Chapter 26: Discover Me

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The three boys find themselves sitting at a table. Red neon lights making for an intense atmosphere, Tails is still trying his best to supress his rage as he looks across at Nine, he has all his mechanical tails outstretched, his pointer finger tapping on the side of his blaster, Sonic is sitting in between the two making sure they don't go at each others throats.

Sonic notices neither one of them budging so he clears his throat and speaks.

"Okay, so uh... Tails... Nine says that you killed his version of Sonic, the one that came to this universe before me. Did you murder him?"

"No. This is my first time in this dimension"

"I tracked you for a month before I finally made my first attempt on your sorry ass... That's lie #1"

Tails scoffs.

"How would you know it was me who murdered him when I don't even remember doing it" Tails answers, crossing his arms.

"I know you, you're slick, heartless and you don't give a fuck about anyone else, not even this Sonic you care about so much-"

"I love Sonic more then anything else in the world!" Tails snarls.

"I loved the one I met too, but you ripped him from my arms like a heartless monster"

"Ugh! Look I'm sorry you lost your Sonic but you have no justification to target me and Sonic for something I didn't do. Like, use your brain, what if the Tails who killed your Sonic came from another universe that's not the one me and Sonic come from-"

"I've been tracking you for pretty long time, if I lost sight of you I'd know"

"You've been WHAT?!" Tails screams raising the blaster at Nines face.

Nine aims his own at Tails, Sonic seeing it's about to get ugly slams his hands on their weapons forcing them downwards from the table.

"Guys, let's not kill each other now, let me hold on to your weapons" Sonic says.

Tails and Nine reluctantly give up their blasters and Sonic takes them from their hands, resting both of them on the floor.

"Nine, do you maybe have any equipment that could prove if this is the Tails you're looking for?" Sonic asks, looking at him with pleading eyes.

Nine sighs and crosses his arms, "Yes"

"Great, can we use it?" Sonic asks.

"We might be able to-"

"That's good enough for me, why don't you go get it ready while me and Tails talk" Sonic asks.


"I'll be fine"

Nine stubbornly agrees to go start up the device leaving him and Tails in the room. Sonic looks over at Tails, his fox boy still livid and shaking angrily. Sonic gently moves forwards and puts his gloved hand on his face, Tails looks up at him as Sonic gets closer and wraps his arms around him trying his best to calm his partner down.

"It's infuriating... Why does shit like this keep happening to me?! Am I cursed or something?-"

"Tails, you're not cursed. And even if you were I'd still love you"

"Sonic I don't remember doing any of what Nine claims I've done. You've gotta believe me-"

"I... Let's just see what he finds" Sonic answers.

Tails shivers, Nine has planted seeds of doubt in Sonic's mind, and those seeds were becoming saplings... Tails has to tread carefully, he doesn't want the love of his life to discover that he's an unhinged killer, great way to end a relationship.

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