Chapter 29: Fly With Me

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The three boys stand there entranced as they watch Sonic and this version of Tails have all sorts of fun with each other... All while the actual Tails of that world watches from a distance observing this perfect imposter.

"This is beyond fucked up" Nine says as he watches.

"Couldn't agree more" Sonic adds.

Tails looks at then for a second and then back over Lumios' projection.


Tails licks his lips as Sonic shoves him against a thick metal sheet of what used to be one of Eggmans Robots, Sonic runs his hands all over Tails' chest making the fox whine and laugh, he pressed his lips on Tails' mouth and Tails laughs as he wraps his arms around Sonic and kisses him happily.

"Is it me or have you been more-"

"Excited?" Tails interupts, then he kisses Sonic on the neck repeatedly.

"That's the word I was looking for?" Sonic answers.

"Wanna look for something a bit beefier~" Tails asks stroking his chin.

Sonic's face turns red and almost immediately lifts Tails up and pushes him against the metal aggressive so they both can get intimate, just as Sonic gets in Tails. The actual Tails of that universe appears behind Sonic and pulls him away from the intruding Tails.

Tails is surprised by this so he sits up and is snapped back to reality almost instantly. Sonic turns around and sees the other Tails tearing up. Sonic's heart throbs nervously as he looks back and forth between the two small foxes, he points to his Tails and then to the Tails he was about to make out with.

"W-W-What the-"

"Sonic! W-What are you doing?" Tails asks shakily.

"I uh... Wait what the hell is going on?"

The other Tails grabs Sonic by the arm, "I don't know what's happening either but we can figure this out back at our place"

Sonic is swiftly grabbed by his Tails who's aggressively pulling him back towards him.

"Sonic, that Tails is an imposter! I'm the one you've spent your life with! Get away from him!"

"Hold on! Hold on! What is going on here!" Sonic says yanking his arms away from both of them.

"I don't know what he's talking about! I woke up in a bush after Eggmans attack! This has to be one of Eggmans tricks!" Tails claims.

The real Tails of this universe however has some tricks up his sleeve for a situation like this.

"Oh yeah?! If you know Sonic so we'll what's his favourite chilli dog topping? Is it pepper flakes or hot sauce"

"Pepper flakes" Tails answers without hesitation.

"What drink does he wash his chilli dogs down with?"


"How fast can he run?"

"767 miles per hour"

"What's his favourite flower?"

Tails gulps, it's a question he didn't expect to be asked. He clears his throat and gives the best answer he can.

"Mobisia Marvelosa Merigoldias" Tails says, uneasiness in his voice.

"... Sunflowers... The correct answer is Sunflowers... That's Checkmate"


"Wait, so where did you come from?" Sonic asks.


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