Chapter 17: Tease Me

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Sonic opens the door to the hotel room, Tails follows him inside not long after. Tails had just finished another successful presentation in which he showcased an AI program he had been working on, the crowd loves it so much the fox was carried off stage. Sonic was impressed by it as well, as the program solved complex math equations, wrote detailed stories, retold significant moments of Mobian history, and even baked a cake for Sonic and Tails to eat on stage. As marvelous and revolutionary it was however it wasn't the time to talk much about it, after all they had a funeral to attend.

Sonic puts on a black suit and straightens his tie, Tails comes out dressed like Sonic in a similar suit and tie. Tails looks over at Sonic who looks downtrodden, regretful almost.

"What's wrong...?"

Sonic sighs, "I just wish I could have gotten her some help or something. Now she's gone..."

"She tried to have me killed Sonic... At that moment she was beyond help. But that's just me" Tails responds as he ties his shoe laces.

"I respect your opinion" Sonic answers, he squeezes his gloved hand while fighting back tears, "I just wish it all turned out differently, maybe she'd still be alive, maybe-maybe if I hadn't lost my cool that night, I could have resolved this- "

"Yeah... Maybe she would" Tails responds, almost no emotion in his voice.

Vanilla drove Sonic and Tails to the chapel where Amy's funeral was to take place. When they get there familiar faces can be seen all around, their housemates, Amy's good friends, her childhood friends, a few unfamiliar faces and most importantly her family. The wooden casket is open, her still body laying there peacefully with a rose placed on her chest, a large reef of flowers with a picture of her smiling with Sonic and Blaze at the beach in the centre of said reef.

Rouge lays a bouquet of flowers in front of the ever growing memorial while Knuckles, who's holding her hand is doing the same.

"She was crazy, but she was still family" Knuckles says.

"Yeah... She was" Rouge adds, trying to fight back tears.

The two go and sit, behind them is Shadow and Silver who lay down their own bouquets as well.

"Even though you did something unforgivable, you were a good friend and I will always remember our time together" Silver says.

Shadow just lays down his bouquet of flowers and goes to sit down. Silver following behind him. Cream and Cheese arrived late, Cream with barely any emotion on her face lays down a rose.

Eventually after everyone lays down their flowers and pays their respects to pink hedgehog, it's Sonic and Tails turn to do so, Sonic walks up to the wooden box in front of him, regret fills his heart, as if a piece of him had been taken away.

Tails on the other hand, though he looked less remorseful, felt more joyful as Amy could have proved to be a serious problem when he confessed to Sonic. The fox looks down at her face, eyes as blank as the grey sky that day.

Sonic squeezes his fist and turns so he can go sit down, Tails following behind him.

"I just hope they catch her killer..." Sonic says.

"I hope so too" Tails responds, trying to comfort the shaking blue hedgehog.

Later that evening after Amy is buried in the cemetery, Ray spots Tails talking to her parents. The flying squirrel walks over to him and taps Tails on the shoulder, the fox turns around and beams a smile at Ray.

"Hey Ray! How've you been"


"How's the investigation force treating you and Mighty?"

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