I'll drag you myself"

The metal claw pulls out of the door and it strikes Sonic in the face sending him tumbling to the floor by the portal, when Tails hears Sonic's pained moans he gasps in horror and desperately tries to get the door open, but it won't budge. He pulls out his laser blaster and starts to cut a hold in it.

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