Chapter 31: Save Me

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"She tried to what?!" Nine shouts.

Tails sighs, and crosses his arms as he watches Nine pace around the room distressed by what Tails just told him. A minute goes by and he points his finger at Tails wagging it sorta.

"She tried to kill Sonic... And instead of sending her to jail, they do nothing!"

"I'm just as infuriated as you are" Tails responds.

"Aaaggh!" Nine screams, pulling on his fur, "Is he that soft?"

"Sometimes I don't know"

Nine stops pacing around the room and sits down next to Tails on the bed, rubbing his face.

"What are you gonna do about her?" Nine asks.

"As I see it I have three options: Nanotech injection, make it look like an accident or medical failure happened, or just straight up kill her the old fashion way"

Knuckles is walking down the hallway carrying a bouquet of flowers when he hears Tails and Nine talking about what they want to do with Cream. So he hides by the door

"Nanotech sounds like the best option, maybe mixing it into her morphine could do the trick"

"Yeah, no one would notice. And I programmed the nanobots to discintigrate when they're done doing their job, no one could trace it back to me... Or you... Let's do that" Tails says punching the palm of his hand.

Knuckles gasps quietly and drops the bouquet on the floor when he hears them plotting to kill Cream... Unbeknownst to him though, Tails heard him so he signals Nine to be quiet and he turns to the door.

Knuckles takes a shaky breath when he hears the chatter between the two fox boys stop suddenly, it's almost as if he was in a horror movie and there was a jumpscare coming, the echidna warrior was brave but unsure what was going to happen next.

A hand suddenly grabs Knuckles by the throat, swiftly and without warning and drags him into Nine's room, slamming him onto the floor aggressively, the door closing swiftly behind him as he's dragged inside. Standing over him with ice cold eyes is Tails, his tails swishing around majestically in the resulting wind... His other hand turning into a fist. Nine watches in awe as Tails holds him down with one hand on his neck.

The echidna wants to punch Tails, but he can feel the fox crushing his wind pipe. Knuckles is somewhat shocked and horrified at how strong he was, usually when something like this happened to him he'd be able to break free quickly, but there was something about Tails' piercing cold eyes that made it harder for him to fight back.

"Did you know that a fox bite can usually top 92 PSI depending on the prey?" Tails says, a sadistic smile appearing on his face, the fox licks his chops and promptly bites into Knuckles neck, sinking his teeth as deep as he can into Knuckles neck.

Nine quickly covered his mouth with a cloth as Knuckles screams in agony. The blood spatters across the floor as the echidna shakes in fear and shock from the unpredicted yet feral attack. Tails releases Knuckles from his jaws and licks his lips satisfied with the taste of his blood.

"There's this saying back on Earth. Curiousity killed the cat... And well, your curiousity has just gotten you killed. You wanna know why?"

Tails leans back in so he can get in his ear, Knuckles flinches and tries to get back from Tails but Nine is holding him down firmly keeping him from moving his arms.

"It's because you're a fucking idiot" Tails says, smirking like an unhinged maniac.

"Y-You... You did kill Amy..."

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